ForumOpšta Diskusija o KockanjuMifinity isplata na bankovni račun

Mifinity isplata na bankovni račun (strana 13)

pre 1 godinu od Joanna22
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pre 1 meseca

Moram samo da učitam svoju ličnu kartu i dokaz adrese da bih se verifikovao ili sam to već uradio ili moram da verifikujem i bankovni račun i kako to funkcioniše?

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pre 1 meseca

You can only upload what the app asks you for, It was a while ago I used it. I think at some point I had to upload my bank statement with sort code and IBAN to prove it's you on the first withdrawal. It normally takes 24hrs for verification but they don't work weekends. I think that when you are verified you have to verify the bank the transfer is going to. That's the best I can remember now and it kinda makes sense. Google Mifinity verification process that might give you the definitive answer your looking for.

pre 1 meseca

Zdravo, kratko pitanje da li košta podizanje naknada sa mifinti na moj Iban, odnosno moj normalni bankovni račun. I koliko je vremena potrebno dok novac ne bude na bankovnom računu

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pre 1 meseca

Hey, I see that nigeljc59 has already advised you, as he is the one who is pretty good in this area. So surely if something goes wrong or you have problems, you can come back here and ask again, I believe you will find help. But I also think it should be no trouble to verify everything that is needed. 

If something happens, feel free to write. 

pre 1 meseca


Da li postoji servisni broj za Mifiniti?

Tražio sam, ali nisam našao.

Ako nije, trebalo bi da se oglasi alarmna zvona.

Nažalost, nisam obratio pažnju na ovo pre otvaranja računa.

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pre 1 meseca

Unfortunately, as I saw, the biggest expert on this has already left our forum, which makes me quite sad, because he gave quite good advice, especially in this thread. 

If you haven't found any such number, I'm afraid if they have any at all. But I was wondering if they have any customer support or email where you could write to them. There definitely needs to be a contact. 

Have you tried looking for that one ? What problem do you have ?  🤔

pre 1 meseca


Nisam mogao da isplatim svoj iznos od oktobra 2023.

Razlog za to je nedostatak verifikacionog koda za moju kreditnu karticu.

Već sam pisao k-mailove, ali imam razuman predlog

Nije bilo moguće da dođem do rešenja.

Ako se kod nigde ne pojavljuje, nisam ja kriv

sa mifiniti-om i izdavaocem kreditne kartice, obojica razgovaraju o svom izlazu i meni

imati štetu.

Pitate se da li je kupac zaista kupac?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

Oh, from what I've read, you're right in the middle of the problem and instead of them trying to help you solve it, you've got a bad feeling about it. 

Anyway, when you contacted them by email, what did they write back ? Did they tell you what you should do ? Card issuer told you to do what ? The verification code should come to you but it doesn't show up anywhere ?

pre 1 meseca

da, opisao sam situaciju i stalno dobijao poruku od mifinitija da je kartica upravo to

važi sa verifikacionim kodom. Takođe nije moguće izbrisati karticu.

Dobio sam dokumente o transakciji karticom od dobavljača kreditne kartice (iako nije bilo dokazanog koda

može se videti) i poslao u Mifiniti.

Tada sam samo dobio poruku da mi je potreban verifikacioni kod i da nema isplate

je moguća.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 meseca

I have no idea what I could advise you, as I have no experience with Mifinity myself. But it seems wrong to me that support just bounces you off and doesn't try to help you with anything, especially when it's just one thing and that's the verification code. They should be able to solve it and be prepared for such situations. I would continue to try and find out because I see no other option. 🙁

pre 1 meseca



pre 4 nedelja

Savetujem vam da ocenite Mifiniti na Trustpilotu. Opišite svoju frustraciju sa njima. Obično odgovaraju na ovoj platformi i pitaju o vašem problemu. Možda će to uspeti.


Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 nedelja

I hope the player gets to this recommendation or has solved the problem by then. I don't understand how it is possible that support can't resolve or recommend such a thing. I probably wouldn't use them too much. 😕

pre 2 nedelja

zdravo prijatelji,

Pre tačno 7 dana dobio sam 3060 evra iz kazina na svoj Mifiniti račun. Kada sam tada želeo da izvršim povlačenje na svoj bankovni račun, pojavila se sledeća poruka o grešci:

„Vaše kumulativno ograničenje transakcija je dostignuto. Kontaktirajte korisničku podršku"

Korisnički servis mi je rekao da treba da prilagodim podešavanja u svom profilu i pošaljem neke dokumente (dokaz o plati, izvod iz banke, godišnja zarada). Moj nalog bi morao ponovo da bude verifikovan. Čudno. OK. Onda sam sve poslao. Neki od njih su odbijeni, a neki odobreni.

Do sada se ništa nije dogodilo. Redovno kontaktiram podršku, ali ništa se ne dešava ili dobijam e-poštu kao standard.

„Primili smo vaš zahtev i obradićemo ga u naredna 2 radna dana."

Polako mi ponestaje opcija.

Hvala ti puno, Kai

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 nedelja
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 nedelja

Hmm, I understand you're obviously in a difficult situation. 

However, you will have to resolve this situation with Mifinity as you need to get money into your account from there. When you sent the documents, what was the problem with the rejected ones? Do you know anything more or do you have no information ? Support should best advise you and inform you about what is wrong and what you should do in this case. 

So you will have to wait for a reply and get it sorted out. Let me know if you have succeeded. 😕

pre 1 nedelje

Zdravo, moram da pošaljem PDF datoteku moje istorije transakcija na MIFINITI u kazino. Kako da to uradim u MIFINITI? Snimci ekrana se ne prihvataju. Da li je neko to uradio ranije??

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pre 1 nedelje

Zanimljivo pitanje koje i mene zanima i uzalud sam pokušavao da rešim ovaj problem. Ako to ne uspije, radije bih se klonio MIFINITI-a.

Možda neko ima održivo rešenje.

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pre 1 nedelje

There was a player who mostly knew how to help with his advice about Mifinity, but he is no longer here on the forum, which is a pity at the moment. I still say that there should be a support that answers these questions and tries to help, otherwise it's pointless to have a support at all. Have you tried asking them or finding out any information on what you could do ?

pre 1 nedelje


Hvala svima. Problem je konačno rešen i moj limit je prilagođen.

Sada mogu ponovo da obavljam transakcije.

Korisnički servis je i dalje loš u "Mifinitiju".

Hvala vam

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 nedelje

At least some good news. I see that it took almost a week if you only solved it now and that's quite a lot to change just the limit. I probably wouldn't use Mifinity too much to be honest. 😕

pre 1 nedelje

Uradiću neko istraživanje i kontaktiraću korisničku službu.

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