Anja, ako je bilo poklapanja u IP adresama, imenu, državi, kolačićima, a nalozi su kreirani sa različitim emailovima, lista mejlova iz jednog inboxa je apsolutno nebitna.
Dragi Hot.Bet Casino timu,
Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja da razjasnim situaciju.
Koju vrstu igara je igrač najviše igrao? Je li tačno da je igrala samo slotove bez korištenja bonusa? Da li je igrala druge žanrove igara?
Iako se slažem s nekim vašim tvrdnjama, možete li nam detaljnije objasniti " Prednost koja se može steći je zaobilaženje limita opklade "? Da li je igrala iste igre sa oba naloga istovremeno?
S naše tačke gledišta, usuđujem se reći da je bitno da li su i bonusi iskorišteni ili ne. Štaviše, slotovi bi trebali biti igre tipa RNG sa fiksnim RTP vrijednostima. Rekao bih da nije bitno koliko prozora igrač otvori i igra, šanse za pobjedu su iste i ne znači nikakvu nepravednu prednost igranjem na ovaj način.
Da li je bilo i nekog drugog kršenja odredbi i uslova kazina, molim?
Anja, if there were matches in IPs, name, country, cookies, and the accounts were created with different emails, the list of emails from one email inbox is absolutely irrelevant.
Dear Hot.Bet Casino Team,
Let me please ask you a few questions to clarify the situation.
What type of games did the player play the most? Is that right that she played only Slots without using any bonuses? Did she play other game genres?
Although I agree with some of your claims, could you please explain to us "The advantage that can be gained is bypassing bet limits" in more detail, please? Did she play the same games with both accounts at the same time?
From our point of view, I dare say that it matters whether the bonuses have also been used, or not. Moreover, Slots should be RNG type games with fixed RTP values. I would say it does not matter how many windows a player opens and plays, chances to win are the same and it does not mean any unfair advantage by playing in this way.
Was there also any other breach of the casino's Terms and Conditions, please?
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