Osećam se primoran da podelim svoje nedavno iskustvo sa Freshbet kazinom, što je bilo ništa drugo do apsurdno. Nakon registracije, udovoljio sam svakom zahtevu za verifikaciju — selfi uživo, video, šta god želite. Čak sam i uspešno verifikovan i mislio sam da je sve jasno.
Ali onda, baš kada sam pokušao da izvršim povlačenje, iznenada sam obavešten da sam prekršio njihove uslove i odredbe. Očigledno, pošto sam poštovao sva njihova uputstva i podneo svaki dokument koji su tražili, nekako sam prekršio njihova pravila. Pogodan tajming, zar ne? Odmah nakon što sam pokušao da se povučem, udari me ova nejasna optužba. Čak su citirali određene uslove koje sam navodno prekršio, ali evo u čemu je stvar: apsolutno sam siguran da nisam uradio ništa od onoga što tvrde.
Iskreno, teško je ne nasmejati se vremenu i nedostatku transparentnosti ovde. Poštovao sam sva pravila, obezbedio sve što su tražili, a sada mi je nalog suspendovan iz razloga koje još uvek ne razumem.
Teško je ne osećati se kao da je ovo jasan slučaj pokušaja da se izbegne isplata nakon uspešne verifikacije. Nadam se da će Freshbet pregledati moj slučaj i zapravo objasniti šta je pošlo po zlu, ali u ovom trenutku ne zadržavam dah.
I feel compelled to share my recent experience with freshbet casino, which has been nothing short of absurd. After registering, I complied with every request for verification—live selfie, video, you name it. I even got successfully verified and thought everything was in the clear.
But then, right when I tried to make a withdrawal, I was suddenly informed that I had violated their terms and conditions. Apparently, after following all their instructions and submitting every document they asked for, I somehow broke their rules. Convenient timing, don’t you think? Right after I try to withdraw, I get hit with this vague accusation. They even cited specific terms I supposedly breached, but here's the thing: I’m absolutely certain I didn’t do any of what they’re claiming.
It’s honestly hard not to laugh at the timing and the lack of transparency here. I’ve followed all the rules, provided everything they asked for, and now my account is suspended for reasons I still don’t understand.
It’s hard not to feel like this is a clear case of trying to avoid paying out after a successful verification. I hope freshbet will review my case and actually explain what went wrong, but at this point, I'm not holding my breath.
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