Rezime konačnog obaveštenja za iVild Casino / Altacore NV
Pozadina i pregled
Ovo je zvanična žalba iVild Casino-u / Altacore NV, u kojoj se traži povraćaj €4,872.65, koji je nezakonito zadržan. Klijent je više puta kontaktirao kazino, ali nije dobio nikakav odgovor ili objašnjenje za zadržavanje sredstava. Kako situacija ostaje nerešena, kupac je odlučio da eskalira stvar nadležnim i regulatornim telima.
Ključne tačke i zahtevi
U žalbi se navode sledeći zahtevi:
Povraćaj 4.872,65 €
Klijent traži da se puni iznos od 4,872,65 € prebaci putem bankovnog prenosa i odmah dostavi dokaz o transakciji.
Objavljivanje podataka u skladu sa GDPR-om
Klijent je zatražio lične i transakcijske podatke u skladu sa GDPR propisima. Nepoštovanje može dovesti do žalbe nadležnim organima za zaštitu podataka.
Potencijalne posledice
Ako iVild Casino ne ispuni zahteve, biće preduzete sledeće radnje:
Krivična istraga i kršenja pranja novca
Klijent namerava da kontaktira organe za sprovođenje zakona i organe za finansijski kriminal kao što su Europol i Interpol u vezi sa sumnjom na kršenje propisa o pranju novca, s obzirom na međunarodnu prirodu slučaja.
Regulatorne žalbe
Klijent će podneti zvanične žalbe nadležnim organima za igre na sreću, kao što su Malta Gaming Authoriti (MGA) i Curacao eGaming Authoriti, zbog potencijalnih kršenja uslova licenciranja i neetičke poslovne prakse. Ovo može dovesti do suspenzije ili oduzimanja licence.
GDPR žalba
Klijent će podneti žalbu Evropskom odboru za zaštitu podataka (EDPB) i nacionalnim organima za zaštitu podataka ako kazino ne dostavi tražene podatke.
Zaštita potrošača i obmanjujuća poslovna praksa
Takođe će biti uložena žalba agencijama za zaštitu potrošača u vezi sa nepoštenim uslovima i obmanjujućim poslovnim praksama.
Dalje akcije
Ukoliko se zahtevi ne ispune u navedenom roku (25.02.2025. godine), preduzeće se sledeće radnje:
Criminal Investigation
Klijent je spreman da uključi policijske jedinice i jedinice za finansijski kriminal u dalju istragu slučaja.
Regulatorne žalbe
Klijent će nastaviti sa formalnim žalbama regulatornim telima, što bi potencijalno moglo dovesti do sankcija protiv iVild kazina.
Javno obelodanjivanje i izlaganje
Klijent je spreman da razotkrije neetičku praksu kazina putem platformi za zaštitu potrošača i medijskih kanala.
Final Varning
Ovo je poslednja prilika za iVild Casino da dobrovoljno reši ovaj problem. Nepoštovanje će dovesti do trenutne eskalacije, sa teškim i nepovratnim posledicama.
Summary of the Final Notice to iWild Casino / Altacore N.V.
Background and Overview
This is an official complaint to iWild Casino / Altacore N.V., demanding the return of €4,872.65, which has been unlawfully withheld. The customer has contacted the casino multiple times but has not received any response or explanation for the withholding of funds. As the situation remains unresolved, the customer has decided to escalate the matter to authorities and regulatory bodies.
Key Points and Demands
The complaint outlines the following demands:
Refund of €4,872.65
The customer demands the full amount of €4,872.65 to be transferred via bank wire and proof of the transaction provided immediately.
GDPR-Compliant Data Release
The customer has requested personal and transaction data in accordance with GDPR regulations. Failure to comply may result in a complaint to the data protection authorities.
Potential Consequences
If iWild Casino fails to meet the demands, the following actions will be taken:
Criminal Investigation and Money Laundering Violations
The customer intends to contact law enforcement and financial crime authorities such as Europol and Interpol regarding suspected violations of money laundering regulations, considering the international nature of the case.
Regulatory Complaints
The customer will file official complaints with gaming authorities such as the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) and the Curaçao eGaming Authority for potential violations of licensing conditions and unethical business practices. This could lead to license suspension or revocation.
GDPR Complaint
The customer will file a complaint with the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and national data protection authorities if the casino fails to provide the requested data.
Consumer Protection and Deceptive Business Practices
A complaint will also be made to consumer protection agencies regarding unfair terms and deceptive business practices.
Further Actions
If the demands are not met by the specified deadline (February 25, 2025), the following actions will be pursued:
Criminal Investigation
The customer is prepared to involve law enforcement and financial crime units in investigating the case further.
Regulatory Complaints
The customer will proceed with formal complaints to regulatory bodies, potentially leading to sanctions against iWild Casino.
Public Disclosure and Exposure
The customer is ready to expose the casino's unethical practices through consumer protection platforms and media channels.
Final Warning
This is iWild Casino’s final opportunity to resolve this matter voluntarily. Failure to comply will result in immediate escalation, with severe and irreversible consequences.
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