Zdravo, razumem da ovaj proces može da potraje, ali koliko sam primetio da nisu voljni da ispune, provere dokumenata prelaze tajmer od 24 sata, oni sami daju rokove ali ne stižu na vreme. Prvo sam poslao izvod iz banke, nakon odbijanja poslao sam drugi bankovni izvod, odbijen, zatim sam poslao račun za komunalije, odbijen, zatim sam kontaktirao tehničku podršku, gde mi nisu pomogli, poslao sam drugu sliku računa za komunalije, opet odbijen , onda sam ponovo kontaktirao tehničku podršku, gde su mi rekli da mogu da pošaljem račun na mobilni, poslao sam ga, napominjem da oni sami pišu da ne prihvataju takav račun, ali su me uverili da tim za obezbeđenje preduzeća. I tako je ovaj dokument odbijen, još jednom kontaktiram tehničku podršku, 3 puta mi kažu da treba da dostavim račun za komunalije u pdf formatu ili izvod BANKE druge vrste ili druge organizacije, poslao sam im izvod iz druge banke , proveravaju moj dokument više od 60 sati, pre samo 30 minuta sam kontaktirao tehničku podršku i njihov radnik na početku našeg razgovora mi je napisao da moram da pošaljem izvod iz banke, ali čim sam rekao da sam poslao i moj dokument se proverava više od 60 sati. Ispostavilo se da su 2 različite osobe „pogrešile" i ne mogu da pošaljem izvod iz banke, sada im je potreban samo račun za komunalne usluge i to mora biti u pdf formatu. Poslao sam sve dokumente koje su tražili čim sam imao priliku da to uradim. Već sam zatražio izvod iz banke na engleskom, biće urađeno za oko nedelju dana. Mogu da vam pošaljem sve dokumente e-poštom i sve transkripte razgovora sa njima.
Hello, I understand that this process can take some time, but from what I have noticed they are not very willing to meet, document checks exceed the 24 hour timer, they themselves give deadlines but don't make it in time. Initially I sent a bank statement, after rejection I sent another bank statement, rejected, then I sent a utility bill, rejected, then I contacted technical support, where they did not help me, I sent another picture of the utility bill, again rejected, then I contacted technical support again, where they told me that I could send the bill to my cell phone, I sent it, I would like to note that they themselves write that they do not accept such a bill, but I was assured that the security team of the company. And so this document was rejected, once again I contact technical support, they tell me 3 times that I need to provide a utility bill in pdf format or a BANK statement of another type or another organization, I sent them a bank statement from another bank, they have been checking my document for more than 60 hours, just 30 minutes ago I contacted technical support and their employee at the beginning of our conversation wrote to me that I have to send a bank statement, but as soon as I said that I sent it and my document is being checked for more than 60 hours. Turns out 2 different people "misspoke" and I can't send a bank statement, they now only require a utility bill and it has to be in pdf format. I sent all the documents they asked for as soon as I had a chance to do so. I have already requested a bank statement in English, it will be done in about a week. I can email you all the documents and e-mailed you all the transcripts of the chats with them.
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