NaslovnaForumKazinaLegiano Casino - opšta diskusija

Legiano Casino - opšta diskusija

pre 4 meseci od Romi
4.279 pregleda 86 odgovora |
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pre 4 meseci
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Legiano Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
pre 4 meseci

Moram da proverim status podizanja 500 evra i uvek mi daju preokret, kažu mi to za tri dana nakon što su imali problem sa vizama. Itd legiano casino

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 4 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

So, you are still waiting for the verification of your account, right?

You know, we usually give casinos 14 full days to proceed, because there really can be some kind of issue, or technical problem.

So, if you really see that all this is going nowhere and you are not ale to withdraw your winnings, let us know, and we will intervene.

Please keep us updated about the whole situation.

pre 3 meseci

Hi there!

I just came across this conversation and was wondering how things turned out for you.

Have you been paid by now? I hope you have, and every detail you may share is much appreciated. Maybe your posts will make others less confused if someone else experiences something similar.

pre 3 meseci

Konačno sam dobio novac, nakon sati ćaskanja. Sada imam iste probleme sa Polestar kazinom. Zahvaljujući pregledu drugog korisnika na ovoj stranici, saznao sam da oba ova kazina posluju pod Rabidi NV. Savetovao bih da niko ne igra na sajtovima pod ovom grupom. Odgovori koje sada dobijam u ćaskanju su potpuno isti kao što sam dobio od legiana. Kažu da je jedan dan sve u redu, pa napišu da sutradan imaju veliki zahtev za povlačenje. To je potpuno isti odgovor koji sada dobijam. Mislim da bi vi u kazinoguru trebalo da razmotrite stranice pod Rabidi NV U suprotnom. Ova kazina ne funkcionišu dobro. Oni žele da kupci otkažu svoja povlačenja i pronađu izgovore zašto bi povlačenje trebalo toliko dugo da traje. Sada se čeka 500 eur od Polestar. Nikada više neću igrati ni na jednom od ovih sajtova.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

I am glad that you have got your money, even though you need to wait longer, and that must surely be stressful.

Whenever a complaint gets resolved, we don't get black points to any casino, you know, even though it takes a long time. Only if a complaint is unresolved will the casino get them, and it will negatively influence its safety index.

That's why it is great when our users share their experience here on forum or by writing user reviews, so everyone can be better informed.

No, let's see how it will go with your withdrawal at the other casino.🤞

pre 3 meseci

Jesu li vam na kraju platili?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Sve je išlo dobro dok nisam počeo da zarađujem.

Zatražio sam povlačenje i trebalo je 29 dana da mi bude isplaćeno.

Sada sam naručio još jedan i stigao je posle 10 dana čekanja.... još uvek nisam dobio novac

Mislim da ću izgubiti novac...

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Do you mean that they approved it after 10 days?

If your account there is already verified, I wouldn't say that it will take that long.

May I ask which payment method you used, please?

pre 3 meseci

U septembru su me tražili verifikaciju i proveo sam više od 20 dana pokušavajući da proverim.

U oktobru im je trebalo 28 dana da mi daju povlačenje od samo 190 €, morao sam da tražim svaki dan!!

Sada čekam povlačenje od 21.11, i izgubio sam nadu.

Koristim bankovni transfer, ali mi je rečeno da nije važno koji metod koristite jer su dani čekanja isti.

Mislim da će nas ovaj kazino prevariti. Izgubiću svojih 2400€ koje imam na računu.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Don't lose the money. Once you do that, no one will be able to help you get the amount back.

I thought your complaint about Legiano Casino was resolved, but you have another issue, it seems. Well, the situation seems to be the same, I reckon, so you know the solution already. Instead of losing the money, try another review and submit a new complaint. That's a far better course of action.

pre 3 meseci

Želim ponovo da se žalim..

Ali mi ne daju jer je još uvek otvoreno.

sta ja radim?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Hey. I just saw your answer here to my question in the other thread.

Let's just keep it here, in the official thread of the casino, because this way, when you write to multiple threads about the same issue, it is really hard to keep up.

May I ask you why you need to open another complaint, please?

Is there any more money pending, perhaps?

If there is, you can write in your pending complaint that you have another withdrawal requested, and your complaint resolver will add the amount to the previous one, you know.

Just post it into the complaints thread here.

If you need any kind of help with it, surely let us know.

pre 2 meseci

Dobro jutro, pronašao sam ovaj forum guglanjem i nadam se da možete da mi pomognete. Napravio sam više od 20 povlačenja i Legiano ih sve otkaže, a kada otvorim ćaskanje kažu mi da sam ga otkazao, drugi put, da imaju problema sa Visom (kada povlačim transferom) i uvek hiljadu izgovora i za mene se nikad ne završava ničim dobrim. Uvek daju hiljadu izgovora, da pokušavaju različite metode, itd... Sve sam uradio. Već sam podigao novac i to je urađeno bez problema (bilo je 90@ evra) sada je 500 i počinju problemi. Pokušao sam da podignem 90, 100, 50, 400... i ništa. Tako je već više od mesec dana, a niko ništa ne rešava. Samo izgovori i uvek isti tekst kopiran iznova i iznova. Kontaktirao sam advokata koji je stručnjak za kladionice, a on ima još 20-ak pogođenih ljudi, za koje mi je rekao da ćemo za 20€ svakom od nas pokrenuti sudski postupak protiv Legiana. Ne želim da dolazim do ove tačke, ali s obzirom na ono što smo videli, mislim da nema druge opcije. Da li neko želi da pomogne, ili neko želi da se pridruži kolektivnoj žalbi?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Hello there.

I am lucky you found our site, and I can see that you have been already able to file a complaint here as well.

Please know that the complaint is free of charge, and our team will do their best to solve it as we already did with other complaints for this casino.

If you go through this thread, you will read more posts with similar issues from our users. I hope that all this will be solved soon and you'll get your money.

How long have you been playing at this casino, if I may?

pre 2 meseci

da li je neko platio legiano?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Hi! I bet you are interested to know whether anyone has recently been able to withdraw money from Legiano Casino. I checked resolved player's complaints to find out that some players have actually been paid. 👈

Feel free to browse the related forum threads located under the official discuss tab and list at the reviews site 👈

For the most direct update, though, I think we would need to meet an actual palyer. Let's see whether someone responds here.

pre 2 meseci


My name is Vasilis, I am from Greece, and I registered on Legiano on December 24, 2024. No verification was required apart from my phone number and email.

I currently have pending withdrawal requests for €500 each, dated December 25, 26, and 27. My account still shows a balance of €2,500, making a total of €4,000.

In the chat, they keep responding with the same automated and seemingly false messages, claiming that the finance department is overwhelmed with withdrawal requests and asking me to be patient.

I never used any kind of bonus.



I suspect they are scammers. Please help me retrieve my money.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 meseci
pre 2 meseci

Hello, if I'm honest, maybe the casino really isn't lying. It was a holiday, so it's possible that they don't have enough people or the withdrawals just aren't processed during those days. 

Try to hold out and see if it still takes the casino that long. We give casinos 14 days to process withdrawals so if it takes longer than that please get in touch and we will try to help.

I hope everything will be alright. 👍😊

pre 2 meseci

Dobro veče!!! Da li je neko platio legiano casino u poslednje vreme? Zašto imam povlačenja na čekanju? I ne mogu ništa da shvatim sa njima?

Automatski prevedeno:
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