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Snimke ekrana dobitaka. Snimke ekrana Victory. (strana 20)

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pre 11 meseci

Well, you're pretty lucky if I'm honest. Keep it up. 😊😁

pre 11 meseci

I have my moment's. I still need to learn when to walk away. If only I could consistently practice walking away when I've had a few good wins.

pre 11 meseci

This is very important. But I know that players are always tempted to keep playing when they win a bigger win. But most of the time it just goes downhill after that. We all learn in our lifetime and I believe that you can do it too and one day you will come here with the fact that you won and you had no problem to withdraw and walk away. 

pre 11 meseci

file Brate, i ja sam osvojio 20 leva, 20 puta sam ih prevrnuo i imam 260 leva, ali mi ne daju da igram. Kod vas, kako stoje stvari za preuzimanje?

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Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Hi, you have a problem with withdrawing money, do I understand correctly ? Let me know so I can try to help you. 

pre 11 meseci

Ne, nije to. U ovom slučaju radi se o generisanju profita od početnog bonusa bez depozita od 20 BGN, za koji je pravilo igranja bilo 20 puta veći iznos bonusa, nakon čega su se sredstva morala automatski odraziti u gotovinskom stanju. U pravilima nije bilo posebnih slotova ili maksimalne opklade, ali čak i da je bilo, nisam napravio opkladu veću od 1 BGN. Kazino je magicbet bugarski, zastareo je

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Sure, so it's good that you don't have a problem , because I was worried for a moment. Have you tried contacting support regarding this situation? 

pre 11 meseci

Još uvek čekam odgovor

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Okay so when you get it can you let us know what they said ? 

pre 11 meseci

filefilefilefileAll these are from bonus buy feature, I did lost a lot then only have the comeback. Guess what, I lost all my winning at RIP tomestone, and True Grit Redemption bonus buy...very sad.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 11 meseci
pre 10 meseci

Oh well, that's too bad, I think I answered this in another thread. 

Anyway, nice winnings you got. I can't even imagine losing that. Someone is lucky like that once in a lifetime. 🙁

pre 10 meseci

not really lucky, can be lucky but not too lucky, as I said all these winning is come back winning, meaning I have lost a lot the only got this big win. see I got big win but didn't see I got bad bonus buy.... imagine bought 3k bonus buy and get only 80 in return.....this is very bad bonus buy. So, this is fact....

pre 10 meseci

Imaš sreće, samo ne znaš kada da staneš kada imaš dobitke.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

well... it's progressive winning....from few k to 10k, then next will be max win. I been to many cycle before. But I can tell you is, you can win like me, but you will expecting to lose first.... it's hardly to win big first. very rare. they are actually calculating base on your turnover. it's not random. I got many good spins in some bonus buy, but got dead spin for the last 10 spins.I don't thinks its normal. so I will say it's not random....

pre 10 meseci

Razumem, meni se desilo nešto slično, dobro sam zaradio na bonus kupovinama iako su iznosi bili manji.

Mogu da potvrdim da mi se to desilo u nekoliko kazina, nakon što sam postigao dobre pobede pri kupovini bonusa, a zatim kada sam insistirao na više, na kraju sam imao te bonus kupovine potpuno pogrešne i izgubio sve ili skoro sve.

Nekoliko puta sam ipak uspeo da se povučem, ali nije uvek bilo tako.

Slažem se sa vama, kazino bira vreme vaše nagrade i na osnovu poznavanja vašeg načina igranja, što više pokazujete da ne dolazite da pravite male isplate, kazino više postavlja ovu strategiju da vas obmanjuje neki dobitak, a zatim zadati udarac, 😉

Oni znaju šta rade

Ako pođe po zlu, osvojeni novac dolazi od poraza drugih igrača

Nažalost, ovako funkcioniše kazino 🤷‍♂

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci


Can you help with this part, please?

"I agree with you, the casino chooses the time of your prize and based on the knowledge of your way of playing, the more you show that you are not coming to make small withdrawals, the more the casino sets up this strategy of deceiving you with some winnings and then giving the blow, 😉"

I'm just asking because it almost sounds like you are convinced your gameplay is being constantly monitored by someone who is ready to adjust something when the time is right.

