NaslovnaPritužbeLuckyElf Casino - Povlačenje igrača se odlaže zbog problema sa verifikacijom naloga.
LuckyElf Casino - Povlačenje igrača se odlaže zbog problema sa verifikacijom naloga.
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260 CHF
LuckyElf Casino
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Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Switzerland faced repeated demands for non-existent documents to withdraw approximately 500 NZD, despite having completed KYC verification. The casino's refusal to process the withdrawal and insistence on unnecessary verification led to significant frustration after extensive communication attempts. The issue was resolved after intervention from the Complaints Team, resulting in the player receiving her winnings. The casino acknowledged the inconvenience and expressed a commitment to improve future processes.
Igrač iz Švajcarske se suočio sa ponovljenim zahtevima za nepostojećim dokumentima da povuče približno 500 NZD, uprkos tome što je završio KIC verifikaciju. Odbijanje kazina da obradi povlačenje i insistiranje na nepotrebnoj verifikaciji dovelo je do značajne frustracije nakon opsežnih pokušaja komunikacije. Problem je rešen nakon intervencije Žalbenog tima, što je dovelo do toga da je igračica dobila svoj dobitak. Kazino je priznao neprijatnost i izrazio posvećenost poboljšanju budućih procesa.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem.
Imajte na umu da je KIC veoma važan i suštinski proces, tokom kojeg kazino osigurava da se novac pošalje pravom vlasniku. Kako nemaju luksuz da fizički vide sve igrače i provere njihove identifikacione i dokumente, to je jedini način na koji kockarske ustanove mogu da završe procedure verifikacije. Nijedan od ozbiljnih i licenciranih kazina ne shvata KIC olako i može potrajati nekoliko radnih dana da se ovaj temeljni proces završi.
Da li sam dobro razumeo da je verifikacija vaših depozita jedini problem?
Da li ste nedavno dostavili još neke dokumente za verifikaciju svog naloga i da li su svi odobreni?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Zbog povećanog obima pritužbi u ovo doba godine, molimo za strpljenje dok čekamo naše odgovore. Cilj nam je da objavimo svaku žalbu u roku od 48 sati od podnošenja, ali zadržavamo do 7 dana da odgovorimo na sve naknadne komentare. Pored toga, imajte na umu da će možda biti potrebno malo duže da vaša žalba bude dodeljena rešavaču, jer trenutno upravljamo sa preko 900 žalbi.
Vaše razumevanje je veoma cenjeno. Želimo vam ugodne praznike, a mi ćemo vam se javiti što je pre moguće.
Dear msg1992,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos take KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
Do I understand correctly that verifying your deposits seems to be the only issue?
Have you recently provided any other documents to verify your account and have they all been approved?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Due to the increased volume of complaints during this time of year, we kindly request your patience while awaiting our responses. We aim to publish each complaint within 48 hours of submission but reserve up to 7 days to reply to any subsequent comments. Additionally, please be aware that it might take a bit longer for your complaint to be assigned to a resolver, as we are currently managing over 900 complaints.
Your understanding is greatly appreciated. Wishing you a delightful holiday season, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Čestitamo! Vaš nalog je sada u potpunosti verifikovan."
Adresa, platne kartice i lična karta su bili i jesu kompletni, a verifikacija na sajtu je takođe potvrđena kao završena. Onda je počelo sa Skrill nalogom iako sam 100 puta objasnio (pogledajte snimke ekrana) da je anoniman bez naloga. Ćaskanje uživo (takođe pogledajte snimke ekrana) je reklo da i onda bih trebao da otpremim dokaz o kupovini za Paisafecard, što sam i učinio, ali sam onda ponovo odbijen.
- Pošaljite potvrdu transakcije sa vašim podacima. Objašnjeno je 100 puta da ovo ne možete da dobijete sa Paisafecard kodom, očigledno niko od agenata ne proverava na depozitu da vam je potreban samo broj kartice.
- Čet uživo, kao što je pomenuto, rekao je da su moji računi za kupovinu pogrešni jer je uplata izvršena u NZD, a moje kartice su bile u CHF. Tačno, izgleda da niko ne zna kako funkcionišu njihovi načini plaćanja i moja objašnjenja nisu pomogla.
Žao mi je zbog svih snimaka ekrana, ali na sreću dobro sam dokumentovao i mogu se proveriti.
Desilo se nekoliko puta da je kazino potvrdio i rekao da je gotov, onda sam ja podneo zahtev za povlačenje i tražili su druge. Sada "pravi" put kupovine Paisafecard-a i Skrill nalog. Da ste pročitali šta sam rekao 10 puta i da je neko sam pokrenuo Paisafecard depozit, imali biste dokaze o mojim izjavama i videli šta sam rekao, unosite samo 16-cifreni broj.
