Član našeg osoblja za podršku je zatvorio ovaj razgovor
Dobrodošli u podršku uživo! Kako vam možemo pomoći danas?
Igrajte novu igru uz povećanje VIP depozita. Bass Baggin' je ovde i možete igrati sa 300% više I bez pravila. To znači da nema igranja i ograničenja za isplatu, tako da možete da igrate duže da biste osvojili nasumični džekpot i ODMAH sve unovčili. Koristite kod 300BASS pre sledećeg depozita da biste zatražili i dobili 30 besplatnih okretaja.
Dobrodošli u podršku uživo. Pre nego što pronađete najboljeg agenta koji će vam pomoći, pomozite nam da ubrzamo stvari tako što ćete otkucati svoj zahtev ili pitanje ovde:
Hvala vam što ste nas kontaktirali.
Jedan od naših predstavnika će uskoro biti sa vama.
vhats mak vithravl
Zdravo Channeri.
Dobrodošli i hvala što ste kontaktirali Slots Of Vegas. Ćaskate sa Bagijem Džonsonom iz korisničke podrške.
Dajte mi trenutak da proverim vaš nalog. Hvala ti što me podnosiš.
Bojim se da vaš bilans nije unovčiv jer dobici dolaze od više besplatnih žetona za redom. Imajte na umu da kazino dozvoljava jedan besplatni čip za registraciju i samo jedan besplatni čip nakon svakog depozita. Da biste igrali za pravi novac, sledeća transakcija nakon svake besplatne igre na vašem nalogu treba da bude depozit.
ne, nije
Vaš poslednji bonus je bio sa sledećim pravilima:
$35 besplatni čip
40Ks Plaithrough
Sve dozvoljene igre
$100 Mak Cashout
to je jedini koji sam koristio
o čemu pričaš?
Iskoristili ste dva besplatna čipa od 35 dolara 28.8.2024. u 3:50:49 i 28.8.2024. u 4:03:06. Proverite istoriju transakcija.
Mogu li vam još nešto pomoći?
nije tačno.. upravo sam se prijavio i igrao jedini ponuđeni bonus za besplatnu igru
Iskoristio sam samo besplatnu igru od 35 dolara i odigrao je
Vaša istorija transakcija ne potvrđuje vaše reči. Moram da dam prioritet informacijama koje su mi prikazane u sistemu. Mogu li ti još nešto pomoći?
tvoja izreka da sam dva puta otkupio $35??
to je nemoguće.. kako bih to uradio.. to je laž
treba mi ovo eskalirati.. ovo je netačno. tvoje laganje
ovo je pogrešno.. recite mi kako je moguće da sam dva puta iskoristio 35$, pokažite mi transakciju i reći ću vam da čak i vaš sistem nije u redu!!!
bez obzira na to šta pokazuje, to je greška i vi to znate!!
Pokušao sam da iskoristim kod kupona i on ga je odbio, pa sam samo probao drugi koristeći sajt tako da ne možete da prebrojite onaj koji nije prošao
pogledajte kodove tamo.. probao sam i nije uspeo, zatim sam pokušao drugi i uspelo je i tako sam iskoristio samo jedan!
grešiš.. treba mi eskalirati ovaj nalog jer me ovo vara u mojoj igri!
Ako želite da se igrate sa nama i da izbegnete bilo kakve nesporazume u budućnosti, preporučujem vam da se upoznate sa našim Uslovima i odredbama sa kojima ste se složili nakon registracije. Za vašu referencu, evo veze do stranice Uslovi i odredbe naše veb stranice Slots Of Vegas:
4. Igrači ne mogu uzastopno iskoristiti više besplatnih bonusa. Ako ste iskoristili jedan bonus bez depozita i naknadno vam je ponuđen još jedan, u međuvremenu je potrebno izvršiti depozit u stvarnom novcu da biste imali pravo da povučete drugi bonus bez depozita.
Mogu li ti još nešto pomoći?
nije važno prvi kod nije uspeo pa ga nije iskoristio
Pošto ne dobijam nikakav odgovor od vas, ovo ćaskanje će biti zatvoreno. Hvala vam što ste kontaktirali Slots Of Vegas. Ako imate bilo kakvih drugih pitanja, kontaktirajte nas u bilo kom trenutku putem našeg ćaskanja uživo. Hvala vam na izdvojenom vremenu i prijatan dan.
Na kraju našeg ćaskanja videćete kratku anketu, veoma bismo cenili minut vašeg vremena da ocenite uslugu koju sam pružio. Hvala.
tvoje varanje
i ako me prevariš, otići ću na forume i obavestiti sve šta si uradio
Izvinjavam se zbog moje prethodne poruke, poslata je automatski.
