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My concern about Pragmatic Play (strana 6)

 od giannis400
86.247 pregleda 284 odgovora |
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Dakle, za sve koji će pročitati moj post ovde. Nije mi prvi na ovoj temi. Za 15 meseci, u kojima sam igrao 98% SAMO dve igre, Big Bass i Christmas Bonanza, dobio sam najmanje, molim vas, pazite, najmanje 1500 besplatnih okretaja. Od juna prošle godine počeo sam da pravim snimke ekrana nakon besplatnih okretaja, imam preko 1000 snimaka ekrana. Većina igara koje sam dobio bile su 1,20, 1,50 i 2 evra. S vremena na vreme bilo je 0,80 ili 0,90 kada nisam imao novca. Ako izračunate prosečnu cenu od 100 evra po besplatnom okretanju, sa najmanje 1500 besplatnih obrtaja, to bi bilo ukupno 150.000 evra. Ludilo!! Maksimalno 10 puta sam dostigao 10k, gde su moja jedina dva dobitka bila preko 1000 evra na ulog od 2 evra. Jednom oko 1750, a jednom oko 1200. godine.

Inače, oko 85% besplatnih okretaja ima dobitke ispod 100 evra.

Cela stvar je na, gde sam juče, potpuni idiot, pogledao da vidim kakvu licencu imaju. Nisam mogao da pronađem licencu za MgA ili Curacao.

Teško mi je reći da li je to zato što kazino ima tako loše rezultate. Ali iz mog iskustva, ove 2 igre su najveća, najveća prevara na svetu. Ako dobijem 2 evra besplatnih okretaja na Božić 30 puta zaredom i ne jednom, ali ni jednom, da li dobijem preko 100 evra, to može biti samo prevara. Zlatna ribica?? HAHA, naravno ni . Zato sam ga dobio od većeg basa u legalnom kazinu u Nemačkoj za 0,60 centi 🙂))

Automatski prevedeno:

If that's the way it is, I probably wouldn't play on these slots if they don't give you almost any money from the free spins you mentioned. You'll save money and nerves. Probably best if you try some other provider. 🤔

Pragmatic play has scammed me 90$ , I played sugar rush 1000 seeing nice reviews from influencers , but i started playing , it taken my 35$ without any bonuses , to recover it i deposited 50$ again and it taken my 50$ to 25$ , frustrated I played big bass float the boats , it given me bonus reward only 2$ , frustrated again i bought bonus of 20$ in sugar rush 1000 it eaten my 18$ and given only 2$ . I hate pragmatic play so much , it made my life hell


Šteta što ne učestvujete u diskusiji.

Automatski prevedeno:

How have they scammed you, though? You've done everything wrong. You go into one of their high volatility slots with a minimal bankroll. You re-deposit to chase your losses. You buy 1 single bonus and then you are surprised it doesn't pay. Clearly, you have no understanding how this works. The least you need to do is some proper research. Also, if you don't know by now not to trust a word these "influencers" say, I'm sorry to say but you deserve to lose, and one can only hope you will have learned a lesson.


No other slot eats 85$ total , pragmatic is the worst provider according to my experience and play n go is best , I never ever experienced this kind of shady behaviour in play n go , but pragmatic always robs me.


You are right i deserve to lose ... because I'm gambling addicted 😥 and always losing so much money in chasing losses

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you recover, friend. The first thing you need to do is to see if you can download anything or find something in your computer settings that blocks everything with "casino" etc. in its name. Then you must find someone professional or a group you can talk to about your problems and take it from there. All best wishes to you 🤞


Šteta što ne učestvujete u diskusiji.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey there.

Sorry for starting off a bit off-topic, but I just want to add a little hint here.

Did you know you can use both a reply and a quote for a direct response?

The best part is that the person will receive immediate notification of your response or quotation.


If I add my humble opinion, though, this whole thread is already meant directly against Pragmatic, so I think I would leave you to yourselves if I were Jelena anyway. It feels more natural than confrontation, at least to me.


Pragmatic play has scammed me 90$ , I played sugar rush 1000 seeing nice reviews from influencers , but i started playing , it taken my 35$ without any bonuses , to recover it i deposited 50$ again and it taken my 50$ to 25$ , frustrated I played big bass float the boats , it given me bonus reward only 2$ , frustrated again i bought bonus of 20$ in sugar rush 1000 it eaten my 18$ and given only 2$ . I hate pragmatic play so much , it made my life hell

I'm sorry you had such an experience and lost. However, playing in casinos is always connected with it and they have an advantage over the player who eventually loses his money there. 

