NaslovnaForumKazinaScatterhall Casino - opšta diskusija

Scatterhall Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 77)

 od Fabi84
326.898 pregleda 1.852 odgovora |
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Maybe look abit closer at the pogg and other affiliates that offer a deposit guarantee. If you know a lot of affiliates and streamers you move in an awful crowd.

None of you Casino guru plants will be able to bombard with enough misinformation to distract from me exposing this site.

I hope people on here have taken note of what happens if you sign up through any casinos on casinoguru. I also hope people look into consumer law and take some action.

hi there.

If you take the time to learn how the page and casino list works, you would know only casinos with a good or better reputation are what you called "promoted". It's not actually a promotion. On the other hand, a player can't actively get a bonus from a bad casino - the button is not active. Again, no fees.

Furthermore, do you think any scam site pays honest affiliates? Nope, they don't. We list all casinos despite what we gained because the point is "informing instead of promoting"

When something works elsewhere, it probably works differently here - get used to it or leave.

Post od trudders was hidden
Razlog: Uvredljiv sadržaj

OK, this is the last warning. Any other personal allusion makes the post hidden by the admin.

Behave or leave, it's quite simple.


Zdravo, ali možete bar da uklonite vezu do loših kazina koji varaju, zar ne? Još uvek možete da dođete do ovih kazina sa svog sajta uz pomoć dugmeta

Automatski prevedeno:

Prilično sam iznenađen što je uspostavljeno partnerstvo sa MiFiniti iako ne možete ili ne želite da platite i sajt se uskoro završava. Ali kontaktirao sam MiFiniti i rekli su da je prosleđeno pravom odeljenju. Hajde da vidimo šta se dešava. Ne mogu da se nosim sa onim što se ovde dešava.

@CasinoStreamer88 da li znaš da li je tako nešto bilo u VildPharao-u?

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm sure you intend to share the MiFinity's replay. Thank you in advance.



prosleđen je interno u MiFiniti i zamolio sam vas da me kontaktirate ako sledi više informacija. Ali nemam pojma da li ću zaista dobiti odgovor

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo, čekam 2k 250€ više od 1 meseca i moja sledeća uplata od 500€ je već mesec dana na čekanju. Ne mogu da isplatim 3k na saldu. Mislim da nećemo dobiti svoj novac osim ako ne podnesemo grupnu tužbu.

Automatski prevedeno:

Bilo bi lepo kada biste postavili 2-3 preporuke ovde 👍

Automatski prevedeno:

To je novac nestao, pitanje je rešeno!

Automatski prevedeno:

Personal allusions? What are you talking about?

Everything I’ve said is factual, which is why you can’t refute it. Instead you deflect.

Have some integrity and offer these people a partial refund.

Post od trudders was hidden
Razlog: Uvredljiv sadržaj

Apsolutni obraz ovog kazina. Čekam svoju potvrđenu isplatu više od 6 nedelja. Oni te samo teše sve vreme. To je „samo" oko 134 evra, ali i to je novac.

Može li mi neko pomoći da dobijem svoj novac?

Automatski prevedeno:

Ne možete ići u dnevne novine sa reklamama iz supermarketa i tražiti povraćaj novca od novina jer je supermarket zeznuo...

ovo što pišeš nema nikakvog smisla

Automatski prevedeno:


Automatski prevedeno:

Apsolutni obraz ovog kazina. Čekam svoju potvrđenu isplatu više od 6 nedelja. Oni te samo teše sve vreme. To je „samo" oko 134 evra, ali i to je novac.

Može li mi neko pomoći da dobijem svoj novac?

Automatski prevedeno:

I fear there is no way to push the casino to pay. Browse this thread to get the bigger picture 🙁.

Zdravo, ali možete bar da uklonite vezu do loših kazina koji varaju, zar ne? Još uvek možete da dođete do ovih kazina sa svog sajta uz pomoć dugmeta

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I just want to clarify this. We link to ALL casinos simply because when players find an advertisement online on a casino, they sometimes go to our website in order to check the review. When they check it, they sometimes want to see the casino's website in order to make sure that it's the website from the advertisement. There are many cases when casinos have similar names and players aren't sure which one is the one they're looking for. I'll give you an extreme example about "Vulkan" casino. Take a look at how many casinos we have in the database with a similar name. There are 7 more that aren't on the screenshot.


Anyway, when it comes to bad casinos, the button leading to the casino is always grey. The grey colour should give you the impression that the button should not be clicked. We also have another button that is more visible and the button says "Browse recommended casinos". So if you really want to check the casino for any reason, you have the option, but I don't think the casino's profile contains any features that would encourage you to play in that specific casino.



Učinite nam svima uslugu i pronađite druga mesta da se oslobodite svojih negativnih izlaza.

Zašto bi ti Guru vratio novac?????? 🤦🏻

Ovde ste zaista na pogrešnoj adresi!

Žalite se kazinom, a ne Guruu.

Prijavili ste se i niko vas ni na šta nije terao.

Automatski prevedeno:


prosleđen je interno u MiFiniti i zamolio sam vas da me kontaktirate ako sledi više informacija. Ali nemam pojma da li ću zaista dobiti odgovor

Automatski prevedeno:


I understand, only wanted to ensure you'll share the possible answer here too. If you will receive any 🤞

Personal allusions? What are you talking about?

Everything I’ve said is factual, which is why you can’t refute it. Instead you deflect.

Have some integrity and offer these people a partial refund.

Just to sum it up. We add approximately 100+ new casinos on the website every month. We sometimes find the new casino on our own, sometimes, the players send us the link to the casino, in other cases, the casinos inform us on their own. So we did the initial review for Scatterhall. We didn't find any issues in their terms and conditions, the website was working, they had many active game providers, there was no clear relationship to other casinos so they were labelled as a fresh casino and got 7.2 rating, which is what every fresh casino receives if there are no clear issues. I'd like to remind you that they didn't get 10/10, they got 7.2. We also provided the information that the casino is fresh, thus the information we have about them are very limited.

You took your own money and decided to play in a casino that hasn't been proven by time instead of playing in reliable brands. You deposited your money into the casino, you won and then it turned out that the casino is (probably) a scam. You assume that we (the online casino database) should pay players a partial refund based on what? Because the casino is in our database where you find over 5000 other casinos?

One more question: If you also had an issue with Scatterhall, why didn't you submit a complaint as many others during the period when it only looked like they have some issues with the payment provider?


Novac je nestao i gotovo!

Automatski prevedeno:

Mary (MiFinity)

19 Apr 2023, 10:39 BST

Dear ...,


Thank you for your email.


Firstly, I would like to thank you for explaining your concerns to us regarding Scatterhall.


We have spoken to Scatterhall, and I would like to ask you for your permission to pass on your contact details to our contact there.

Alternatively, can I please ask you to send an email to [] explaining your exact concerns or ongoing issues?


As I am sure you can appreciate, there is not too much we can do from our side, but we are, with your permission, more than happy to pass on your contact details so Scatterhall can expect your email.

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