NaslovnaPritužbeGoldenbet Casino - Maloletni igrač zahteva povraćaj novca.
Goldenbet Casino - Maloletni igrač zahteva povraćaj novca.
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Goldenbet Casino
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Goldenbet Casino ima Indeks sigurnosti od 4,5, što znači da neki faktori pokazuju da ima nizak nivo sigurnosti. Istraž Indeks sigurnosti ovog kazina
Nije rešeno : 07/05/2024
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Bez polise reakcije, pasivan regulator
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pre 7 meseci
The player from the United Kingdom had claimed to have deposited a total of £6500 into his account on an online casino, despite being self-excluded and having had two accounts blocked by the same casino previously. He had argued that the casino should have verified his account before accepting his deposits. The player had been dealing with mental health issues and felt distressed as the casino had refused to refund his deposits. Despite our efforts to communicate with the casino, they had not responded. Consequently, we were unable to resolve the player's issue and had suggested they file an official complaint with the casino's licensing authority.
Igrač iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva je tvrdio da je deponovao ukupno 6500 funti na svoj račun u onlajn kazinu, uprkos tome što je bio samoisključen i da mu je isti kazino prethodno blokirao dva naloga. Tvrdio je da je kazino trebalo da verifikuje njegov račun pre nego što prihvati njegove depozite. Igrač se bavio problemima mentalnog zdravlja i osećao se uznemireno jer je kazino odbio da mu vrati depozite. Uprkos našim naporima da komuniciramo sa kazinom, oni nisu odgovorili. Shodno tome, nismo bili u mogućnosti da rešimo problem igrača i predložili smo im da podnesu zvaničnu žalbu nadležnom organu za licenciranje kazina.
Imao sam zatvorena dva računa i ova kompanija mi je omogućila da otvorim još jedan nalog i onda sam mogao da uložim novac bez verifikacije, a oni brzo uzmu vaš novac. Stvar je u tome što druge organizacije imaju na snazi odredbe i uslove koje treba proveriti da prvo proverim starost pošto sam maloletan. Uspeo sam da pošaljem 6500 funti Borim se sa mentalnim zdravljem i nisam bio u glavi da pošaljem ovo Pitao sam za povraćaj novca jer nisam punoletan, a oni odbijaju da je ovo bolesno i ne vide da se borim, molim svakoga ko koristi ovaj sajt da se drži dalje. Zahtevam da mi novac bude refundiran na moj račun ispod što pre
I have had two accounts closed and this company was able to let me create another account and then I could deposit money without being verified also they quick to take your money. The thing is other organisations have in place to terms and conditions to be verified to check age first as I’m under age I was able to send £6500 I struggle with mental health and was not well in the head to send this I have asked for refund as I am not legal age and they refusing this is sick and they don’t see that I’m struggling please anyone who uses this site stay away I request for my money to be refunded back to my account below asap
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli ovu žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo sa Goldenbet kazinom i razumem vašu zabrinutost.
Obrazac za registraciju u Goldenbet kazinu izgleda ovako:
Označio sam deo u crvenom pravougaoniku na koji igrač treba da klikne da bi završio proces verifikacije. Kreiranjem naloga na Goldenbet-u potvrđujete da imate najmanje 18 godina i da ste saglasni sa uslovima i odredbama i Politikom privatnosti.
Da li ste dali tačne informacije kada ste kreirali svoj kazino nalog? Da li ste tačno popunili datum rođenja u svom kazino profilu?
Možete li da dostavite bilo kakvu dokumentaciju ili dokaze u vezi sa vašim godinama u vreme kockanja u Goldenbet kazinu? Ovo može uključivati snimke ekrana profila vašeg naloga, e-poruke razmenjene sa administracijom sajta ili bilo koje druge relevantne informacije koje potvrđuju vaše godine.
Da li ste ikada poslali lične dokumente da biste verifikovali svoj nalog?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear besttributeacts,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience with Goldenbet Casino and understand your concern.
The registration form in Goldenbet Casino looks like this:
I have highlighted the section in the red rectangle which the player needs to click on to complete the verification process. By creating an account on Goldenbet, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and agree to the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.
Did you provide accurate information when you created your casino account? Have you filled out your date of birth accurately in your casino profile?
Can you provide any documentation or evidence regarding your age at the time of gambling in Goldenbet Casino? This could include screenshots of your account profile, emails exchanged with the site administration, or any other relevant information confirming your age.
Have you ever submitted any personal documents to verify your account?
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Zdravo, ja sam punoletan, izvinjavam se što sam trebalo da stavim punoletno. Popunio sam detalje, ali sam i dalje mogao da se kockam bez provere, a to je protivzakonito i kada sam poslao 6500 funti rekli su da sam ranije imao nalog i blokirali svoj račun i rekao da više ne možete da koristite naloge, pa čak i da sam osvojio novac, ne bi mi isplatili, imam imejl da to dokažem. Toliko je bolesno da se borim sa mentalnim zdravljem i želim da uradim nešto sebi. Poslao sam im e-poštu rekavši da su i dalje rekli da nema povraćaja sredstava da kompanija treba da ima verifikaciju pre nego što se kladim, a oni nisu želeli da mi se novac vrati jer su rekli da neću moći da koristim povlačenje jer su blokirali račun pre.