Zaista verujem da se tako namerno ponašaju i da znaju da nema potvrda. Takođe da zaista misle da se moji računi ne mogu poklapati, iako je kupovina obavljena neposredno pre depozita, jer je valuta drugačija... Izvinite, ali svaka odrasla osoba zna da se valute pretvaraju. Verovatno su se nadali da više nemam karte. I skoro godinu dana kasnije, račune o kupovini više niko nije imao jer su račun sa brojem bacili nakon što je kredit odobren. Srećom, Paisafecard kupujem putem internet bankarstva, što je jedini razlog zašto sam mogao da je otpremim. A ako su spekulisali da su priznanice nedostajale, onda samo moraju da tvrde da su netačne. Opet, nikada nisam morao da ih pružam u drugim Hollicorn kockarnicama, ne kažu ništa osim iznosa, numeričkog koda i datuma kupovine.
Ponestalo mi je prostora zbog ograničenja broja znakova, tako da sam mogao da priložim snimke ekrana samo kao vezu. Sada ponovo dodajem KIC potvrde i komunikaciju, u slučaju da vam nije dozvoljeno da otvarate spoljne veze.
Druga polovina sledi u sledećem 🙂
Hello Kristina,
thank you for the very quick reply!
Yes, the KYC was confirmed, see screenshots:
"Congratulations! You are ready
Congratulations! Your account is now fully verified."
Address, payment cards and ID were and are complete and the verification on the website was also confirmed as completed. Then it started with the Skrill account even though I explained 100 times (see screenshots) that it is anonymous without an account. The live chat (also see screenshots) said yes and then I should upload proof of purchase for the Paysafecard, which I did, but then I was rejected again.
- Send a transaction confirmation with your details. Explained 100 times that you can't get this with a Paysafecard code, apparently none of the agents even check at deposit that you only need the card number.
- Live chat, as mentioned, said my purchase receipts were wrong because the payment was made in NZD and my cards were in CHF. Exactly, no one seems to know how their payment methods work and my explanations didn't help.
I'm sorry for all the screenshots but luckily I documented it well and can be verified.
It happened several times that the casino confirmed and said it was complete, then I made a withdrawal request and they asked for others. Now the "real" Paysafecard purchase route and the Skrill account. If you read what I said 10 times and someone had started a Paysafecard deposit themselves, you would have had evidence of my statements and seen what I said, you only enter the 16-digit number.
I really believe that they behave like this deliberately and know that there are no receipts. Also that they really think that my purchase receipts cannot match, despite the purchase being made shortly before the deposit, because the currency is different... Sorry, but every adult knows that currencies are converted. They probably hoped that I no longer had the cards. And almost a year later, no one would have the purchase receipts anymore because they threw away the receipt with the number after the credit was credited. Luckily I buy the Paysafecard via online banking, which is the only reason I was able to upload it. And if they speculated that the receipts were missing, then they just have to claim that they are incorrect. Again, I have never had to provide these myself in other Hollycorn casinos, they don't say anything except the amount, numeric code and date of purchase.
I ran out of space due to the character limit, so I could only attach the screenshots as a link. I am now adding the KYC confirmations and communication here again, in case you are not allowed to open external links.
The other half follows in the next 🙂
Hallo Kristina,
danke für die sehr schnnelle Antwort!
Ja, die KYC war bestätigt, siehe Screenshots:
"Glückwunsch! Sie sind bereit
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Ihr Konto ist nun vollständig verifiziert."
Adresse, Zahlkarten und Ausweise waren bzw sind vollständig gewesen und der Verifizierungsberech auf der Website auch yls abgeschlossen bestätigt. Dann fing es mit den Skrill Account an obwoh ich (siehe Screenshots) wirklich 100x erklärt habe es ist anonym ohne Account. Der Live Chat (auch das, siehe Screenshots) sagte ja dann auch ich soll sonst Kaufbelege der Paysafecard hochladen was ich ja tat aber dann kam ja wieder Ablehnung
- Senden Sie eine Transaktionsbestätigung mit ihren Daten. 100x erklärt das bekommt man mit Paysafecard Code nicht, scheinbar schaut niemand von den Agenten mal bei Deposit, das man nur die Nummer der Karte brauch.
- Live Chat wie erwähnt meinte, meine Kaufbelege seien falsch, weil ja in NZD eingezahlt wurde und meine Karten in CHF seien. Eben, keiner scheint zu wissen wie ihre Zahlarten gehen und meine Erklärungen halfen nicht.
Es tut mir leid für die ganzen Screenshots aber zum Glück hab ich es gut nachprüfbar dokumentiert.
