NaslovnaForumKazinaGolden Billy Casino - opšta diskusija

Golden Billy Casino - opšta diskusija

 od G1994
5.116 pregleda 40 odgovora |
1 23
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Golden Billy Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

I received 50 euro cashback ... I lost more than 700 - 800 euro in the last 2 days but that's gambling. Now im playing and i have in total 260 euro and ask how much wager left. They replied with 169.14 EUR then i played further. In total more than 400 euro but now i have 360 euro. I asked again how much wager. They replied still 169.14! I said you can see i played how is that possible. Simpel answer 169.14 is correct. A whole discussion. I keep playing and now have 250. I ask and how much now and STILLL 169.14. Now they replied i asked the team to check but can take a few days. It's litterly on purpose and the chat doesn't help at all. The said i see that you are playing but we can't do anything now.


Hello, it's quite strange what you're describing. Have you been playing games that count towards wagering since you still have the same amount to wager ? According to what you described the chat was not very helpful and so you will probably have to wait for relevant information before investigating. Therefore, would it be possible to be patient for a while and try to find out at what stage the investigation is ? If you learn something new you can let me know .

I'll be waiting. 

Yes, i played the same game and it was getting lower and suddenly nothing happened. I was chatting with them as well. They said we see that you play and its strange and they contacted somebody to revolve this case. I wagered WAYYY more than then remaning amountd. When they said 170 euro remaining i played more than 600 euro after.


Yes, I understand, so obviously the casino will give you the relevant information when they have it too. If nothing has changed and no one has contacted you, let us know and we will try to help. So far, it looks like the casino is trying to find out why this situation occurred. 

Dobar dan.

Podneo sam Jeton zahtev za povlačenje 1500 evra 18. decembra, i nije uspeo. Od tada se novac nije vratio na račun kazina. Pokušavam da uđem u ćaskanje, pritisnem dugme i ne radi. Probao sam u nekoliko pretraživača i na računaru i još uvek ne mogu da uđem u ćaskanje.

Poslao sam nekoliko mejlova bez odgovora. Nikada ne odgovaraju na mejlove. Samo želim da se novac vrati na kazino račun kako bih kasnije mogao da izvršim novo povlačenje. Ali 1500 se neće vratiti na račun i nemam načina da razgovaram sa njima 😪


Hvala ti što si mi pomogao.

Automatski prevedeno:

Its very strange that its impossible to contact them. And also suddenly! I just try to close my account and its impossible. I hope you will get your money soon.


Dobro jutro.

Možete li mi poslati link kada se prijavite na podršku ovog kazina da vidim da li mogu da se prijavim na ovaj način?

Samo još uvek ne mogu. Kliknem na podršku i ništa se ne dešava. Ne otvara nijedan prozor.

Možete li mi poslati link do prozora koji se otvara kada pritisnete dugme za podršku?


Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I read that you have a problem with the withdrawal and this time you can't even get into the chat and inform yourself. When did this problem occur ? Did the casino provide you with any alternative since you couldn't withdraw money via Jeton ? 

However, I noticed that you managed to file a complaint so our team will try to help you in your situation. Hopefully successfully. If you have any update, be sure to let us know. 

Desilo se to 18. decembra. Od tog dana nisam mogao da uđem u ćaskanje niti da razgovaram sa bilo kim putem e-pošte, nisam dobio nikakav odgovor. Već sam poslao brojne mejlove na bezuspešno.

Kazino mi ne odgovara niti mi nudi bilo kakvu alternativu i novac od neuspelog povlačenja se ne vraća na moj kazino račun. Imam 1500 evra koji su 'nestali', jer ih niti sam dobio na jeton račun niti su na kazino računu. Pojavljuje se samo anketa sa statusom 'neuspela'.

Ne znam šta drugo da radim, jer ne mogu da razgovaram ni sa jednim operaterom, a prošlo je više od nedelju dana.

Automatski prevedeno:

If you can't get any answers for more than a week, it was a good step to file a complaint. I definitely believe that it is not pleasant that the money has disappeared from your account and no one is responding to you, because the reason for which this whole situation has arisen would certainly be good to know.

However, we will now have to wait and see where our team gets to and hopefully it will be possible to help you. 

If you happen to get a reply from the casino to your emails, please don't hesitate to let me know. 

I have a new complain!

Same thing as the other person they withdraws ALWAYS are approved within a few hours. Now its not approved after 3 days i e-mailed them with no response and their chat is shut down.


Did you had any contact with them or received your money?

Ne. I dalje imam isti problem.

Nisam dobio novac, ćaskanje ne radi i niko ne odgovara na mejlove više od dve nedelje. Nikada nisam dobio nikakav odgovor e-poštom i već sam poslao mnogo.

Automatski prevedeno:

I have a new complain!

Same thing as the other person they withdraws ALWAYS are approved within a few hours. Now its not approved after 3 days i e-mailed them with no response and their chat is shut down.

If you have anything new about the case, don't hesitate to add it to your complaint

But as for the withdrawal, you don't seem to know the reason since the casino doesn't answer you, why is that, am I right ? It would certainly be useful to know what is going on. 

However, our team is still trying to help and I saw that the ball is in the casino's court. So we'll see how this whole thing develops.

I've had my winnings unpaid for a long time now, but I can't get in touch with the person in charge of this casino.

Even through the license.

The company that runs this casino must operate several casinos such as rakoocasino and betsomnia.

Can you call them or give me the contact information for the payment department of the operating company?


Hello, according to what I can see, this casino is closed according to our review. You managed to play here and win money ? 

Regarding contacts, we can't provide them, so I can't help you with that. 

I was thinking of filing a complaint, but I don't know if that will do any good with the way things are at the moment. 

Anyway, the licensing authority hasn't gotten back to you with any response ? 

rakoocasino and betsomnia are the same management company.

Shouldn't they be held accountable instead?


I don't see that these two casinos have anything in common, they have a different owner and they are not sister casinos. And of course I don't think they should be affected in any way, since you had a problem in this particular casino and not in the others you mention. 


We know that all three casinos have the same owner and are sister casinos.

All by fairgame.

1 23

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