ForumKazinaSlottyway Casino - opšta diskusija

Slottyway Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 4)

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pre 2 meseci

You need to inquire with your bank to see if a chargeback is feasible. Visit their webpages, give them a call on the help line—whichever method provides you with the details. It is up to the bank to find out; we are unable to do so. Alternatively, use Jeton in the same manner.

Make an effort to learn something on your own:

Give it a try, please.

pre 2 meseci

Pažljivo ću ga pročitati, ali možete li me posavetovati koji razlog da navedem za povratak?

Već sam pisao servisu i napisali su mi opravdanje, ali ne znam šta bi bilo dobro da napišem da moj zahtev uzmu u obzir.

Ljubazno molim za pomoć, ovo nikada ranije nisam radio

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

I'm so glad you have tried! You know, I would stick with the truth.

You deposited in the casino, played, and won; sadly, the casino has not been willing to pay out. So you would like to get back the deposits.

Feel free to include the complaint link; it could help to support your claim.

pre 2 meseci

U redu, hvala vam na pomoći 😉

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Let me know how it works. Not every procedure is the same, but in any case, it's great you're trying to get back the deposit, at least. Best of luck with that!

pre 2 meseci

Naravno, javiću vam kako ide

Propisi jasno navode da kazino nema pravo da oduzima depozite, može samo da oduzme dobitke.

Zato ne razumem zašto kazina ovo ne prate

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Great, we'll wait and see what they tell you then. I hope it turns out well. 🙂

pre 2 meseci

Nažalost, dobio sam odgovor da Jeton novčanik nije u mogućnosti da mi pomogne po ovom pitanju i da moram da pregovaram o tome sa kazinom.

Nažalost, teško je bilo šta pregovarati sa kazinom ako kazino uopšte ne želi da pregovara, čime krši sopstvene propise.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 meseci

Oh no! I'm truly sorry, because this means there is little to try by now.

Well, frankly, I think we have run out of options here. 🙁

pre 1 meseca

Nažalost, kazino uopšte ne poštuje pravila i ne želi da vas kontaktira za rešavanje problema.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Unfortunately, I'm very sorry, but I don't think there's anything more that can be done about it. We have also tried, but until the casino does not communicate, there is probably not much chance to do more. 

I wish it had turned out differently. 😕

pre 1 meseca

Razumem gospodine, hvala vam na pomoći

Ali kako je moguće da kazino ne poštuje svoje propise, ne želi čak ni da reši slučaj i da ipak dobije licencu za igru?

Da li neko osigurava da je kazino u skladu sa svojim licencama i propisima?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Well, that's what a license should do. But we know very well that some of them don't work that way and are not so reliable. Unfortunately, in the online world it is getting more and more difficult. There are casinos that are dishonest and nobody can do anything about that. That's why you always have to be very well informed where you deposit your money, whether you can contact someone when something comes up. For example, when a player is looking at complaints on our site or elsewhere, whether the casino also responds or has a lot of unresolved complaints, because this can also play an important role in whether if something happens to another person, whether there is a possibility that the casino will deal with it. 

But as I said, it will probably be impossible to do anything about this case unless the casino itself wants to. 

pre 1 meseca

Pa vidite, gospodine Jaro, Kazino nije u skladu sa propisima, tako da njegov rejting treba da bude oko 1,5 i da svetli crveno, a ne da ima ocenu 4,9 žutom.

Ne razumem ovo, kazino ne želi ni da sarađuje niti da odgovara na žalbe

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Pogotovo što kazino ne uzima samo dobitak, najgore je što uzima depozite igrača, to bi trebalo detaljno opisati u pregledu, jer se nikada nisam susreo sa ovako nečim, da kazino otima svoje igrače depoziti, nijedna odredba u propisima ovo ne pokriva, čak i Bet Nok kazino koji me je prevario uzeo je samo dobitak i vratio depozit koji sam uplatio na svoj račun

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Još uvek ne mogu da razumem zašto mi je kazino ovo uradio, kazino se oseća potpuno nekažnjeno, ovako nešto mi se nikada nije desilo a igram već 20 godina

Da li je moguće u recenziji kazina dodati da kazino uzima depozite igrača, možda će posle takvog pregleda kazino doći k sebi da tako nešto ne može da se uradi?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Pa vidite, gospodine Jaro, Kazino nije u skladu sa propisima, tako da njegov rejting treba da bude oko 1,5 i da svetli crveno, a ne da ima ocenu 4,9 žutom.

