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Unibet Casino - opšta diskusija

 od makoto4317
3.408 pregleda 17 odgovora |
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za Unibet Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

I have been denied identity verification for a long time and have not been able to withdraw $70,000 for almost 3 months. Identity verification is never over for various reasons. They don't want me to play games and withdraw. Help me


This is ridiculous, still, I'm not familiar with the whole context of this situation. But it does not matter now, you ask for help and I can provide it.

I suggest you visit this guide section focused on a free feature called complaint:

I'd say it is always better to be prepared for what's about to come. To actually create the complaint, kindly use the following link:

Once the complaint is set, you may find a few moments to share your story even here on the forum - may you?

I hope you will.

Hi, I have a problem with the withdrawal of the winnings, the point is that the transaction status is shown pending verification, etc. Smaller amounts were withdrawn without any problems and then suddenly such a surprise with a larger win. My account is verified in 100% and I also made payments from one wallet. Can you help me. I would like to ask for help

Zdravo, ako osvojite veći iznos, najverovatnije ćete dobiti e-poruku za KIC verifikaciju. Renomirani kazina to traže. Pošto ste već primili isplate, pretpostavljam da su svi vaši podaci ispravno uneti u vaš profil igrača. Većinu vremena su potrebni vaši bankovni podaci i izvodi iz banke, jer ste i vi prava osoba koja pripada računu. VAŽNO: Preuzmite ne samo snimak ekrana, već i kompletan izvod računa iz vaše banke, sa koje ste takođe izvršili depozite ili koji način depozita ste sačuvali! Zacrnjivanje izvoda računa se može odbiti! Ovo se obično završi u roku od 24 sata i trebalo bi da dobijete isplatu. Mnogi nerado to učine ako podaci ne budu potvrđeni. Takođe ćete dobiti upozorenje da izvršite ovu proveru što je pre moguće. (Barem za renomirana kazina) Ako KCI nije verifikovan, kazino tada može da izbriše nalog igrača a da vi ne primite dobitak. Do sada sam UVEK isplaćivao svoje dobitke 🙂proverite svoje mejlove - da li ste nešto primili. Dakle, pre nego što podnesete žalbu, pročitajte odredbe i uslove kazina i uslove povlačenja. Kazino može da proveri vaš nalog u bilo kom trenutku, čak i ako ste ga poslali bezbroj puta. Tako je! Što brže reagujete, brže ćete dobiti svoju nagradu. Sve najbolje🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

infoschmitti62 It's just that I didn't receive any emile, and the service told me that the payment went to internal verification and payment


To nije dovoljan kontekst! Zašto ti ne bi bilo dozvoljeno da igraš *igre*?

Verifikacija identiteta se nikada ne završava iz raznih razloga?

Zašto je to? U kom kazinu?

Ne možete da podignete 70.000 dolara?

Kazino takođe ima ograničenja povlačenja -- proverite uslove povlačenja u tom kazinu? Manja kazina vam nikada neće isplatiti 70.000 dolara odjednom!

Igrati igrice i penzionisati se?

Tada vas kazino blokira - ako je vaš nalog još uvek aktivan, mora da ste primili mejlove. Ugledni kazino nikada neće patronizirati igrača - zabranjujemo ako ..........! Naprotiv - nada se da ćete se ponovo kockati i iskoristiti svoj dobitak!

Da li ste uneli tačne podatke?

Pa, ovo što pišeš nikad nisam čuo - izgleda da ima nešto sumnjivo.

U suprotnom podnesite žalbu:

Link: https: //

Sve najbolje.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hvala za povratne informacije:

u ovom slučaju ćete sigurno dobiti e-poštu čim se završi.

To ne postoji - jer ne dobijate e-poštu o tome!

Moj kazino mi uvek pošalje e-poruku čim se verifikacija završi i kada se izvrši povlačenje🙂

Ovaj proces treba da se završi nakon 72 sata.

U suprotnom, koristite ovu vezu za žalbe:

Link: https: //

Imajte strpljenja🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

infoschmitti62 It's just that I didn't receive any emile, and the service told me that the payment went to internal verification and payment


What distinctive features do you offer?


Hi, based on what you describe, it is possible that you will have to perform some additional verification, or your withdrawal has gone to a suitable department where it will probably be under review.  

