ForumKazinaX7 Casino - opšta diskusija

X7 Casino - opšta diskusija

pre 5 meseci od Kittykate
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pre 5 meseci
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za X7 Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
pre 5 meseci

Zdravo kazino guru..

Hteo sam da verifikujem svoj račun i podignem mali iznos koji sam osvojio putem svog depozita.

I moja lična karta je verifikovana neposredno pre nego što sam podnela zahtev za isplatu i do tada je sve bilo u redu.

U sledećem koraku provere adrese, nažalost, imam problem da bez obzira na dokumente koji sam do sada podneo, nijedan od njih nije bio dovoljan za verifikovanje adrese, bilo da je to izvod iz banke, račun za internet i telefon ili račun za struju, želeo bih PDF i pošto za neke od njih, kao što su račun za struju ili telefon i internet, mogu samo da konvertujem odgovarajuću fakturu u PDF, to nije prihvaćeno iako se sve poklapa. Ne znam koje opcije treba da pošaljem da bi adresa konačno bila verifikovana i da bih mogao da izvršim isplatu. Možete li mi možda pomoći da rešim problem sa kazinom.

Takođe bih želeo da napomenem da je korisnička služba tamo zaista ljubazna i uvek pokušava da pomogne, ali nažalost nemaju druge opcije osim da proslede stvar ili da mi kažu da je PDF datoteka jasno vidljiva ili jednostavno nije prikladna. Tamo se ne prihvata snimak ekrana fakture.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 5 meseci
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pre 5 meseci

Hello, I understand you have a problem with verification of your address. I see that you say that chat is trying to help but it can't do much. You don't have any alternative which is a pity but I think there must be some document that you will have in pdf where your address will be alright. Have you tried to ask the support if they know of such a document or what other players who can provide it in pdf form are sending ? 

Nevertheless, we give casinos 14 days to resolve the verification process, but if you can't get anywhere and you think it will stay that way and you have used everything you have available, then I would recommend you to file a complaint with us and we will see what can be done. 

You can do so here on this link. ⬅️

Hopefully you will be able to sort everything out and you also be able to withdraw the money without any other issues. If you manage to move forward, be sure to let me know.

pre 3 meseci

so this just happened, saw this X7 casino ad on another big casino review page and were naive enough to believe that since they had 7/10 in score it must be a good place. Deposited around 1000 dollars without any bonuses involved since i have learnt from my previous scam encounters on the web 😹👌 made my first 1000 usd withdrawal after some luck ( tried to make an withdrawal ) then i continued playing and under this time they added 75 usd to my account for a bronze upgrade or some scam ( read about it in the junk mail after this ) and under the time that i were playing with their money i made 3~4 2 usd loosing bets on a game that wasnt allowed. Please note that i had not even read about, accepted or asked for this money. Got some luck and wanted my second 1000 usd withdrawal. I then deposited 100 usd ( no bonus involved ) again and made a super 2 usd bet on olympus 1000 and were really happy i had like 4k on my account. I then made my third withdrawal of 1000 usd. After a week were they wanted to see my papers and all and lots of wait i were verified, i were still waiting and finally i got a mail. They confiscated all my money! Because they inserted 25-75 ( cant remember ) usd and i lost three bets on an game not allowed, without me even wanting their scam money at all, this should be criminal and i feel totally helpless. I wrote to their license holder the full story yesterday and i am waiting for an aswer, i contacted the place i saw their advertisements and they made the decision that once i sign up on the site i accept all their rules and that i should have clicked the box to read these rules first (?) this is fraud. ( they pay this site for being visible, good score and i cant even review the casino or share my story ) they dont let me post a review, dont even answer. So guys.. do not make the same mistake as i did! Do not get involved with Starscream ltd. at all! I promise that you will regret it, and do not trust all casino review pages with " the most trust worthy reviews in the world " they are getting paid and wont even help or let you share your true story

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 3 meseci
pre 3 meseci

In this case, I would suggest you file a complaint here with our team, and they will look deeper into this issue and try to solve it. Just follow this link to do so, please, and let us know if you need any other help.

pre 3 meseci

thank you i will try this! appreciate it

pre 3 meseci

Hi there, I simply felt that I should ask about your progress. How is it going, something new, perhaps?

pre 3 meseci

No they have confiscated over 2000 on x7 casino because they added 75 dollar bonus into my account without me even wanting it and all my wins after that bonus is gone, I did even deposit and made a real big win on a game with my own money, they stole it all. It says I have 1000 dollar on my account I guess that’s the money I won before they could add bonus money, but doesn’t seem to be able to withdraw it. It have been pending a couple of days nothing happens. Isn’t the first time this happens, I got thousands of dollar confiscated on Locowin as well and after that I promised myself never play with bonus again, and now they add bonuses without even asking instead

pre 3 meseci

I can see that our team has already started working on your complaint, so hopefully they will be able to find out more soon and solve this issue.

In the meantime, if you have any updates, please come forward; we would like to hear them.

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