pre 3 meseciOriginalPrevod
Uplatio sam depozit kod Mifiniti-a i aktivirao bonus dobrodošlice. Već satima čekam svoj novac. Ništa se ne dešava. Nema odgovora na mejlove. Rečeno mi je u ćaskanju da to može potrajati i do 7 sati. Trebalo bi da sačekam i onda se vratim u kontakt. Ovo mi se nikada ranije nije desilo. Ruke dalje!!!!
I made a deposit with Mifinity and activated the Welcome bonus. I've been waiting for my money for hours now. Nothing is happening. No response to emails. I was told in the chat that it could take up to 7 hours. I should wait and then get back in touch. This has never happened to me before. Hands off!!!!
Ich habe eine Einzahlung mit Mifinity gemacht und den Bonus Welcom aktiviert. Ich warte jetzt schon Stunden auf mein Geld. Es tut sich nichts. Auf Mails wird nicht geantwortet. Im Chat wurde mir mitgeteilt das es bis zu 7 Stunden dauern kann. Ich sollte warten und mich dann wieder melden. Das ist mir noch nie so passiert. Hände weg!!!!
pre 1 meseca
Draga Rosvitha,
Hvala vam što ste pružili svoje iskustvo. Žao nam je što vaša očekivanja nisu ispunjena.
Imajte na umu da depoziti mogu potrajati dodatno za obradu i odraz u vašem stanju. Nažalost, ovakvi događaji su van naše kontrole.
Nakon pregleda naše evidencije, potvrdili smo da je vaš zahtev u vezi sa nedostajućim depozitom prosleđen radi dalje istrage.
Nakon detaljnog pregleda, otkriveno je da je transakcija uspešno završena i da su sredstva stigla na saldo vašeg igrača. Pored toga, poslato vam je obaveštenje e-poštom u vezi sa ovim ažuriranjem.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili vam je potrebna pomoć, ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš tim za podršku putem ćaskanja uživo ili e-pošte.
srdačan pozdrav,
Predstavnik Slota kazina
Hvala vam što ste pružili svoje iskustvo. Žao nam je što vaša očekivanja nisu ispunjena.
Imajte na umu da depoziti mogu potrajati dodatno za obradu i odraz u vašem stanju. Nažalost, ovakvi događaji su van naše kontrole.
Nakon pregleda naše evidencije, potvrdili smo da je vaš zahtev u vezi sa nedostajućim depozitom prosleđen radi dalje istrage.
Nakon detaljnog pregleda, otkriveno je da je transakcija uspešno završena i da su sredstva stigla na saldo vašeg igrača. Pored toga, poslato vam je obaveštenje e-poštom u vezi sa ovim ažuriranjem.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja ili vam je potrebna pomoć, ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš tim za podršku putem ćaskanja uživo ili e-pošte.
srdačan pozdrav,
Predstavnik Slota kazina
Dear Roswitha,
Thank you for providing your experience. We are sorry to hear that your expectations were not met.
Please be aware that deposits may take additional time to process and reflect in your balance. Unfortunately, such occurrences are beyond our control.
After reviewing our records, we confirmed that your request regarding the missing deposit was escalated for further investigation.
Following a thorough review, it was revealed that the transaction was successfully completed, and the funds have arrived to your player balance. Additionally, an email notification was sent to you regarding this update.
Should you have any further questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team via live chat or email.
Warm regards,
Slota Casino Representative
Thank you for providing your experience. We are sorry to hear that your expectations were not met.
Please be aware that deposits may take additional time to process and reflect in your balance. Unfortunately, such occurrences are beyond our control.
After reviewing our records, we confirmed that your request regarding the missing deposit was escalated for further investigation.
Following a thorough review, it was revealed that the transaction was successfully completed, and the funds have arrived to your player balance. Additionally, an email notification was sent to you regarding this update.
Should you have any further questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team via live chat or email.
Warm regards,
Slota Casino Representative