NaslovnaForumKazinaSlottica Casino - opšta diskusija

Slottica Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od Anonymized150
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Casino Guru

Can you give me an e-mail to the licensing authority where I can file a complaint against slottica? In case of a problem with uberlucky you gave me this email to write a complaint

Is it possible to write to this email or to another email in the case of a complaint about slottica?


Hello there.

Nope, it won't work

Just mind you must check the casino's site first - to find out who issued the license.


In this case - it says "CIL" - that's bad, this license is easy to fake, and we consider it to be untrustable. 🙁

There's no contact info shown at all. Just a .pdf certificate.

I'm sorry.


so I can't complain anywhere to the licensing issuer? 😕


Did you check the .pdf document?

Not a single hint of how to do that, I'm afraid. Furthermore, we deem CIL licenses as the less trustworthy among all at the moment. As I was recently told, no way to check its authenticity. Not a good sign either, if you ask me. 🙁



does not have a website



+5999 734 1000


New Haven Office Center, Emancipatie Boulevard 31, Willemstad, Curaçao, Dutch Caribbean

Curacao Interactive Licensing (CIL) has N.V. 5536/JAZ registration number within the Curacao gambling jurisdiction. Actually, CIL Curacao is one of four regulatory bodies that are entitled to issue gambling licenses by the Curacao government.

Unfortunately, there is no much information about this regulatory body to be found online, This gambling commission does not even have an official website.

However, I will try my best to provide at least some information about CIL Curacao, which hopefully will be helpful.

you welcome 😉 how i find this in 5 sec? 🙂 provides eGaming services and it is officially licensed by CIL master gaming license nr.5536/JAZ. - this is masters license holder 😉

google license number plus complain 😉 you can try to call to them via skype if there is this kind possibility to ensure you thats they have you complain i think.

This email is the only way to sent complain... i cannot find more info about this, sorry i dont have time 😕 regards and good luck!


Frankly, the email probably doesn't support announcing any complaints. Last I was told, it also didn't provide a CIL license confirmation too.

I hope the situation has changed while we were "not looking"...👌

Good effort - thank you!

Ažurirano od strane autora

mislim na slottica,

Uložio sam 17.000 čileanskih pezosa, igrao sam dotičnu igru „Rudnici".

Moj bilans je preko 100.000, želeo bih da povučem, ali dobijam „Povlačenje otkazano: zahtev za 3k iznos depozita" Možete li mi pomoći da mogu da podignem svoj zarađeni novac? Unapred hvala puno.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, according to what you wrote it looks like you have to wager 3x the deposit and then you should probably be able to withdraw the money. However, if you are not sure about something, I always recommend asking support or live chat about such questions and they should be able to guide you on what to do in such a case. 

So will you try it this time to check if it's really as I wrote ? 

Dobro veče, nisam uspeo da proverim svoje podatke da bih mogao da izvršim povlačenje, dosta sam pokušao i odbija ono što sam tražio da proverim, ko može da mi pomogne oko tog problema.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, can we start with which casino you are trying to verify please ? Did the casino also tell you the reasons for the rejections on your documents ? How long has it taken you to go through this process. 

Please let me know so I have a better idea.  

Ne znam da li su vam potrebne druge vrste informacija, tek počinjem sa ovim pa ako vam treba još nešto pitajte me, nadam se da ćete me uputiti, slottica mi ne navodi razloge zašto odbija moja dokumenta i pokušavam skoro 3 nedelje

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

I have moved your posts here to the official thread of the casino, where you can get more information from other players as well.

When exactly have you started with the verification process, and have you sent all the documents needed in the right format?


Hvala vam, otprilike 15 dana nakon što sam započeo proces verifikacije i odbio dokumente, šaljem ih po zahtevu, ali mi ne daje razloge zašto ih odbija

Automatski prevedeno:

If you need the help of our team, I would surely recommend that you file a complaint here. You can use this link to do so, and if you need any assistance or have any updates from the casino, please let us know.

Nikada nisam uspeo da ga povučem. Uskraćeno mi je 6.000 reala i nisu mi ga vratili čak ni da ponovo igram. Sve je bilo u redu do poslednjeg pokušaja, onda su promenili izgovor i nikad više.

Automatski prevedeno:

Could you be more specific and tell us why the casino rejected your withdrawal, though?

I can understand that you have tried many times to request it. Right? Is your account fully verified there?

Hopefully, we'll be able to help you out with this.


Moglo bi biti konkretno, da. Ali želeo bih da znam da li možete da rešite ovaj problem? Da li biste vi bili odgovorni za njegovo rešavanje ili je to samo radoznalost?

Prvi put sam pokušao da se povučem, ali nije uspelo jer sam imao aktivan bonus. U redu. To je u redu.

Nastavio sam da igram, a čak su i iznosi bili očišćeni za povlačenje.

Kada sam završio preokret (mislim da se tako zove), koji je trajao oko 4 sata ili više, „osvojio sam" 6.000,00 R$.

Otišao sam da se povučem, ali nisam verifikovan, pa sam poslao sve dokumente itd. i to je dugo trajalo, ali na kraju sam verifikovan, zauzvrat, povlačenje nije odobreno zbog nepoštovanja pravila platforme.

I nisam ništa slomio. Morao sam sve da pročitam, pa znam da je neosnovano.

Ali pošto imaju pun pristup, tražio sam opklade koje su prekršile pravila. Nikada mi ih nisu poslali. I začudo, nije bilo istorije opklada, a mislim da je nema ni do danas. I pronašli su način da ne plaćaju i da to zasnuju na problemu kojem nisu imali pristup.

Dakle, postojala su tri različita razloga za neplaćanje. I kada sam dobio sve što su tražili, smislili su ovaj izgovor koji ne drži vodu.

Konačno, duguju mi 6.000,00 R$ (šest hiljada reala). Ispravljeno.

Imao sam mnogo razgovora sa agentima, od kojih je jedan čak rekao da je sve u redu i da samo čekam da novac stigne na moj račun. Dani čekanja.

Depoziti se kreditiraju trenutno, ali isplata traje danima, a u mom slučaju nisu ni uplaćeni.

Ne plaćaju i ne dokazuju.

Savetujem da se ne igrate.

Možda udruživanjem snaga možemo čak i da ga skinemo i dobijemo pozamašnu kaznu. Ja ću platiti advokata.

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

Okay, so they accused you of breaking some rules, yes, and when you talk about the bet and you mentioned the bonus, could it be that you broke the max bet on some slots? Or could it be something else? Could you show me what the casino wrote to you specifically and therefore some communication between you where they accused you?


Da, optužili su me za ovo kao poslednji pokušaj da izbegnem plaćanje, jer sam to već prošao, pročitao sam propise do kraja i uveren sam da nisam prekršio nijedno pravilo. Naročito opklade preko 9 reala sa aktivnim bonusom. Ali oni se opiru da mi pošalju istoriju gde sam navodno prekršio pravila, a da bi pomogli, nemaju opciju istorije klađenja; upravo zato da u ovim slučajevima važi samo njihova reč.

Automatski prevedeno:

In this case, I would suggest you file a complaint then, so our team can have a deeper look into this.

I can see that you have already submitted one, but for a different casino. Is that right? 🤔

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