Nedavno se grupa grčkih igrača bavila kašnjenjima jer grčke banke nisu prihvatale isplate iz kazina. Nemam pojma da li je ovo povezano.
Ako kazino ima problem sa e-poštom i već ste poslali snimak ekrana, pretpostavljam da bi to trebalo da se reši. Ostalo, međutim, zvuči kao da to nije ceo slučaj. i dalje može postojati problem sa grčkim ograničenjem kockanja, koje s vremena na vreme parališe obradu plaćanja. Dakle, po mom mišljenju, vrlo je brzo da se stresete najgorim scenarijem. Nema smisla da kazino ruši svoju reputaciju zbog 500 €.
Znam da vam je već toliko rečeno, ali zaista morate biti strpljivi.
Bićemo ovde, pratiti vaš napredak.🤞🤞
Just recently, a group of Greek players have been dealing with delays because the Greek banks were not accepting the payouts from casinos. I have no idea whether this is related.
If the casino has an issue with email and you already sent a screenshot, it should be resolved, I guess. The rest, however, sounds like it is not the whole case. there may still be a problem with the Greek gambling restriction, which from time to time paralyzes the payment processing. So, in my opinion, it is very soon to stress yourself with the worst scenario. It makes no sense for the casino to ruin its reputation because of €500.
I know you have been told that much already, but you truly have to be patient.
We will be here, following your progress.🤞🤞
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