pozdrav, moram da te kontaktiram sa ggbet iskustvom. Čekao sam 20 dana na uplatu, uspešno sam verifikovao porudžbinu za 1,2 dana i pošto sam odredio 600 evra za uplatu, imam problem sa njima, čeka se.
prvi put sam podesio dve uplate od 400 i 200 i čekao do određenog roka i oni su počeli da ćaskaju i mejlove da savetuju kako uplate, ali to nije na njima, već na kompaniji koja pravi plaćanje. I ja sam čekao nekoliko dana, možda bi posle toga legao u krevet, a onda su opet rekli da je najbolje rešenje da otkažem uplatu i ponovo zakažem novu, kao što sam ja uradio.
i naravno opet je proteklo navedeno vreme i prošao rok plaćanja gde sam izvršio 3 uplate po 200 evra da bi se transakcije brzo obradile i opet je prošao rok plaćanja i opet čekam i nerviram se, a opet oni sa ista priča kako treba da budu strpljivi, kako to nije na njima i kako je sve na firmi koja obavlja transakciju, a opet mi savetuju da poništim ova plaćanja i zakažem nova što je besmisleno, eto šta Rekao sam im u mejlu da to mogu da rade na neodređeno vreme i da mi pišu ako ne pokušaju da reše moj problem.
Iskreno, ne znam više šta da radim i kome da se obratim za svoj novac. Možete li mi pomoći i uputiti me na pravu adresu. Hvala i pozdrav

greetings, I have to contact you with ggbet experience. I waited 20 days for the payment, I successfully verified the order in 1.2 days and since I set 600 euros for the payment, I have a problem with them, it's waiting.
for the first time, I set up two payments of 400 and 200 and waited until a certain deadline and they started to chat and email to advise how they put the payment, but it is not up to them, but to the company that makes the payment. I also waited a few days, maybe he would go to bed after that, and then they said again that the best solution is to cancel the payment and schedule a new one again, as I did.
and of course again the specified time passed and the payment deadline passed where I made 3 payments of 200 euros each so that the transactions would be processed quickly and again the payment deadline passed and again I'm waiting and getting annoyed, and again they with the same story as they should be patient, as it is not up to them and as it is all up to the company that performs the transaction, and again they advise me to cancel these payments and schedule new ones which is pointless, that is what I told them in the email that they can do this indefinitely and write to me if they don't try to solve my problem.
I honestly don't know what to do anymore and who to turn to for my money. Can you help me and direct me to the right address. Thanks & Regards

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