pre 8 meseci
Da, šta mogu da uradim? Onda moram da angažujem svog advokata.
Yes, what can I do? Then I have to get my lawyer involved.
Ja was kann ich wir tuen.. dann muss ich mein Anwalt einschalten.
Da, šta mogu da uradim? Onda moram da angažujem svog advokata.
Yes, what can I do? Then I have to get my lawyer involved.
Ja was kann ich wir tuen.. dann muss ich mein Anwalt einschalten.
Zdravo, imam isti problem sa isplatom, ne dobijam odgovore putem ćaskanja ili e-pošte. Već sam imao isplatu na slotsmagic-u, ali sada dobijam potpuno istu grešku u imenu banke
Hello, I have the same problem with the payout, I don't get any answers via chat or email. I've already had a payout at slotsmagic, but now I'm getting exactly the same bank name error
Guten Tag ich habe des gleiche problem mit der Auszahlung bekomme keine Antworten über den chat so wohl über Email habe bei slotsmagic schon mal eine Auszahlung gehabt doch jetz kommt bei mir genau des gleiche bank Name error
Hej, koliko dugo tvoja situacija traje? U ovom slučaju, pošto ste još jedan igrač koji ima sličan problem, odgovor iz kazina o tome kako možete da rešite ovu situaciju bi bio od pomoći, jer bez toga nećemo napredovati. Niste dobili apsolutno nikakav savet ili odgovor na celu situaciju? Koju banku koristite i da li biste mogli da pokažete snimak ekrana kada pokušate da podignete novac?
Čekaće vaš odgovor.
Hey, how long has your situation been going on ? In this case, seeing that you are another player who has a similar problem, a response from the casino on how you can resolve this situation would be helpful, because we will not move forward without it. You have received absolutely no advice or answer on the whole situation ? What bank are you using and could you show a screenshot when you try to make a withdrawal ?
Will wait for your answer.
Hvala vam na snimcima ekrana, mislim da bih u ovom slučaju preporučio da uložite žalbu ovde na ovom linku .
Naš tim će pokušati da vam pomogne u vašoj situaciji i nadamo se da će uspeti. Naravno, ako ne znate šta da očekujete od ovog procesa, u ovom vodiču ćete pronaći korisne informacije.
Ne znam šta bi konkretno moglo biti pogrešno i zato stalno govorim da bi najbolje bilo da kazino kaže šta nije u redu u ovom slučaju.
U svakom slučaju, hoćete li ići naprijed i uložiti žalbu?
Thank you for the screenshots, I think in this case I would recommend to file a complaint here on this link.
Our team will try to help you in your situation and hopefully they will be successful. Of course, if you don't know what to expect from this process, you will find useful information in this guide.
I don't know what specifically could be wrong and that's why I keep saying that the best thing would be for the casino to say what's wrong in this case.
Anyway, are you going to go ahead and lodge a complaint ?
Deponovao sam 200$ preko interact-a i nikada mi nije pripisano na račun. Služba za korisnike retko odgovara, a ako i odgovori, potrebno je najmanje 3 dana...Prošlo je nekoliko nedelja i mislim da neću dobiti svoj novac... Verujem da je ovaj kazino prevara.
I have deposited 200$ via interact and it has never been credited to my account. Customer services rarely answers and if they do, it takes at least 3 days...It's been several weeks and I don't think I will get my money...I believe this casino is a scam.
Deponovao sam 200$ preko interact-a i nikada mi nije pripisano na račun. Služba za korisnike retko odgovara, a ako i odgovori, potrebno je najmanje 3 dana...Prošlo je nekoliko nedelja i mislim da neću dobiti svoj novac... Verujem da je ovaj kazino prevara.
I have deposited 200$ via interact and it has never been credited to my account. Customer services rarely answers and if they do, it takes at least 3 days...It's been several weeks and I don't think I will get my money...I believe this casino is a scam.
Zdravo. Žao mi je što morate da prođete kroz ovakvu situaciju. Da li ste u banci proverili da li vam je kojim slučajem novac zaista uzet sa računa? Samo da se uvere da je sve u redu na njihovom kraju. 🤔
Ako smatrate da podrška kazina ne može biti od pomoći, slobodno podnesite žalbu, ovde sa našim timom. Besplatno je i siguran sam da će tim za žalbe dati sve od sebe da vam pomogne. Za podnošenje žalbe jednostavno koristite ovaj link 👈 . Obavestite nas ako vam zatreba pomoć.