Iskoristili ste više besplatnih čipova za redom i ne ispunjavate uslove za povlačenje.
Cenimo vaš upit i interesovanje za igranje u našem kazinu, želeo bih da vas obavestim da naše usluge podrške, kao i mnoge druge pogodnosti, mogu biti poboljšane za naše igrače koji deponuju. Međutim, biće nam više nego srećno da vam pomognemo sa vašim depozitom i pružimo vam odličan bonus za meč ili odgovorimo na sva pitanja koja imate u vezi sa igranjem u našem kazinu. Cenimo vaše razumevanje i želimo da uživate u fantastičnom iskustvu igranja!
Na kraju našeg ćaskanja videćete kratku anketu, veoma bismo cenili minut vašeg vremena da ocenite uslugu koju sam pružio. Hvala.
Our Support Staff member has closed this chat
Welcome to Live Support! How can we help you today?
Play the new game with a VIP deposit boost. Bass Baggin' is here and you can play with 300% more AND no rules. That means no playthrough and no cashout limits, so you can play for longer to hit the random Jackpot and cash out the whole thing IMMEDIATELY. Use code 300BASS before your next deposit to claim and get 30 Free Spins on top.
Welcome to Live Support. Before finding the best agent to assist you, please help us expedite things by typing your request or question here:
Thank you for contacting us.
One of our representatives will be with you shortly.
whats max withrawl
Hi Channery.
Welcome and thank you for contacting Slots Of Vegas. You are chatting with Baghi johnson from Customer Support.
Allow me a moment to check your account. Thank you for bearing with me.
I'm afraid you balance is non-cashable as the winnings come from multiple free chips in a row. Keep in mind that the casino allows one sign up free chip and only one free chip after every deposit. To play for real money, the next transaction after each freebie in your account needs to be a deposit.
no its not
Your last bonus was with the following rules:
$35 Free Chip
40X Playthrough
All Allowed Games
$100 Max Cash-out
thats the only one i used
what are you talking about?
You redeemed two $35 free chips on 8/28/2024 3:50:49 AM and 8/28/2024 4:03:06 AM. Please check out your transaction history.
Is there anything else I may help you with?
not true.. i just signed up and played the only free play bonus offered
I only redeamed a $35 free play and played it through
Your transaction history does no confirm your words. I have to prioritize the information reflected to me in the system. Is there anything else I can assist you with?
your saying i redeamed twice $35??
thats impossible.. how would i have done that.. its a lie
i need this escalated.. this is incorrect. your lying
this is wrong.. you tell me how its possible for me to have redeamed $35 play twice show me the transcation and i'll tell you even your system is wrong!!!
regardless of what it shows its an error and you know it!!
i tried to redeam on coupon code and it rejected it so i just tried the other using the site so you can't count one that didn't go throught
see the codes there.. i tried on and it failed then i tried another and it worked and so i only redeamed one!
your wrong.. i need this account escalated as this is cheating me of my play!
If you would like to play with us and make sure to avoid any misunderstandings in the future I recommend that you familiarize with our Terms and Conditions which you have agree upon once registering. For your reference here's the link to the Terms and Conditions page of our website Slots Of Vegas:
4. Players cannot redeem multiple free bonuses consecutively. If you have redeemed one No Deposit Bonus and are subsequently offered another one, a real-money deposit needs to have been made in the interim for you to be eligible to withdrawal the second No Deposit Bonus.
Is there anything else I can assist you with?
doesn't matter the first code failed so it didnt redeem
Since I am not receiving any response from you, this chat will be closed. Thank you for contacting Slots Of Vegas. If you have any other questions please contact us anytime via our Live Chat. Thank you for your time and have a great day.
At the end of our chat, you will see a short survey, we would greatly appreciate a minute of your time to rate the service I provided. Thank you.
your cheating
and if you cheet me i will go to the forums and let everyone know what you have done
I apologize for my previous message, it has been sent automatically.
You have redeemed multiple free chips in a row, and are not eligible for a withdrawal.
We appreciate your inquiry and interest in playing at our casino, I would like to inform you that our support services, as well as many other benefits, can be boosted for our depositing players. However, we would be more than happy to assist you with your deposit and provide you with an awesome match bonus or answer any questions you may have related to playing in our casino. We value your understanding and want you to enjoy a fantastic gaming experience!
At the end of our chat, you will see a short survey, we would greatly appreciate a minute of your time to rate the service I provided. Thank you.
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