...hvala na informacijama, uradiću to. Ne znam koliko ima smisla uplitati engleske vlasti, pošto sam i sam iz Nemačke. šta ti misliš? Srdačan pozdrav.
...thank you for the information, I'll do that. I don't know how much sense it makes to involve the English authorities, as I'm from Germany myself. What do you think? Best regards.
..vielen Dank für die Informationen, das werde ich tun. Ich weiß nicht in wie fern es Sinn macht Englische Behörden einzuschalten, komme selbst aus Deutschland. Was meinen Sie dazu? Viele Grüße
Zdravo, hvala vam puno na vašem doprinosu. Znam da KIC provera nije neophodna, ali više ne mogu da pokrenem proces povraćaja sredstava kod dobavljača kreditne kartice. U Nemačkoj je to obično moguće samo retroaktivno 120 dana, a transakcije su se desile pre skoro godinu dana. Stoga sam i dalje video malu šansu da vratim novac, jer nemam drugu opciju osim da to uradim direktno sa trgovcem.
Hi, thank you very much for your input. I know that a KYC check isn't necessary, but I can't initiate a chargeback process with my credit card provider anymore. In Germany, this is usually only possible retroactively for 120 days, and the transactions happened almost a year ago. Therefore, I still saw a small chance of getting the money back, since I have no other option other than to do it directly with the merchant.
Hi vielen Dank für deinen Beitrag. Das weiß ich dass eine KYC Prüfung nicht notwendig ist, allerdings kann ich bei meinem Kreditkartenanbieter kein Chargeback Verfahren mehr einleiten, das geht in Deutschland meist nur 120Tage Rückwirkend und die Transaktionen sind fast 1 Jahr her. Dehalb sah ich hier doch noch eine geringe Chance das Geld zurückzuholen, denn ich habe keine weitere Möglichkeit mehr, außer dies direkt beim Händler zutun..
Samo koristite chatgpt i naterajte ga da to napiše na engleskom. Objasnite sve stvari i pobrinite se da stavite e-poštu Grottobook-a sa svime. 🙂
Just use chatgpt and get it to write it in English. Explain all the things and make sure you put the grottobook email with it all as well. 🙂
Ok, našao sam ih. Prethodno su me blokirali. Pokušajte ponovo. Da li ste dobili povrat novca od njih? Srdačan pozdrav.
Okay, I found them. They had previously blocked me. Try again. Did you get a refund from them? Best regards.
Ok habe sie gefunden, die hatten mich zuvor blockiert. Versuche es erneut. Hast du Rückerstattung von denen bekommen? Viele Grüße
Neće vam refundirati, tražili su od vas ličnu kartu samo za svoju svrhu, samo su nam svi odbijeni od njih, bojim se da kažem. Oni su korumpirani kao pakao
They won't refund you they asked you for the ID for their purpose only we have all been refused refunds from them i am affraid to say .They are corrupt as hell
Jedina alternativa je da prijavite FCA i HMRC ovde u UK. Takođe, prema evropskim GDPR zakonima o pristupu podacima zahtevaju potpuno obelodanjivanje koje informacije imaju o vama, možete ih prijaviti i nadležnim organima za finansijsku istragu u UK ako vam ne pošalju zahtev za GDPR ili ne potvrde imejl za ovo u roku od mesec dana, možete prijaviti ICO-u koji će ih kazniti i kazniti ih da im izreknu kaznu. 1. ali postoji veliki broj nas koji nismo imali sreće da dobijemo povraćaj sredstava od ovih trgovaca, oni su takođe moji datumi oh i akciona prevara ovde takođe
Only alternative is to report to the FCA and HMRC here in UK Also under the European GDPR data access laws request a full disclosure on what information they have on you , you can also report them to the financial investigation authorities in UK if they do not send you the GDPR request or acknowledge the email for this within 1 month you can report to the ICO who will step in an impose penalties and fines on them.you need to see what they come back with 1st but there is a great deal of us that have had no luck getting refunds from these merchants they are also mydates oh and Action fraud here also
Koji dan ste poslali poruku, a danas ste poslali 3 sata bez odgovora
What day did you message ive messaged today been 3 hours no response
Da li je neko imao uspeha kod Nikotpf* trgovaca? Kontaktirao sam Elegro koji me je nakon nekoliko mejlova tamo-amo odbijao kao svog kupca i kontaktirao Niko tehnologije na koje nemam odgovor.