Hello. I'm sorry that you have to go thru this kind of situation. Have you checked with your bank, if the money were actually taken away from your account, by any chance? Just to make sure everything is ok at their end. 🤔
If you feel, that the casino support could not be of any help, feel free to submit a complaint, here with our team. It is free of charge, and I am sure, the complaint team will do their best to help you out. To file a complaint simply use this link 👈 , please. Let us know, if you need any assistance.
Zdravo, uopšte ne razumem dobre kritike za ovaj kazino! Moja opklada je bila 20 centi po utakmici svaki put.
Dobici u bonus igrama su strašni. The
Najniži dobitak u 12 bonus igara bio je samo 36 centi, većina ispod 8 evra. Imao sam najveću pobedu u igri Book of Moorhuhh. U prvih 10 bonus igara, 3 skatera su se pojavila 5 puta, dakle ukupno 60 bonus igara. Specijalni simbol (A) se pojavljivao veoma retko, a ukupan dobitak u ovih 60 utakmica iznosio je tačno 53 evra. U ostalim igrama sa posebnim simbolom, simbol se pojavio najviše 2 puta za isplatu ili uopšte ne.
Ukupno sam preneo 7 k 100 evra, ali retko sam dobijao više od 100 evra koje sam položio. Nije ni čudo, s obzirom na male dobitke. To nema veze sa zabavom igrajući. Da, znam da se to zove slot mašine, a ne mašine za dobijanje. Ali ako samo izgubite, ili imate samo 4 male pobede od između 10 i 50 centi u 100 okretaja, možda ćete doći do zaključka da se softverom manipuliše, što nema apsolutno nikakve veze sa slučajnošću.
Hello, I don't understand the good reviews for this casino at all! My bet was 20 cents per game each time.
The winnings in bonus games are abysmal. The
The lowest win in 12 bonus games was just 36 cents, most of them under 8 euros. I had the highest win in the game Book of Moorhuhh. Within the first 10 bonus games, 3 scatters appeared 5 times, so a total of 60 bonus games. The special symbol (A) appeared very rarely, and the total win in these 60 games was exactly 53 euros. In the other games with a special symbol, the symbol appeared a maximum of 2 times for payout or not at all.
In total I transferred 7 x 100 euros, but rarely got more than the 100 euros I had deposited. No wonder, given the low winnings. It has nothing to do with having fun playing. Yes, I know it's called slot machines and not winning machines. But if you only lose, or only have 4 small wins of between 10 and 50 cents in 100 spins, you might come to the conclusion that the software is manipulated, that has absolutely nothing to do with chance.
Hallo, ich verstehe die guten Bewertungen für dieses Casino überhaupt nicht! Mein Einsatz betrug jedesmal 20 Cent pro Spiel.
Die Gewinne in Bonusspielen sind unterirdisch. Der
niedrigste Gewinn in 12 Bonusspielen gerade mal 36 Cent, die meisten unter 8 Euro. Den höchsten Gewinn hatte ich in dem Spiel Book of Moorhuhn. Innerhalb der ersten 10 Bonusspiele kamen noch 5 mal 3 Scatter also insgesamt 60 Bonusspiele. Das Sondersymbol (A) kam sehr selten der Gesamtgewinn in diesen 60 Spielen belief sich auf genau 53 Euro. Auch in den anderen Spielen mit Sondersymbol zeigte sich das Symbol max. 2 mal zur Auszahlung oder gar nicht.
Insgesamt hatte ich 7 x 100 Euro überwiesen, kam aber nur selten über meine eingezahlten 100 euro. Kein Wunder bei den niedrigen Gewinnen. Mit Spass am Spiel hat das nichts zu tun. Ja, ich weiß es heißt Spielautomaten und nicht Gewinnautomaten. Aber wenn man nur verliert, oder in 100 Drehungen gerade einmal 4 Kleingewinne zw. 10 und 50 cent hat, kann man zu der Meinung kommen dass die Software manipuliert ist, das hat absolut nichts mehr mit Zufall zu tun.
