zdravo Nik,
Hvala vam na odgovoru.
Što se tiče vaših pitanja, pokušaću da budem što precizniji.
Tražio sam da mi se zatvori nalog zbog zavisnosti, putem livechata. Odgovorili su da je račun zaista zatvoren. Ali morao sam ponovo da ih kontaktiram nekoliko sati kasnije jer na kraju račun nije bio zatvoren, a ovoga puta jeste. To je moj prvi problem.
Što se tiče mog stanja, on je bio 0 u vreme zahteva za zatvaranje računa.
I tokom mojih poslednjih razmena sa njihovim timom za podršku, koje su se odigrale poslednjih dana, prvo su mi rekli da su prihvatili sve igrače. Onda su mi rekli da ne prihvataju francuske igrače, zahvalivši mi se što sam im omogućio da budu u toku sa zakonima (da li je ovo šala? Jesam li ja profesionalac ili su oni? Imam snimke ekrana ovih razmena), ali to nije. t promenio svoju odluku, i da su odbili da mi vrate depozite.
Prativši žalbu na vašem sajtu igrača iz Holandije, protiv FreddiVegasa, zaključujem da oni prihvataju depozite od igrača koji dolaze sa zabranjenih teritorija, ali ako dođe do pobede odbijaju da plate (podneo sam zahtev za povlačenje koji je nikada obrađeno). Oni koriste izgovor zabranjenih teritorija u slučaju pobede, a u slučaju gubitka jednostavno odbijaju da vrate novac, pozivajući se na isti zakon koji koriste protiv igrača.
Nadam se da sam se dobro izrazio, koristim prevodioca i nisam siguran da je sve razumljivo.
Mnogo vam hvala.
Hello Nick,
Thank you for your reply.
Regarding your questions, I'll try to be as precise as possible.
I asked for my account to be closed for addiction, via livechat. They replied that the account was indeed closed. But I had to contact them again several hours later because in the end the account hadn't been closed, and this time it was. That's my first problem.
Concerning my balance, it was at 0 at the time of the account closure request.
And during my last exchanges with their support team, which took place over the last few days, they first told me that they accepted all players. Then they told me they didn't accept French players, thanking me for allowing them to keep up to date with legislation (is this a joke? Am I the professional or are they? I have screenshots of these exchanges), but that didn't change their decision, and that they refused to refund my deposits.
Having followed the complaint on your site of the player from the Netherlands, against FreddyVegas, I conclude that they do accept deposits from players coming from prohibited territories, but if there is a win they refuse to pay (I had placed a withdrawal request which was never processed). They use the excuse of prohibited territories in the event of a win, and in the event of a loss, simply refuse to refund, invoking the same law they use against the player.
I hope I've expressed myself correctly, I use a translator and I'm not sure everything is understandable.
Thank you very much.
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