Deponovao sam oko 1.000 USD u Etherum 24. i 25. januara. Nisam koristio nikakav bonus kod.
Osvojio sam malo i pokušao da podignem svoj dobitak. Ukupno oko 1.650 USD. Sledećeg jutra moje povlačenje je otkazano. Nisam dobio nikakvu informaciju niti drugo objašnjenje zašto.
Zatim sam završio proces KIC za kazina i dobio sam e-poruku sa potvrdom u kojoj se navodi da je moj KIC završen.
Zatim sam ponovo pokušao da se povučem i čekao više od 48 sati. Ništa se nije desilo. Služba za korisnike nije odgovorila na moja pitanja i odbila je da mi da rok.
Onda sam ponovo otkazao povlačenje i igrao još malo. Još jedan. Zatim sam pokušao da podignem ukupno 0,6 ETH, oko 1.800 USD.
Prošla su dva dana. Nema informacija, nema vremenskog okvira, nema povratnih informacija. Bojim se da je kazino potpuna prevara.
Znam da kazino takođe ima 3k opkladu na depozite. Glupo, ali u svakom slučaju, založio sam više od 3 puta više od deponovanog iznosa.
Želim da upozorim druge potencijalne igrače.
I deposited around 1.000 USD in Etherum the 24th and 25th of January. I did not use any bonus code.
I won a little and tried to withdraw my winnings. In total around 1.650 USD. The next morning my withdrawal was cancelled. I did not receive any information or other explanation as to why.
I then completed the casinos KYC process and got a confirmation email stating my KYC was complete.
I then tried to withdraw again and waited over 48 hours. Nothing happened. Customer service did not answer my questions and refused to give me a timeframe.
I then cancelled my withdrawal again, and played a bit more. One a bit more. I then tried to withdraw in total 0,6 ETH, around 1.800 USD.
It has been two days. No information, no timeframe, no feedback. I am afraid that the casino is a complete scam.
I know that the casino also has a 3x wager on deposits. Stupid, but anyways, I have wagered way more than 3x the deposited amount.
I want to warn other potential players.
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