Es ging mehrmals so, dass das Casino bestätigte, sagte es sei vollständg, dann mach ich Auszahlungsanfrage und man fragt nach anderen. Nun eben die "richtigen" Paysafecard Kaufnachseise und der Skrill Account. Wenn man liest was ich 10x sagte und jemand selber paysafecard Deposit gestartet hätte, hätten Sie ja meine Aussagen belegt gehabt und das gesehen was ich sagte, man gibt nur die 16stellige Nummer ein.
Ich glaube wirklich dass man sich bewusst so verhält und weiss, es gibt keine Belege. Auch das man wirklich meint, meine Kaufbelege können trotz zeitliche Kauf urz vorm Deposit nicht passen weil die Währung anders ist ... Entschuldigung aber jeder Erwachsene weiss das man die Währungen umrechnet, vermutlich hat man gehofft das ich die Karten nicht mehr habe. Und fsst 1 jahr später hätte die Kaufbelege auch keiner mehr, weil man den Kassenbon mit der Nummer nach Gutschrift wegschmeisst. Ich kauf die Paysafecard zum Glück via Online Banking, nur darum konnte ich diese hochladen. Und wenn man darauf spekuliert hat das die Belege fehlen muss man dann halt behaupten das diese nicht korrekt sind. Nochmal, diese musste ich selbst in anderen Hollycorn Casinos nie bereitstellen, sie sage ja auch nichts aus, ausser Betrag, Zahlencode und Kaufdatum.
Ich hatte wegen der Zeichenbegrenzung keinen Platz mehr und darum die Screenshots nur als Link anhängen können. Ich füge die KYC Bestätigungen und Kommunikation nun hier nochmal direkt ein, falls Sie keine externen Links öffnen dürfen.
o moj Bože, MOLIM VAS, dragi CasinoGuru tim, kontaktirajte kazino i zamolite ih da prekinu ovu dramu. Nikada nisam doživeo nešto tako – izvini – bolesno.
Iako me je kazino samo uznemiravao, kontaktirao sam paisafecard telefonom u vreme ručka.
Uz malo ubeđivanja i još 30 minuta truda, ljubazna gospođa na telefonu je bila voljna da mi dozvoli da joj dam brojeve kartica i ona bi videla da li može da promeni transakcije ova 2 koda sa „gošća" i dodeli ih mojoj registrovan i verifikovan MiPaisafecard da bih mogao da vidim transakcije tamo.
Kada pravite depozit preko paisafe-a, postoje dve opcije: anonimno, gde samo unesete broj, ili sa prijavljenim miPaisafecard nalogom. Koliko ja znam, prodavac može dozvoliti transakcije sa korisničkim računom samo ako želi, ali je oboje ovde dozvoljeno.
Dakle, ako ne plaćate anonimno, već dok ste prijavljeni, SVA Dama & Hollicorn kazina će tada tražiti pregled PDF transakcija i fotografiju detalja paisafe računa sa brojem korisnika kao verifikaciju.
Sada sam otpremio 2 PDF-a, koji su sada dodeljeni mom nalogu zahvaljujući korisničkoj službi i koji imaju SVE (moje podatke, broj transakcije, itd.) plus stranicu naloga, u kazino. Pogledajte, može se filtrirati samo po danu, tako da samo 1 transakcija ne može biti prikazana pojedinačno. Ako ste izvršili više uplata u jednom danu, moguće je nekoliko stranica.
14.12 03:39 am:
Starija iz januara:
Moje ime, iznos, broj transakcije. Sve jasno i precizno.
Opet: Kompanija to UVEK traži u PDF formatu, a ja mogu sa zadovoljstvom da tražim mejlove iz sestrinskih kazina.
Kao što je pomenuto, NEMA drugog načina da se ovo prikaže i ovi detalji i PDF su dostupni samo na računaru; u aplikaciji nedostaju svi detalji.
Moj korisnički broj i podaci su uvek traženi.
Kao što rekoh, kazino se iz nekog razloga ponaša ovako i govorimo o minimalnom dobitku od 230 evra...
Kao što se i očekivalo, kazino sada izmišlja nove, čisto uznemirujuće zahteve i tako bi trajalo zauvek.
Dokument odbijen: „Molimo, otpremite ekran svog depozita, na kome ćemo videti vaše ime, datum i vreme depozita i iznos."
Vidite, to je upravo ta informacija.
Pitam uživo čet šta nedostaje.
„Martina, iskreno mi je žao zbog neprijatnosti sa kojima ste se suočili. Razumem koliko to može biti frustrirajuće i želim da vas uverim da sam tu da vam pomognem i ispravim stvari. Vaše zadovoljstvo je naš glavni prioritet, i učiniću sve da vam pomognem brzo i efikasno.