Ne razumem ovo, kazino ne želi ni da sarađuje niti da odgovara na žalbe

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Hi there.

I believe I already explained how the Safety Index developed in relation to players' complaints or forum posts. Allow me to mention the most pressing information: the more submitted complaints that end up as unresolved, the lower its Security Index will drop. However, we just can't alter the Safety Index because you think there have been enough complaints to prove the casino is a scam. It is still a precise calculation based on every and each disputed amount.

This casino will be in red as soon as more players who have played there come here to submit their complaints. I understand your logic, but your afforemantioned value of 1.5 has no mathematical base, yet I understand you mean it as a dramatic warning for players. We would need to find concrete and proven harmful practices to add additional persecution - that gets us back to the complaints.

A theoretical paradox exists, on the other hand. Do you recall how we aim to motivate players to submit complaints despite the chances for the happy end being zero? That's exactly because such a casino should receive more black points calculated from disputed amounts these theoretical complainers would add to the total score.

We truly understand what you aim to achieve, we have the same goal in mind. On the other hand, how would it look if we altered the Safty Index every time we wanted?

Instead, we constantly ask players to consider the Safety Index only as a part of the whole casino picture. Always check user ratings, complaints and forum too.

pre 1 meseca

Pogotovo što kazino ne uzima samo dobitak, najgore je što uzima depozite igrača, to bi trebalo detaljno opisati u pregledu, jer se nikada nisam susreo sa ovako nečim, da kazino otima svoje igrače depoziti, nijedna odredba u propisima ovo ne pokriva, čak i Bet Nok kazino koji me je prevario uzeo je samo dobitak i vratio depozit koji sam uplatio na svoj račun

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Normally, if the casino thinks they have the right to confiscate the winnings, deposits are not returned. From my perspective, you were quite lucky.

Usually, giving back deposits goes against confiscating the winnings.

pre 1 meseca

Po mom mišljenju, ako kazino uzme dobitak, oni se mogu nazvati varalicama, ali kada kazino uzme privatna sredstva, oni više nisu varalice, već lopovi.

Bio je to prvi put da sam se susreo sa nečim ovakvim u svojoj dugogodišnjoj avanturi sa kazinom.

Zato mislim da bi bilo vredno napomenuti ovo na početnoj stranici kada pregledate kazino i upozorite igrače da kazino koristi takve prakse i pljačka igrače njihovih privatnih sredstava,

Kazino ne želi ni da započne dijalog o ovom pitanju, ne verujem da kazino ne zna da postoji otvoren slučaj jer im se šalju obaveštenja, kazino je takođe svestan da krši propise ali jeste ne žele da to objašnjavaju

Možete li priznati da sam u pravu u vezi ovoga?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca


I would like to avoid generalism. I believe I already said that much in this regard previously in the past:

"In my opinion, if the casino takes the winnings, they can be called cheaters, but when the casino takes private funds, they are no longer cheaters they are thieves."

Depends on the details. If the player breaches the rules, his winnings are confiscated, and most likely the account will be closed. In such cases, casinos do not refund lost deposits or deposits at all.

Also, if a dishonest casino is going to void your winnings for any reason - just not to pay you, would you expect them to return your deposits? I just said it makes little sense due to the logic of the situation. Do you understand the nature of this information better, please?

If any casino refuses to pay out the winnings, it would sound quite innapropriate to add another warning saying, "This casino does not get back deposits" because anyone will see that Slotty Casino does not respond to the complaints in the first place. The information "High value of withheld winnings in player complaints in relation to the casino's size" is in the review.

I understand you would appreciate the review being more straightforward, but your suggestion would not help at all. Players deposit in casinos to gain winnings, not to withdraw the deposits, I'd say. Thus, a warning stating that the casino withheld the winnings also includes players' active balance in that matter of speaking.

"The casino does not even want to start a dialogue on this matter, I do not believe that the casino does not know that there is an open case because notifications are sent to them, the casino is also aware that it is breaking the regulations but does not want to explain it

Can you admit that I am right about this?"

It's not about admitting anything. I agree this casino has ignored your complaint as well, which is against fair gambling. As a result, the appropriate information is presented in the casino's review.

Believe me or not, aside from the stolen deposit, we more or less say the same.

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