Zdravo, pročitao sam šta si napisao. Verovatno bih i ja bio tužan zbog svih besplatnih okretaja, ali mislim da to nije toliko čudno. Postoje slotovi koji imaju visoku volatilnost i nisku. One koje su visoke tako da ne morate dugo da pogađate dobitke, na primer čak 50 okretaja, ali kada pogodite to može biti veliki iznos. S druge strane, slotove niske volatilnosti karakteriše činjenica da možete osvojiti više puta zaredom, ali neke manje iznose. Iz onoga što opisujete, izgleda mi kao da ste igrali ovakav slot.
Sećam se da mi je prošle nedelje pisao igrač koji je takođe imao dosta bonus igara i nije dobio mnogo novca i bio je podjednako nezadovoljan. Razumem to, naravno, jer niko ne želi samo da izgubi, ali nažalost to je ono što je kockanje. Ponekad možete imati dovoljno okretaja koji su mrtvi, a drugi put možete uspeti da pobedite možda čak i na početku. Da su slotovi namešteni, verovatno bi sve više igrača dolazilo da se žali, a tako nešto nije lako uraditi u kazinu.
Međutim, ako se tako osećate, možda bi bilo bolje da ne igrate ili da napravite pauzu.
Hi, I read what you wrote. I'd probably be sad about all the free spins too, but I don't think it's that strange. There are slots that have high volatility and low. The ones that are high so you don't have to hit the winnings for a long time for example even 50 spins but when you hit it can be a big amount. On the other hand, low volatility slots are characterized by the fact that you can win multiple times in a row but some smaller amounts. From what you describe, it looks to me like you've played a slot like this.
I remember that last week a player wrote to me who also had a lot of bonus games and didn't get much money and was equally dissatisfied. I understand that, of course, because nobody just wants to lose, but unfortunately that's what gambling is all about. Sometimes you can have enough spins that are dead and other times you can manage to win maybe even right at the beginning. If the slots were rigged, probably more and more players would come to complain and it's not easy to do something like that in a casino.
However, if you feel that way, it might be better not to play or to take a break.
Dragi Jaro, ako igram na slotu sa velikom volatilnošću sa ulogom od 50 centi i dobijem 3,80 €, to nema veze sa srećom. Nije me briga za volatilnost više nego za navedeni RTP. Igram od 2019. Igrao sam u raznim kockarnicama. Dobio sam do 3.800 evra sa ulogom od 1 evra i uspeo sam da prebacim nekoliko hiljada evra na svoj račun za to vreme. Naravno, izgubio sam i nekoliko hiljada evra. Ali kada primetim da u nekim kockarnicama - a što je čudno, to često utiče na one sa nemačkom licencom - 20 k 10 bonus igara ne dostižu ni 10 puta veći ulog??? Ne radi se ni o razbijanju banke. Ali ako uživate u retkim bonus igrama, prednost bi trebalo da bude kod igrača, a ne kod kazina. Ako ste već napravili 200 ili 300 okretaja u igri i izgubili 50 ili 80 € i na kraju pogodili 3 scattera, ne želite da budete uklonjeni sa 2 do 5 €. A ako se to dešava vrlo često, to više nema veze sa zabavom ili šansom. Inače, najviše se zarađuje kada uopšte ne igraš. :-)Smile
Dear Jaro, if I play on a slot with high volatility with a stake of 50 cents and I get fobbed off with €3.80, it has nothing to do with luck. I don't care about volatility any more than I care about the stated RTP. I've been playing since 2019. I've played in various casinos. I've had winnings of up to €3,800 with a stake of €1 and have been able to transfer several thousand euros to my account in that time. Of course, I've also lost a few thousand euros. But when I notice that in some casinos - and strangely enough this often affects those with a German license - 20 x 10 bonus games don't even reach 10 times the stake??? It's not about breaking the bank either. But if you do get to enjoy the rare bonus games, the advantage should be with the player and not the casino. If you've already made 200 or 300 spins in a game and lost 50 or 80€ and finally hit the 3 scatters, you don't want to be fobbed off with 2 to 5 €. And if that happens very often, it no longer has anything to do with fun or chance. By the way, you earn the most money when you don't play at all. :-)Smile
