NaslovnaForumKazinaMr Sloty Casino - opšta diskusija

Mr Sloty Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 7)

 od Waller888
35.552 pregleda 130 odgovora |
1...6 7

Čekam 21 radni dan na uplatu i nisu mi platili. Ćaskanje je prekinuto, imejl ne reaguje. Ljudi najgore vrste, klonite se razbojnika!!!

Atraktivni bonusi su samo mamac za udicu ribe, ne plaćaju nikome, kradu i odlaze smejući se. Nezrela derišta!!!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Sorry I checked this casino and found out it is closed, actually. The information somehow slipped from my attention. So could you tell us at which casino you experienced this issue?


Mr Sloti je ime kazina. Kazino radi, međutim, sumnjam da je u pitanju prevara, treba ih prijaviti nadležnima

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you for the information. I will pass it out to our data team now.

I can see that you have already submitted a complaint, so we need to wait to see if the casino will respond to our team.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Ali kako je moguće da su ti lopovi još uvek otvoreni?

Automatski prevedeno:


Unfortunately, the idea behind running such a casino is not too complicated. Imagine that there are still players ready to play on such a site without knowing the danger. In other words, demand is still present. Since casinos are similar to other businesses, closing one calls for a group of attorneys and a global legal dispute. Furthermore, unlicensed casinos are virtually untouchable. If licensed casinos continue to break the terms of their license, they may lose their license and face severe fines from their licensors.

As you can see, the main goals are education and preventing unsuspecting players from visiting fraudulent casino websites.


Delimično se ne slažem. Ovde je ocena gospodina Slotija užasna, na drugim sajtovima je gospodin Sloti istaknut kao izuzetno pouzdan. U nekima od njih rezultat je bio maksimalan.

Teško je znati ko govori istinu u ovim slučajevima. Jedno znam sigurno: igrači nisu krivi u ovoj priči.

Još jedna stvar koju treba da istaknem je da prevaranti pobeđuju kvantitetom, a ne kvalitetom.

Automatski prevedeno:

It is true that information may differ, but in such a case it is necessary to find several relevant sources and compare what you have found. You should also look at player experience, which is certainly important and will tell you a lot. I would also look at the fact that when you go to similar sites and want to file a complaint, whether they also answer and solve players' issues or not. I definitely know that players don't pay as much attention to these things and only come in when it's too late and they find out that the casino is not nearly what they thought it was. 


Obratiću više pažnje na sajtove koje koristim za odabir kazina. Ovde sam imao dobre preporuke i usluga je ozbiljna, mislim.

Nažalost izgubio sam više od 600BRL sa ovim nitkovima, nemam više nade da ću to povratiti 😢😥

Automatski prevedeno:

I am so sorry to hear that this extremely risky Sloty website has claimed another victim. I know it is a hard-learned lesson, so I am grateful for Jaro's excellent guide on avoiding trouble; of course, making such a wise decision would be practically life-saving at the first sign of trouble. Well, not much to do now.

Unfortunately, contact with already dubious websites is nearly impossible, as they seem to have no regard for their reputation.

In my opinion, it is better to move on. Even though I hate to admit it 🙁

Perhaps a short break to heal your wounds might suffice; how do you feel about that?

Zdravo dragi kazinoguru tim,

Zanima me u kom trenutku kazino dobija crveno obaveštenje „SCAM CASINO"?

Pročitao sam recenzije Trustpilot-a... 426 recenzija sve sa 1 zvezdicom i sve su bile prevare. Slično na Casinoguru. To je jasno.

Ne mislim da ćemo u ovom životu ikada čuti da je neko zaista dobio svoj novac

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

So with all the warnings and the safety index, I think it's clear what category the casino belongs to. A scam casino is when a casino does some activity that is not normal, I can think of an example. A new casino opens and asks for 3 deposits from the players and always says that if they deposit one more time the withdrawal will be faster and in the end nothing will happen and the players will not withdraw anything. Then we have this warning scam casino. 

I hope I explained it well, so if you have any more questions feel free to reach out to me. 

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