Tako bi sigurno trebalo da bude, zaista.
Sada ćemo morati da sačekamo da naš tim za žalbe proveri sve što ste poslali, a zatim će vaš rešavač za žalbe pokušati da stupi u kontakt sa kazinom. Vremena uvek zavise od slučaja. Svaki je drugačiji, znaš.
Budite strpljivi i uskoro ćete biti obavešteni o sledećim koracima. Pazite samo na tajmer, jer svakodnevno dobijamo mnogo pritužbi i naš tim mora da se pozabavi svakom od njih.🙏
It surely should be like that, indeed.
We'll need to wait now for our complaint team to check everything you have sent, and then your complaint resolver will try to get in touch with the casino. The times always depend on the case. Every one is different, you know.
Please be patient, and you will soon be informed about next steps. Just mind the timer, as we experience a lot of complaints coming in every day and our team has to deal with every and each of them.🙏
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