Help me understand, please.

pre 10 meseci

Zdravo Radka!

Prevodilac ponekad nije bolji, ali napraviću rezime.

Za mene, kazina imaju strategije i uvek, sa moje tačke gledišta, kazina posmatraju igrače u smislu dnevnih ili nedeljnih depozita.

Dobrog igrača koji svaki kazino želi. Dakle, nakon što kazino posmatra igrača, oni znaju koliko daleko mogu da odu sa igračem. Ako je igrač zavisnik, kazinu postaje lakše jer znaju da će igrač uvek potrošiti sve što osvoji, tako da kazino rizikuje da da dobre pobede, da li mislite da kazina nemaju strategije sa svojim igračima?

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Nice to meet you. Yes, this call teasing. Scatter teasing or big win teasing. During the big win, they always log me out, sometime once the bonus hit before the spin, they log me out or the game disconnected. So I know they doing something on backend, after this incident, no matter which domination you play, the machine is tight...very hard to hit any game. A lot of dead spin. You are right, this is sort of AI learning on your behavior. If you want to win, you can't always playing in the same method. You need to change, but I strongly advise you to stop if you have lose too much.

Bonus buy feature is very bad, you can always get 10% return for every bonus buy in normal play. But if you are new player, you will get like 70% to 90% return on the bonus buy, until you get a big win, the machine will become very tight. So.....I think it's not random. Usually a new player account is very easy to play, I understand what you always change casino. New account will be more easier to play. But, I can tell you that, you see the big win I got, but you didn't see how much I lost. No matter what game I go, the result is the same. No matter I use VPN or change to PC/Mobile, the result is same.

That why I said, this is not random.

pre 10 meseci

Tačno, i ja sam došao do ovih zaključaka.

Trenutno više ne igram i zatvorio sam sve račune koje sam imao u kockarnicama.

Možda ću jednog dana ponovo igrati ili ne.

Promenio sam rutinu i ne želim da igram za sada, u budućnosti ne znam šta će biti.

Ali da se vratim na razgovor.

Uvek sam pazio da podižem svaki put kada bih dostigao 500 evra, tako da nisam bio potpuno van kontrole, ali zapravo sam u poslednja 4 meseca izgubio mnogo više nego što sam zaradio, ali osim toga, izgubljeno je vreme.

Vikendom sam uspevao da igram 8 sati uzastopno 😏

Ovo je za mene bio najveći problem zbog provođenja previše vremena igrajući.

Tada sam shvatio da me igra preuzima.

Srećom, uspevam da se dobro odvojim od utakmice.

Mislio sam da će me koštati više.


Drago mi je da smo se upoznali

Nadam se da možete imati najbolju moguću kontrolu u igri

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

I'm sure you will back to game. Either by luring from advertisement or youtuber. New game provider and so on. But, if you are only play bonus buy, then I have no tips for it. Remember don't fall into the trap, example first spin 2 scatter and then next spin another scatter coming, this call almost hit luring. Usually this game come too frequent and hit the bonus soon, the payout is no good. You are spending too many hours on that, always set a maximum spins. Don't always just play one game. If game 1 you losing, change game 2, don't chase lose. Example game 1 game 2 you losing x100, game 3 still losing another x100, then you need to stop. No matter which game you go, it will still tight. Don't always think about how much you lose. I'm sure you can't get it back, we got too many example around us, casino always win. Don't fall into their trap. I saw too many people losing a lot money because of bonus buy feature trap, I hope you can escape from it. I can teach you to play this method, every game, same domination, x50 auto spin,if the machine dead spin on first 30 spin,just play turbo for next 20 spins. No matter what result after x50 spins just change game. Always remember, if you have huge win in game 1, even you change to game 2 game 3 the result will still the same ,they will bring your previous wining result to continue count, so the game will be tight, vice versa if you lose in game 1, 2 ,3, the game 4 will be more easy except those megaway, bonanza game. All the best my friend. I'm sure you almost read the RNG map like me, you know which game can play which cannot. But just to control your betting behaviour, just follow maximum spin per game which will control your budget.

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