However, has the casino asked you for any documents or anything else ? Alternatively, did they mention how long this process of review should take ?

Let us know. 


Zdravo, ako osvojite veći iznos, najverovatnije ćete dobiti e-poruku za KIC verifikaciju. Renomirani kazina to traže. Pošto ste već primili isplate, pretpostavljam da su svi vaši podaci ispravno uneti u vaš profil igrača. Većinu vremena su potrebni vaši bankovni podaci i izvodi iz banke, jer ste i vi prava osoba koja pripada računu. VAŽNO: Preuzmite ne samo snimak ekrana, već i kompletan izvod računa iz vaše banke, sa koje ste takođe izvršili depozite ili koji način depozita ste sačuvali! Zacrnjivanje izvoda računa se može odbiti! Ovo se obično završi u roku od 24 sata i trebalo bi da dobijete isplatu. Mnogi nerado to učine ako podaci ne budu potvrđeni. Takođe ćete dobiti upozorenje da izvršite ovu proveru što je pre moguće. (Barem za renomirana kazina) Ako KCI nije verifikovan, kazino tada može da izbriše nalog igrača a da vi ne primite dobitak. Do sada sam UVEK isplaćivao svoje dobitke 🙂proverite svoje mejlove - da li ste nešto primili. Dakle, pre nego što podnesete žalbu, pročitajte odredbe i uslove kazina i uslove povlačenja. Kazino može da proveri vaš nalog u bilo kom trenutku, čak i ako ste ga poslali bezbroj puta. Tako je! Što brže reagujete, brže ćete dobiti svoju nagradu. Sve najbolje🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I can see that you have experience with a similar process when you describe it in such detail. Thank you of course for the appropriate advice for the player that might help. 

As far as the timeframe is concerned, sometimes it doesn't have to be within 24 hours. 

Also, regarding the fact that you always have been paid your winnings, that's great, because that's probably the most discussed problem on our forum. 

Out of curiosity, I would like to ask you, have you ever had a problem with verification ? 🙂

Hvala za povratne informacije:

u ovom slučaju ćete sigurno dobiti e-poštu čim se završi.

To ne postoji - jer ne dobijate e-poštu o tome!

Moj kazino mi uvek pošalje e-poruku čim se verifikacija završi i kada se izvrši povlačenje🙂

Ovaj proces treba da se završi nakon 72 sata.

U suprotnom, koristite ovu vezu za žalbe:

Link: https: //

Imajte strpljenja🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Your answers sound like you want to take on the role of admin, am I right ? 😁

Nevertheless, I would be careful with the timeframes, because it can vary from casino to casino how long it takes for the process to be resolved. 

Anyway, what casino do you play in, when you say that your casino always sends you mail ? 


Hi, in this case it would be useful to use the "reply" button (a grey arrow pointing to the left) so we know who you are replying to, or who the question is directed at. Anyway, what do you mean by "distinctive features" ?


On the community forum in Unibet somebody is saying that after receiving information from a technical engineer that they have lowered the the rtp on slot winnings to 24.12% in the last 6 weeks. At the moment their slots are acting like this so can this be true. If so surely this must be illegal and cheating customers. Also why is their no governing body looking at things like this when instead all anyone ever says is that are all independantly tested. Can anything be done to prove or disprove these allegations.


Hey. I am thinking how it would be possible for RTP to drop to this level in 6 weeks. Obviously some evidence would be needed that this is the case because if someone is just talking about it, it can't be considered relevant. Have you played in this casino and noticed anything unusual ? No RTP visible on the slots themselves ? 


I play at Unibet and lately for every 100 spins you get about 20% return. Here are the community stats for Unibet. If you compare them to other popular casinos you will see they are about 40% lower coming in at 46.03% with most of the others 90%+.


I think that such accusations are quite serious and I have not noticed that we have a warning somewhere on our website. Of course, it should be remembered that the casino always has the edge over the player in a long run. I think we have a well-written guide to RTP that might be useful at some point, so I'll add it here:

However, if you feel that something is going on that shouldn't be, it would probably be easiest not to play in the casino. Alternatively, if you think there might be something serious behind what you're writing and you think you have enough evidence, you could try filing a complaint, but the evidence would have to be bulletproof. 

Anyway, if you just wanted to warn the players about what you've encountered, I understand. I hope you don't run into anything similar at other casinos and everything will be fine.

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