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Games won't load

 od Freaky33
11.323 pregleda 32 odgovora |
1 2

I've been having issues loading certain game's lately.. Has anyone else been having these problems?..

It seems to be a recurring issue


Hey Freaky33,

I guess that you should explain which games or casinos you have in mind. 🤔

I hope you do not comment about our free games section 🙂


Do sada sam samo čitao i ne znam da li se uklapa u gornju temu.

Ali ni ja nisam hteo odmah da započnem novu 🙂

Oko 2 nedelje su mi prestale da rade određene (omiljene) igrice koje su radile bez ikakvih problema.

Na primer, kod Book of Aztec (Amatic) nakon nekoliko okreta, odjednom se pojavljuje poruka „Upozorenje da ste dostigli ograničenje" i tada sam izbačen iz igre.

Na Ektra Chilli Megavais-u se nakon kratkog vremena pojavljuje poruka „Trenutno ste blokirani za igranje".

Ipak, verovatno nije kazino, jer ako probam ove igre u drugom kazinu, isto je.

Mislio sam da je to možda zato što kada igraš u D, sada je nešto blokirano ovde. Da li neko od vas zna nešto o tome?

Hvala unapred za tvoju pomoć!

Automatski prevedeno:


don't worry about creating a new thread, it is not necessary 🙂 We want you to feel comfortable, with no hassle.

To your question, I would guess, that this message "Warning you reached a limit" can probably link to your set loss limits, or other limits preventing you from playing further when the limit is hit.

I would check your profile for sections called gambling limits, limit tools, responsible gambling, or similar.

I can even recall players that claimed that these limits were set automatically without their notice, could this be the case? 🤔

On the other hand, this one "You are currently blocked from playing" can be related to general rules. I would guess that this game may get blocked - is restricted - to players from your country by the game provider.

In any case, I believe that asking the casino, won't hurt. What do you think about that?

Let me know.


Very interesting, what games do you have that don't load? Are they from the same provider?

I would also be interested to know the list of games that you have not loaded. Collect, let's say, a small base. What provider, what game, what country are you from (this is to understand whether the game from the provider extends to your country).

As for me, there can be quite a few factors. For example, Netent does not work for all countries. And as a rule, it is prescribed in the T&C.


Hello there, just a kind reminder: use the "reply" button, otherwise the person you wrote to will not be notified. It would be a shame, I guess.


No, they are from different providers


No, they are from different providers


What difference would it be if it was the free games selection?


Several games from different providers.. What interest is it 2 u what country I'm from?.. Any game's I play are permitted in this country


There is only an issue with 2 or 3 games.. They don't load, I don't play that often and most certainly haven't been blocked from anything!!!

Wished I hadn't bothered enquiring abt this as certain people think they know everything when they just want 2 be keyboard warriors and jump on the bandwagon!!!.. A simple query wad made for god sake!!!!!


Because you wrote:


I've been having issues loading certain game's lately.. Has anyone else been having these problems?..

It seems to be a recurring issue"

Since we are NOT the casino, we have no clue which games you refer to and whether those are allowed in your country.

Furthermore, as you can see, we provide FREE GAMES SECTION only. Hence I was concerned you have found some bugs there.

Still, no one knows which games you have in mind. So please, be more specific. 🙂

You ask the questions yet fail to explain the issue.

Ažurirano od strane autora

There is only an issue with 2 or 3 games.. They don't load, I don't play that often and most certainly haven't been blocked from anything!!!

Wished I hadn't bothered enquiring abt this as certain people think they know everything when they just want 2 be keyboard warriors and jump on the bandwagon!!!.. A simple query wad made for god sake!!!!!

Can you name the games or the casino? How are we supposed to know what exactly you mean? 🙂

The only one who create tense in this thread is you, I'm afraid. Have no idea what query do you expect anybody to make - for god sake? 🙂

I had, but I update my safari. I was helped

Mislim da je to često zbog vašeg sopstvenog interneta. 🙂

Naročito ako mnogo ljudi igra na istim serverima, mislim da može potrajati duže. 😛

Automatski prevedeno:

Zdravo Moja pretpostavka je da su ove igre blokirane za zemlju porekla, kao što je microgaming za Nemačku u mnogim kockarnicama. Ovo takođe možete pogledati u uslovima bonusa.

Automatski prevedeno:

That's a good point ! Sometimes it is also necessary to read the Terms and Conditions, which usually list the games that are banned for the country. Sometimes the game provider bans games for a certain country, so there are several reasons why this can happen. 

Have you had a similar problem with any particular games or casinos?


da, često. kazina su toliko ograničena na igranje da ponekad i ja postanem slep kada uplaćujem depozit o kom se provajderu radi, a sada je najvažnije da li je zabranjeno u Nemačkoj ili ne možemo da vidimo tek nakon što uplatimo depozit. u ovom slučaju mislim da su mnogi igrači poput mene pali na to. Govoriću jasno, inače nećete razumeti.

preturamo po sajtu za kazina i koje bonuse nude i ako sve odgovara, tražim provajdere koliko provajdera tj. provajdera igara, šta vidim puno igara. super, sad idem da razgovaram uživo da se uverim da li je bonus tačan, koji uslov za klađenje je u redu za mene, uplatim, onda lupim glavom o zid jer sam idiot, ponovo sam reagovao prebrzo! zašto sam ljut?

Pogledam listu provajdera igara i šta vidim? Npr. Microgaming ima samo 5 igara u provajderu i to je najgorih i takođe pragmatičnih 10 igara koje ja uopšte ne bih igrao i onda Thunderkick Kuikspin, apsolutno zabranjen za nemačke igrače, uključujući Nemačku.

Definitivno nisam jedini koji ovako reaguje, mislim da sam nekima skinuo povez sa očiju, uključujući i sebe. i dalje pravim greške, ali ne uvek iste, pokušavam da učim iz greške. Hteo sam da kažem još jednu stvar, kako sada kazina rade. za mene, na primer, postoje igre koje se ne otvaraju i igraju i neke gde računar više nije potreban, naime ovi provajderi koje sam pomenuo još uvek mogu da igram jer se ovi provajderi mogu igrati sa pametnim telefonima. Probajte

Automatski prevedeno:

Kao što sam otkrio, podešavanja za kazina zavise od toga kojoj grupi pripadaju

precizirano i ne može da odstupi, u to sam 100% siguran

Automatski prevedeno:
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