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Games won't load (strana 2)

 od Freaky33
11.322 pregleda 32 odgovora |
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It's as you say. As I mentioned before, it is always a good idea to look at the Terms and Conditions before a player decides to play in the casino. Whether it's for any reason, and I think this particular one about game providers is one that players often run into. 

Anyway, a good point you mentioned is that sometimes it's easy to check with live chat about the situation with game providers. But of course sometimes the casino can't do anything about it if the game provider doesn't allow certain games for them.

In this case, I agree with the opinion that you learn by making mistakes and I think you will definitely be more careful in the future regarding this particular situation.

I also think you added an interesting point at the end and maybe I will try it sometime.

I would like to ask you which game providers you like, since you mentioned the ones that are banned in Germany and the ones you don't play? 🙂

Sviđa mi se tip igre koji se takođe zove Eksplozivna, pragmatična, penzionisana, microgaming, thunderkick, a posebno betsoft. Pretpostavljam da znate šta su uradili sa betsoftom? Sa 80 kazina od 100, betsoft je postavljen na takav način da muškarci ne žele da ih igraju. Pretpostavljam da operateri tačno znaju da betsoft ima dobre stope isplate i stoga su ga tako postavili!

kao što sam rekao, to je nagađanje

Automatski prevedeno:

If we talk about RTP, only some providers give the casino the possibility to change it. There is another possibility to change it if the casino has fake games. Then the casino that has such games can manipulate the RTP as it wants. 

Why do you think RTP is set up in the case of betsoft ?

In the context of your favourite game providers, do you also have favourite games that you play ? 🤨

To su provajderi koje proganjaju kazino grupe, kao što su betsoft kazina, ali zapravo spadaju u Netent kazina.

ono što mislim ima manje veze sa rtp-om ili sa betsoftom. To su, da tako kažem, grupe kazina, kao grupa belih glava, ali postoji nekoliko koje mogu da navedem kasnije ako želim. Zamislite glumce u Americi, oni štrajkuju, protiv? Protiv Unije. Ovo je grupa koju mnoge grupe, kao što su glumci reditelji filmski stvaraoci i i i. Ono što ja kažem je da sindikat plaća grupe, velike grupe da, i pokazuje smernice kazinima. Ovako morate i ovako ćete napraviti podešavanja, ko zna šta još. To je istina, zaista je tako. Ako kazino propadne, sindikat će ga uhvatiti i to je njihov amG

Nadam se da sam mogao biti malo jasniji

Automatski prevedeno:

Oh I see, you mean that casinos are controlled by some other groups that determine how it is supposed to be in the casino, right ? Interesting perspective, but I don't see deep enough to know if that's really the fact. 

Nevertheless, your idea is certainly worth considering and I'll try to find more information about it sometime. I think it might be an interesting read. 

ispravan . Potražite kazino grupe, zatim otvorite igre iz jednog kazina, a zatim otvorite igre iz drugog kazina. Videćete sve identične iako su performanse različite, svi su isti. Predložio bih kazino iz Rouge kazina, 24casino, ivin Fortune kazino da uporedim kako betsoft igre funkcionišu. Videćete da ova kazina vodi organizacija. Postoji samo nekoliko kazina koje sam naveo, ima ih na desetine! Uradite betsoft poređenje, posle 10 sekundi će reći neverovatno. Postoje i kockarnice koje se uopšte ne poznaju, ali su pristale na organizaciju tako da ako inflacija preti da bude podržana. Samo ako kazina žele da budu uključena, moraju da poštuju odredbe i uslove organizacije i oni sastavljaju kazino dok su mašine u pogonu i prevara može da počne. To se zove lanac prljavih kazina. Nadam se da je moj izraz čoveka jasan

Automatski prevedeno:

Yes, I understand what you are writing about. I see that you have already tried your theory in praxis, as far as betsoft is concerned. 

However, I don't think it would be wise for casinos to let themselves be controlled by other organisations. They could lose their regular players later on, because I am of the opinion that a controlled casino would use shady practices over time. 

Anyway, speaking of betsoft, have you tried applying your knowledge with another game provider ?

Ažurirano od strane autora

Nisam baš razumeo izvini, ko zna

Automatski prevedeno:

May I ask what exactly did you not understand ? 

Pitali ste da li sam svoje znanje primenio na drugog provajdera igara, ne razumem šta se misli. Sumnjam da ste nešto pogrešno razumeli ili mislim, kako da iskoristim svoje znanje kod drugog provajdera?

Automatski prevedeno:

I meant that when you tested betsoft games in different casinos, did you also try it with other games from other game providers? 


I've just came across your response Radka, and as a representative of this company I can honestly say that your professionalism is disgraceful


Why do you think ? I am of the opinion that it was quite normally explained. When you talk about games that you can't load and you don't mention what games, in what casino and nothing specific, what kind of answer do you expect ? 

Also, you're replying to a year old post which I think is pretty outdated so don't take this the wrong way but I don't really see the point.

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