To je zato što, kao što sam juče sa utvrđenim činjenicama istakao, oni čine prevaru svaki put kada uzmu uplatu sa debitne/kreditne kartice i cilj im je da preko ovih sajtova operu što više novca. Ne mogu da verujem da je iko iznenađen ako ne bude isplaćen ili su igre užasne itd. kada se koriste lažne metode za naplatu - jednostavno gomila lopova koji uzimaju budale novac... Bio sam ta budala... ali sada shvatite da ovi ljudi jednostavno žele da vam ukradu novac pod lažnim izgovorom prikrivajući činjenicu da imate dovoljno šanse da pobedite, čak i ako imate dovoljno šanse da pobedite neće vam plaćati većinu vremena ili će odugovlačiti kao što ste rekli da biste mogli da vratite većinu toga i više.
Već sam primetio – AKO morate da igrate na bilo kom od ovih sajtova, onda se držite samo Cripto-a i idite sa najvećim najistaknutijim pod licencom koja zapravo vredi papira na kome je napisana – CEG licenca je JEDINA licenca Curacao gde se odvija bilo koja vrsta verifikacije igara, sprečavanja prevara i poštenja. Sve ostale offshore licence su nelegitimne u očima VISA/Mastercard itd, pa zašto bi bilo drugačije za igrače?
That's because, as I pointed out with established facts yesterday, they are committing fraud every time they take a payment from a debit/credit card and their goal is to launder as much money as possible through these sites. I can't believe that anyone is surprised if they don't get paid out or games are terrible etc when fraudulent methods are used to collect payments - simply a bunch of crooks who take a fools money...I have been that fool...but realise now that these people are simply out to steal your money under false pretences by disguising the fact that you have a tiny chance of actually winning, but even if you are fortunate enough to win they won't pay you most of the time or stall as you said so that you can fire most of it back in and more.
I noted before - IF you have to play on any of these sites then stick to Crypto only and go with the biggest most prominent ones under a licence that is actually worth the paper it is written on - the CEG licence is the ONLY Curacao licence where any kind of verification of games, fraud prevention and fairness takes place. All the other licences offshore are illegitimate in the eyes of VISA/Mastercard etc, so why should it be any different for players?
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