Lieber Jaro, wenn ich an einem Slot spiele mit hoher Votalität mit einem Einsatz von 50 cent und ich mit 3,80 € abgespeist werde, hat das nichts mit Glück zu tun. Auf die Votalität gebe ich genauso wenig wie auf den ausgewiesenen RTP. Ich spiele seit 2019. habe in verschiedenen Casinos gespielt. Hatte schon Gewinne mit bis zu 3.800€ bei 1€ Einsatz und konnte auf mein Konto auch schon einige tausend Euro überweisen in der Zeit. Habe natürlich auch schon ein paar 1000€ verloren. wenn ich aber merke, dass in einigen Casinos und das betrifft komischwerweise häufig die mit deutscher Lizenz, von 20 x 10 Bonusspielen nicht mal das 10 fache des Einsatzes erreicht wird??? Es geht auch nicht darum die Bank zu sprengen. Aber wenn man mal in den Genuss der seltenen Bonusspiele kommt, sollte der Vorteil beim Spieler und nicht dem Casino liegen. Wenn man schon 200 oder 300 Drehs in einem Spiel gemacht, und 50 oder 80€ verloren hat und endlich mal die 3 Scatter trifft, will man nicht mit 2 bis 5 € abgespeist werden. Und wenn das dann sehr oft passiert, hat das nichts mehr mit Spass oder Zufall zu tun. Übrigens , das meiste Geld verdient man, wenn man gar nicht spielt. :-)Smile
Razumem i slažem se da to uopšte nije zabavno za igrača. Da mi se to desilo više puta, verovatno ne bih igrao kako si rekao, kad ne igraš u suštini pobeđuješ.
Dakle, ako bih se osećao kao da skoro nikada ništa nisam dobio od bonus igre, obeshrabrilo bi me da vam kažem istinu.
Da li i dalje pokušavate ili više ne pokušavate?
I understand and agree that it's not fun for the player at all. If it happened to me more than once, I probably wouldn't play as you said, when you don't play you basically win.
So if I felt like I almost never got anything out of the bonus game, it would discourage me to tell you the truth.
Are you still trying or not even anymore ?
Izvinite ako tek sada stupam u kontakt, bio sam zauzet nekoliko dana. Da, pokušao sam ponovo i ponovo sam bio duboko razočaran.
Igrajte Magic Book 6, igru sa 6 kolutova, ulog 20 centi. Bilo je 3 skatera za 10 bonus igara sa odabranim simbolom, simbol je bio najplaćeniji, kalif. Osvojite 2,36€, ubrzo nakon toga još 10 bonus igara, opet Kalif. Osvojite 5,60 €. Ubrzo nakon toga još 10 bonus igara. Bonus simbol je J. Osvojite 2,20€. Ukratko, to je varanje igrača. Da sam osvojio ukupno preko 60€, ne bih ništa rekao, OK, moglo je i bolje, ali ovako?
Uz veoma retke bonus igre koje dolaze, prednost bi trebalo da bude kod igrača; ne radi se o razbijanju banke. I da, naravno, s vremena na vreme može biti loša utakmica. Izabrani bonus simbol se obično viđa veoma retko ili uopšte ne vidi tokom bonus igara. A pet takvih je izuzetno retko, da ne pominjemo. Prepušteni ste mogućnosti softveru. Kolutovi nemaju fiksne simbole; softver odlučuje. U trenutku kada pritisnete dugme za pokretanje, softver je već odlučio šta će izaći na kraju. Pobedite (koliko) ili izgubite i koje slike će se pojaviti. Koluti se rotiraju samo vizuelno. Kako bi drugačije moglo biti da kada već imate dva skatera, odjednom vidite 3 ili 5 skatera koji prolaze u nizu na sledećim kolutovima? Svaki igrač zna da ova slika na kolutu ne postoji. I to svaki igrač zna: dva skatera i 99,9% vremena zavisi od 5. koluta. I koliko često je scatter direktno iznad kotura i jedan ispod kotura. Takve slučajnosti se često dešavaju. To nema apsolutno nikakve veze sa slučajnošću. Softver odlučuje o slučajnosti, ali obično radi u korist kazina.
S vremena na vreme, i veoma retko, softver je milostiv, ali većinu vremena vas mrzi. Smile
Sorry if I'm only getting in touch now, I was busy for a few days. Yes, I tried again and was once again deeply disappointed.
