Amigi i Džejms su verovatno i kazino predstavnici. Lol. Prestanite sa ovim glupostima. Možete da vratite naplatu za netačan korišćeni MCC. Takođe, većina ovih kazina nema licencu u Velikoj Britaniji. Koristili su netačne McC-ove da zaobiđu sistem, a to znači da je konkretan trgovac u ovoj situaciji pranje transakcija.
recimo da je Džejms zaista osoba koja je imala ove probleme.
žalite se banci pa ombudsmanu. Vi pobedite. Kraj priče.
Amygee and james are probably both casino reps. Lol. Stop this nonsense. You can chargeback for the incorrect MCC used. Also most of these casinos have no license in the uk. They used incorrect McC’s to bypass the system, and this means that the specific merchant in this situation is transaction laundering.
lets say that james is Really a person who had this issues.
complain to the bank and then to the ombudsman. You win. End of story.