Igrao sam u kazinu neko vreme. Verifikovan sam i sve je bilo u redu. Igrao sam malo iu njihovom sestrinskom kazinu, grabi ali sam odlučio da zatvorim svoj račun tamo. To nije bilo tako lako pa sam kao razlog želeo da zatvorim račun naveo zavisnost od kockanja. Nekoliko dana kasnije sam osvojio nešto novca na ivild-u, ne veliku svotu, ali sam hteo da podignem iznos od 3000nok. Tada su počeli problemi. Odjednom mi je račun zatvoren zbog zavisnosti od kockanja i nisam imao pristup svom novcu. Napisao sam e-mail i zamolio ih da mi daju novac. Odjednom sam morao da im pošaljem ovo je to. I svaki put im pošaljem ono što su tražili. Tražili su nešto drugo. odustao sam. Nekoliko meseci kasnije spasio sam e-poštu od ivildcasina. Napisali su: Zdravo!
Primetili smo da vaš nalog je neko vreme bio neaktivan. Još uvek imate 2250.0000 koji samo sedite i ne radite ništa da povećate svoje dobitke. Zamislite potencijal koji propuštate! Pokušao sam da se prijavim, ali ne mogu da pristupim nalogu. Poslao sam im 3 e-poruke prošle nedelje bez odgovora. Samo želim svoj novac
I had been playing at the casino for a while. I was verified and everything was ok. I was also playing a little on their sister casino, snatch but I decided to close my account there. That was not so easy so I gave gambling addiction as the reason I wannned to close the account. I couple of days later I won some money on iwild, not a big sum but I wanted to widraw the amount of 3000nok. That’s when the problems started. Suddenly my account got closed due to gambling addiction and I had no access to my money. I wrote an email and asked them to give my money. All of a sudden I had to send them this am that. And every time I send them what they asked for. They asked for some thing else. I gave up. A couple of months later I rescued an email from iwildcasino. They wrote : Hello there!
We noticed that your account cattajoy@hotmail.com has been inactive for a while. You still have 2250.0000 just sitting there, not doing anything to boost your winnings. Imagine the potential you're missing out on! I tried to log in, but I can’t access the account. I have sendt them 3 emails the last week with no response. I just want my money
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