Hi there I am the legal age sorry I was meant to put im legal age I filled out details but was still able to gamble without verification and that is against the law also when I sent £6500 they said I had an account before and blocked my account and said you can’t use anymore accounts so even if I won money they wouldn’t pay me out I have email to prove this. It’s so sick that I’m struggling with mental health and feel like doing something to myself . I’ve emailed them stating this they still said no refund a company should have verification in place before I made a bet and they didn’t I want my money back as they said I would not be able to use the withdrawal as they blocked an account before.
trebalo bi da mi vrate novac što pre jer su me zabranili pre dva meseca, tako da sam im dao 6500 funti i ako osvojim bilo šta, ne bih mogao da je povučem zbog zabrane i moje lične karte i adrese i bankovnog računa povezanih sa sajtom je zabranjeno. Molim te uzmi moje
novac nazad. Loše se borim sa problemima mentalnog zdravlja
they should refund my money asap as they have banned me two months ago so basically I have given them £6500 and if I won any thing I wouldn’t be able to withdraw it due to being banned and my id and address and bank account associated with the website is banned. Please get my
money back I’m struggling bad with mental health issues
Upravo su me ignorisali na veb stranici i rekli da možete biti bilo koje godine za klađenje, ali kada želite da uzmete novac, morate da budete verifikovani, ovo je odvratno i oni su prevaranti, želim svoj novac nazad jer su mi zabranili dva naloga i ja ne bi trebalo da mogu da koristim tu veb lokaciju. Borim se sa problemima mentalnog zdravlja i ako je verifikacija bila na mestu pre nego što ste se kladili, ne bi me verifikovali jer ne, da sam ranije bio blokiran. Zato moraju da vrate moja sredstva od 6500 funti koje su mi uzeli
They have just ignored me on the website and said u can be any age to place bets but when u wanna take money u need to be verified this is sickening and they are scammers I want my money back as they have banned my two accounts and I shouldn’t be able to use there website I am struggling with mental health issues and if the verification was in place before u make a bet they would not verify me as they no I been blocked before. So they need to return my funds £6500 they have taken from me
Nisam ni ja novi igrač. Imao sam blokirana dva naloga kod njih i moj ID je blokiran kod njih. Otišao sam na veb lokaciju jer se trenutno borim sa kockanjem, a mentalno zdravlje je uzdignuto.
I’m not a new player either I have had two accounts blocked with them and my id is blocked with them I went on website as I’m struggling with gambling at present and mental health is up the wall I have show proof below
Napravio sam treći nalog kod ove kompanije. Prošle noći sam potrošio 6500 funti pateći od mentalnih problema i depresivan. Imam veliki problem i nisu mi verifikovali nalog. Uspeo sam da im pošaljem uplate, iako imam mejlove u kojima se navodi da sam zabranjen i da još uvek mogu da koristim tu veb lokaciju, ovo je odvratno i zahtevam od njih da pošalju moj novac i ne bi trebalo da mogu čak ni da imaju posao samo su odgovorili sa ne, ne možemo vam pomoći, sada su mi zabranili nalog i 6500 funti je otišlo tamo kompaniji Santenda Intl i potrebna mi je ova sredstva nazad što je pre.. Imam sve dokaze da sam zabranjen čak i da sam bio mogu da naplate kada se potvrdi da mi neće vratiti novac pošto sam zabranjen
I have made my third account with this company I have spent £6500 last night suffering from mental health issues and being depressed I have a big issue and they didn’t verify my account. I was able to send transfer payments to them even though I have emails stating that I been banned and I was able to still use there site this is sickening and I require them to send my money and they should not be able to even have there business they just reply back with no we can’t help you they have now banned my account and £6500 has gone to there company Santenda Intl and I need these funds back asap.. I have all proof I’ve been banned even if I was able to collect once verified they won’t send my money back as I’m banned
Pobrinite se da dobijete moj povraćaj za mene jer je ovo šala da su kompanije prevaranti, zabranili su mi odatle platforma je zatvorila moj nalog i uzela mojih 6500 funti bez ikakve provere
Make sure you get my refund for me as this is a joke the company is scammers they banned me from there platform closed my account and taken my £6500 without any verification
Zaista mi je žao što čujem za izazove sa kojima se suočavate i želim da znate da saosećam sa vašom situacijom. Ovde sam da vam pomognem koliko god mogu, ali trebaće mi još neke informacije od vas.
Pomenuli ste da je vaš nalog prethodno blokiran od strane kazina u dva navrata. Možete li da navedete više detalja o tome zašto su vaši nalozi blokirani? Da li je to bilo na vaš zahtev ili je to odluka kazina?
Pored toga, kada ste kreirali svoj treći nalog, da li ste koristili iste lične podatke, kao što su e-pošta, broj telefona, ime i adresa, kao u prethodnim blokiranim nalozima?