I think if you didn't do well, the best thing to do would be to either take a break, stop playing, or maybe try another game provider. 

I'm not sure what else I would advise you to do. 😕

You are right i deserve to lose ... because I'm gambling addicted 😥 and always losing so much money in chasing losses

If it's like you say and you have a gambling problem, I have a guide on responsible gambling where you can find a lot of useful information if you need it. Have a look at it and I hope it will help you. There's a lot of practical stuff in there. 

Also, the best thing to do would be to seek professional help, because I can imagine it is very unpleasant when you have to fight it.

However, I firmly believe that you will succeed and win over it. 🙁


hvala Radka

Ne želim konfrontaciju, to bi bila prilika da pragmatični iznesu svoju situaciju. Imam stotine snimaka ekrana koji podržavaju moju tezu. ali mi smo tu samo da pravimo depozite i ništa drugo.

Automatski prevedeno:

A real confrontation is appropriate in such cases, I would say, but of course I leave your opinion to you. You would also learn things from the other side's perspective.

However, if you feel that you are only making deposits with this provider, the best thing to do is to move to another one or don't play. 🙂

I never play seriously on the "pragmtic play" provider, I never take this provider seriously. I might play some leftover money after a withdrawal because I know there's no chance I'll win, the odds are below 10%. The chance to see a win from there is simply to tempt me and then lose ten times the amount of the win. The provider does not refund the stakes, so do not play more than 5% of your deposits on it. Whenever I play in "pracmaticplay" I enjoy it because the negative opinion I have about them is verified.


349 spins without bonus round. Big Bass Extreme (no deposit bonus money).

Yyyyy... 🤔🤔🤔

Are there any further doubts? Despite this, my personal record is 540 spins without bonus round on Big Bass Bonanza (classic).

For some time now, I have only been playing with this provider with all its free promotions, just to prove myself to the world. that pragmatic play deserves condemnation.


My friend that's the way things are... you don't have to prove anything to the world, the provider who has these games makes sure to expose their zero rtp. The truth is that the games of "pragmaticplay" are very addictive, they have an excellent environment, very good graphics and create a fairy-tale addictive atmosphere, as good as these are, so poisonous is the profit return.


Igrao sam sa vašim provajderom u stotinama vaših slotova oko 4 godine u 10 različitih kazina, u poslednje 2 godine nije moguće izbaciti bar k1000, 90% bonus igara daje k1-k10, ukupno , potrošio sam oko 300.000 evra na igre vašeg provajdera, procenat povrata ne dostiže ni 5%, nisam dobio nikakav odgovor na sva pisma koja sam poslao na sajt vaše kompanije, kada sam tražio e-mail sanduče gde sam možete da uložite žalbu, vaši zaposleni ćute, a mene je Instagram nalog vaše kompanije potpuno blokirao nakon zahteva e-pošte, to su navike prevaranta a ne poštene kompanije! Ukupno sam sačuvao oko 250.000 različitih snimaka ekrana kao pokazatelj povratka vaše kompanije, u bliskoj budućnosti idem na sud i vraćam izgubljena sredstva, jer vidim da je sve ovo prevara ako čovek ne može ni da vrati 50-70% deponovanog novca za tako dug vremenski period sredstva tokom aktivne igre kada se milijarde okretaja prave u raznim slotovima.

Automatski prevedeno:

Po mom mišljenju, ova kompanija jednostavno prodaje raspored svojih slotova raznim kazinima, a oni zauzvrat mogu da podese prinos kako žele, nema 96% za prosečnog igrača, a za strimere, kazino može podesiti prinos na nivo od 1000%

Automatski prevedeno:

I admire you for giving 250,000 screenshots. It is no coincidence that JELENA has disappeared and does not respond after so many posts here, you see our reports are stormy. I am waiting to learn the judicial development of the case. The rtp of "pragmaticplay" is based on the interest of those who host it.


Nema ničeg iznenađujućeg u činjenici da je nestao, prevaranti se obično ponašaju ovako, pogledajte kako se ispostavi interesantno, spremni su da plate milione dolara za oglašavanje od raznih strimera, ali nisu spremni da naprave dostojan povratak depozita klijenata.

Automatski prevedeno:

Danas sam učestvovao na besplatnom turniru. U 500 okretaja ni 3 scattera. file

Bez obzira koji slot igrate u Pragmatic Plai-u, više nema zabavnog faktora. Zaista je tužno šta nam Pragmatic Plai radi.

Automatski prevedeno:
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