The player from Switzerland had deposited 511 USD to Jackpoker, which the casino claimed it did not receive. The player, who had made several successful deposits in the past, provided confirmation of the payment. We had requested further communication records between the player and the casino for a thorough investigation. However, due to the player's lack of response to our follow-up messages, we were unable to proceed with the investigation. Consequently, the complaint was rejected.
Igrač iz Švajcarske je deponovao 511 USD na Jackpoker, za koje je kazino tvrdio da nije primio. Igrač, koji je u prošlosti napravio nekoliko uspešnih depozita, dao je potvrdu o uplati. Zatražili smo dalju evidenciju komunikacije između igrača i kazina radi detaljne istrage. Međutim, zbog nedostatka odgovora igrača na naše naknadne poruke, nismo bili u mogućnosti da nastavimo sa istragom. Shodno tome, žalba je odbijena.
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