Takođe pikeleum i finnart.io oba sa iste adrese u pluti.
Anyone had any success with Nikotpf* merchants? I contacted Elegro who after several emails to and fro deny me as their customer and to contact Niko technologies which I have but no reply.
Also pixeleum and finnart.io both from same address in cork.
Da, hvala vam na informacijama koje ste podelili ovde. Već sam uključio kopije FCA i MRC u svoju poslednju e-poruku. Videćemo kako će sada reagovati. Oni se brane time da su transakcije obavljene korišćenjem 3DS procesa i potvrđene putem SMS-a, te da stoga neće izdati povraćaj novca. Midates i Grottobook pripadaju zajedno, ali ono što sam utvrdio je da pomagač takođe mora biti jedan od njih na neki način. Dobijam iste e-poruke kao odgovor od oba trgovca.
Nažalost, imam toliko otvorenih transakcija da mi postaje teško čak i pristupiti svojim sredstvima. Mnogi čak i ne odgovaraju na mejlove. Mislim da većina dilera ovih dana jednostavno ignoriše upite. Oni koji su me prvi kontaktirali verovatno su imali sreće, ali što više upita dobijamo, to su, nažalost, manje šanse da čujemo bilo šta od ovih korumpiranih dilera.
Imate li možda šablon koji ste uspešno koristili da biste barem uspostavili kontakt sa kriminalcima? Zahvalan sam na bilo kakvoj pomoći. Moja adresa e-pošte: M
Yes, thank you for the information you've shared here. I've already included copies of the FCA and MRC in my last email. We'll see how they respond now. They're defending themselves by saying that the transactions were made using the 3DS process and confirmed via SMS, and therefore won't issue a refund. Mydates and grottobook belong together, but what I've determined is that helpersm must also be one of them in some way. I get the same emails in response from both merchants.
Unfortunately, I have so many open transactions that it's becoming difficult to even access my funds. Many don't even respond to emails. I think most dealers are simply ignoring the inquiries these days. The first ones to contact me were probably lucky, but the more inquiries we receive, the lower our chances of hearing anything from these corrupt dealers, unfortunately.
Do you perhaps have a template that you've used successfully to at least establish contact with the criminals? I'm grateful for any help. My email address: M
Ja Danke für Ihre Informationen, die sie hier mitteilen. Ich habe bereits die Fca und Mrc in Kopie mit rein genommen in der letzten Mail. Mal sehen wie sie jetzt antworten werden. Sie Verteidigen sich in dem sie sagen dass die Transaktionen mit 3ds Verfahren und Bestätigung durch einer Sms erfolgte und somit keine Rückzahlung leisten werden. Mydates und grottobook gehören zusammen, was ich festgestellt habe ist, dass helpersm auch zu denen gehören muss in irgeneiner art und weise. Ich bekommen ein und die selbe mails als Antwort von beiden Händlern.
Leider habe ich sehr viele offene Transaktionen, es wird schwierig überhaupt an meine Gelder zu kommen. Denn viele Antworten nichteinmal auf die Mails. Ich denke die meisten Händler ignorieren mittlerweile einfach die Anfragen, die zuerst angefragt hatten haben wohl Glück gehabt, aber umso mehr Anfragen eingehen desto geringer ist warscheinlich auch unsere Chance überhaupt etwas von diesen Korrupten Händlern zu hören, leider.
Hast du mir vielleicht eine Vorlage mit der du Erfolge verzeichnet hast um zumindest den Kontakt zu den Verbrechern herzustellen? Ich bin dir dankbar für jede Hilfe. Meine mail: Muztic9@gmail.com
Grottobooks i midates nisu vezani za pomoćnike, već su potpuno različiti prevaranti i posluju u ulici Great Portland Street 85, First Floor, London, United Kingdom, V1V
helpersm and Apperator 39/5, Granton Crescent, Edinburg, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, EH5 1BN
Dobio sam isti odgovor od Grottobook-a. Nikada nisam poslao nijednu ličnu kartu, ali mislim da su ljudi uspeli da vrate troškove od banaka
Grottobooks and mydates are not tied to helpersm they are totally different scammers and operates out of 85 Great Portland Street, First Floor, London, United Kingdom, W1W
helpersm and Apperator 39/5, Granton Crescent, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, EH5 1BN
I got same response from grottobook I never sent any ID I think people did manage to win charge backs with banks though
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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