Play Magic Book 6, a 6 reel game, stake 20 cents. There were 3 scatters for 10 bonus games with a selected symbol, the symbol was the highest paying, the Caliph. Win 2.36€, shortly after that another 10 bonus games, again the Caliph. Win 5.60€. Shortly after that another 10 bonus games. Bonus symbol is the J. Win 2.20€. In short, that's cheating the player. If I had won a total of over 60€, I wouldn't say anything, OK, it could have gone better, but like this?
With the very rare bonus games that come along, the advantage should be with the player; it's not about breaking the bank. And yes, of course there can be a bad game every now and then. The selected bonus symbol is usually seen very rarely or not at all during the bonus games. And five of a kind is extremely rare, not to mention. You are left to the chance of the software. The reels have no fixed symbols; the software decides. The moment you press the start button, the software has already decided what will come out at the end. Win (how much) or lose, and which images will appear. The reels rotate only visually. How else could it be that when you already have two scatters, you suddenly see 3 or 5 scatters running past in a row on the following reels? Every player knows that this reel image does not exist. And every player knows that too: two scatters and 99.9% of the time it depends on the 5th reel. And how often is a scatter directly above the reel and one below the reel. Coincidences like that happen so often. It has absolutely nothing to do with chance. The software decides the coincidence, but it usually works in the casino's favor.
Every now and then, and very rarely, the software is merciful, but most of the time it hates you. Smile
Entschuldige wenn ich mich jetzt erst melde, ich war ein paar Tage verhindert. Ja ich habe es noch einmal versucht und bin wieder zutiefst enttäuscht worden.
Spiel Magic Book 6, ein 6 Walzenspiel, Einsatz 20 cent. Es kamen die 3 Scatter für 10 Bonusspiele mit ausgewähltem Symbol, das Symbolbild war das Höchstzahlende, der Kalif. Gewinn 2,36€, kurz darauf wieder 10 Bonusspiele, wieder der Kalif. Gewinn 5,60€. Kurz darauf nochmal 10 Bonusspiele. Bonussymbol das J. Gewinn 2,20€ . Das ist kurz gesagt, Betrug am Spieler. Hätte ich einen Gewinn von insgesamt über 60€ gemacht würde ich ja nichts sagen, okay hätte besser laufen können, aber so?
Bei den sehr seltenen einlaufenden Bonusspielen, sollte der Vorteil beim Spieler liegen, es geht nicht darum die Bank zu knacken. Und ja, natürlich kann mal ein schlechtes Spiel dabei sein. Das ausgewählte Bonussymbol sieht man in der Regel dann während der Bonusspiele sehr selten oder gar nicht. Und von absolut selten Five of a kind, gar nicht zu reden. Man ist dem Zufall der Software überlassen. Da die Walzen keine festen Symbole haben, sondern das die Software entscheidet. In dem Moment wo man den Strartbutton drückt, hat die Software schon entschieden was hinten herauskommt. Gewinn ( wieviel), oder Verlust und welche Bilder einlaufen. Das laufen der Walzen ist nur Optisch. Wie könnte es sonst sein, dass wenn man schon zwei Scatter hat, auf den folgenden Walzen plötzlich 3 oder 5 Scatter am Stück vorbeilaufen sieht? Kennt doch jeder Spieler, Dieses Walzenbild gibt es nicht. Und jeder Spieler kennt das auch, Zwei Scatter und zu 99,9% ist es dann von der 5 Walze abhängig. Und wie oft steht dann ein Scatter direkt über der Walze und einer unter der Walze. So häufige Zufälle gibt´ s. Das hat absolut nichts mit Zufall zu tun. Die Software entscheidet den Zufall, der aber meistens zugunsten des Casinos ausgeht.
Ab und zu und zwar äußerst selten ist die Software gnädig, meistens jedoch hasst sie dich. Smile
Pa, uvek kažem da je to sreća ili prednost, skoro uvek je na strani kazina i igrači ovde izgube svoje depozite pre ili kasnije. Da imam slično iskustvo kao ti, verovatno bih napravio pauzu ili ne bih više pokušavao, ne vredi novca i može se bolje iskoristiti.
Stoga se nadamo da ćete imati slične misli i da nećete morati da se nosite sa sličnim situacijama. 😕
Well, I always say that whether it's luck or advantage, it's almost always on the casino's side and players lose their deposits here sooner or later. If I had a similar experience as you, I would probably take a break or not try it anymore, it's not worth the money and it can be put to better use.
So hopefully you will have similar thoughts and not have to deal with similar situations. 😕
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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