Vaši odgovori će mi pomoći da bolje razumem vašu situaciju i pružim odgovarajuću pomoć. Znajte da sam tu da vas podržim kroz ovo.
Dear besttributeacts,
I'm truly sorry to hear about the challenges you're facing, and I want you to know that I empathize with your situation. I'm here to assist you to the best of my ability, but I'll need some more information from you.
You mentioned that your account was previously blocked by the casino on two occasions. Could you please provide more details about why your accounts were blocked? Was it at your request, or was it a decision made by the casino?
Additionally, when you created your third account, did you use the same personal information, such as email, phone number, name, and address, as in your previous blocked accounts?
Your responses will help me better understand your situation and provide appropriate assistance. Please know that I'm here to support you through this.
Vratite sve ove uplate jer su ovo depoziti koje sam dao vašem timu za plaćanja, pošto sam Selford isključen, a takođe su verifikovani kao što ste mi objasnili da znate ko sam. Zahtevam punu refundaciju što je pre moguće. Sada tražim advokate i ovo je uključeno da povratim svoja sredstva koja će se obratiti banci i prići sebi jer me ovo obmanjuje zbog mene, jer ne mogu da imam nikakva sredstva zbog samoisključenosti, pa bih zahtevao od vas da vratim ovo na moj bankovni račun koji je priložen na vrhu
18 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
18 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
18 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
25 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
25 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
25 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
25 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
25 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
25 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
25 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
25 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
26 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £30.00
26 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £20.00
27 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £50.00
27 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £50.00
27 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £50.00
27 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
27 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
27 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
27 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
27 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
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27 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
27 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
27 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
27 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
28 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £200.00
28 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £200.00
31 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £50.00
31 Mar 2024 To Santeda Intl. £100.00
1 Apr 2024 To Santeda Intl. £500.00
1 Apr 2024 To Santeda Intl. £500.00
1 Apr 2024 To Santeda Intl. £383.00
1 Apr 2024 To Santeda Intl. £200.00
1 Apr 2024 To Santeda Intl. £300.00
1 Apr 2024 To Santeda Intl. £500.00
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1 Apr 2024 To Santeda Intl. £500.00
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2 Apr 2024 To Santeda Intl. £98.00
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2 Apr 2024 To Santeda Intl. £50.00
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2 Apr 2024 To Santeda Intl. £50.00
3 Apr 2024 To Santeda Intl. £50.00
Refund all these payment as these are deposits I made to your payments team me being Selford excluded and also have been verified as you’ve explained to me you know who I am. I require my full refund as soon as possible. I am now getting lawyers and this is involved to get my funds back which will be approaching the bank and approaching yourselves as this is scamming me due to me, not being able to have any funds due to being self excluded, so I would require you to refund this back to my bank account which is attached at top
Hvala vam puno, besttributeacts, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću vašu žalbu preneti kolegi Jozefu ( ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, besttributeacts, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Jozef ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Molim vas učinite kao što je ova kompanija, uzeo £6500 od mene i ja sam samo isključen na njihovoj veb stranici. Imam dokaz o tome koji sam podneo, a kockarska kompanija mi se nije ni javila i stalno me laže da mi se neko vraća. Činjenica da su mi upravo uzeli novac i blokirali račun i da sam se isključio je šala. Nadam se da ćete moći da mi vratite sredstva jer se zbog toga sada borim sa svojim mentalnim zdravljem i blagostanjem. Nisam imao podršku. I ja sam ranjiv. Ovo je moj nalog pod imenom Rian Hudon34
Please do as this company, have taken £6500 off me and I’m self excluded on their website. I have proof of this which I have submitted and the gambling company have not even got back to me and keep lying to me about someone getting back to me. The fact they’ve just took my money and blocked my account and me being self excluded is a joke. I do hope you can get my funds back as this is now making me struggle with my mental health and well-being. I’ve had no support. I’m also vulnerable. This is my account under the name of Ryan Hudon34
Voleli bi da zamolimo kazino da odgovori na ovu pritužbu. Produžujemo timer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u predviđenom roku, prigovo ćemo zatvoriti kao "nerešen", što može negativno uticati na rejting kazina.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Pošto nismo dobili nikakav odgovor od kazina u vezi sa ovim problemom, nemamo drugog izbora nego da klasifikujemo žalbu kao „nerešenu". Kazino može ponovo da otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku.
Dragi besttributeacts,
Veoma mi je žao, ali pošto kazino tim nije reagovao, nismo u mogućnosti da nastavimo sa istragom. Alternativna opcija je da podnesete zvaničnu žalbu organu za licenciranje kazina. Imajte na umu da će ova žalba uticati na njihov indeks bezbednosti na našoj veb stranici. Slobodno me kontaktirajte ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć.
Since we haven’t received any response from the casino regarding the issue, we have no choice but to classify the complaint as 'unresolved'. The casino can reopen this complaint any time.
Dear besttributeacts,
I am very sorry, but since the casino team has not been responsive, we are unable to continue with the investigation. An alternative option is to file an official complaint with the licensing authority of the casino. Please note that this complaint will have an impact on their safety index on our website. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require further assistance.