Ljubazno vas molim da na svoj profil otpremite snimak ekrana jedne konkretne transakcije, koji je snimak ekrana vašeg poslednjeg depozita od 2024-12-14 02:39:48 UTC u iznosu od 20 NZD.
Molimo vas da otvorite detalje ove transakcije u aplikaciji banke i napravite snimak ekrana.
Ako imate poteškoća sa tim, preporučio bih vam da kontaktirate svoju banku za dalju pomoć."
Kao što je pomenuto, ovo je sledeća runda u igri, znajući dobro da NIJE BITNO proveriti i da paisafe filtrira samo određene dane. Ne mogu da promenim sistem kompanije i smatram da je to jako čudno, ovo nikada ne bih očekivao od ove kompanije. Ako želite da me uplašite kao kupca nakon tako minimalne pobede, samo mi recite da sam nepoželjan umesto da izazovete nervni slom.
Molim vas pokušajte da urazumite predstavnika kazina, cela ova stvar nema veze sa poštenim kockanjem.
oh my god, PLEASE dear CasinoGuru team, contact the casino and ask them to stop this drama. I have never experienced anything so - sorry - sick.
Although the casino was just harassing me, I contacted paysafecard by phone at lunchtime.
With a little persuasion and another 30 minutes of effort, the friendly lady on the phone was willing to let me give her the card numbers and she would see if she could change the transactions of these 2 codes from "guest" and assign them to my registered & verified MyPaysafecard so that I could see the transactions there.
When making a deposit with paysafe, there are two options: anonymous, where you just enter the number, or with a logged-in myPaysafecard account. As far as I know, a retailer can only allow transactions with a customer account if they wish, but both are permitted here.
So if you do not pay anonymously but while logged in, ALL Dama & Hollycorn Casinos will then ASK for the PDF transaction overview and a photo of the paysafe account details with customer number as verification.
I have now uploaded the 2 PDFs, which are now assigned to my account thanks to customer service and which have EVERYTHING on them (my data, transaction number, etc.) plus the account page, to the casino. Please take a look, it can only be filtered by day so that only 1 transaction cannot be displayed individually. If you made several payments on one day, several pages are possible.
14.12 03:39 am:
The older one from January:
My name, amount, transaction number. Everything clear and precise.
Again: The company ALWAYS requests it in PDF format, and I can happily search for emails from the sister casinos.
As mentioned, there is NO other way to display this and these details and PDF are only available on the PC; all details are missing from the app.
My customer number and data are always requested.
As I said, the casino behaves like this for some reason and we are talking about a minimum win of 230 euros...
As expected, the casino is now inventing new, purely harassing requirements and it would go on like this forever.
Document rejected: "Please, upload screen of your deposit, on which we'll see your name, the date and time of deposit and the amount of it."
Look, that's exactly the information there.
I ask the live chat what is missing.
"Martina, I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience you've faced. I understand how frustrating it can be, and I want to assure you that I'm here to assist you and make things right. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and I'll make every effort to assist you promptly and effectively.
I kindly ask you to upload to your profile the screenshot of one specific transaction, which is screenshot of your last deposit from 2024-12-14 02:39:48 UTC at the amount of 20 NZD.
Please, open the details of this transaction in the bank app and take a screenshot.
If you have difficulties with it, I would recommend you to contact your bank for further assistance."
As mentioned, this is the next round in the game, knowing full well that it DOESN'T MATTER to verify and that paysafe only filters for certain days. I can't change the company's system and I find it sooooo strange, I would never have expected this from this company. If you want to scare me away as a customer after such a minimal win, you should just tell me I'm unwanted instead of provoking a nervous breakdown.
Please try to bring the casino representative to their senses, this whole thing has nothing to do with fair gambling.
oh mein Gott, BITTE liebes CasinoGuru Team, kontaktiere Sie das Casino und bitte es, dieses Theater zu beenden. Sowas - entschuldigung - krankes habe ich wirklich noch nicht erlebt.
Obwohl reine Schikane vom Casino habe ich am Mittag telefonisch paysafecard kontaktiert.
Mit etwas Überzeugungsarbeit und mit weiteren 30 Minuten Aufwand war die freundliche Dame am Telefon bereit das ich Ihr die Nummern der Karten gebe und Sie schaut, ob Sie die Transaktionen dieser 2 Codes von "Gast"ändern und auf mein registriertes & verifiziertes MyPaysafecard zuordnen kann, sodass ich die Transaktionen dort sehe.
Bei Einzahlung mit paysafe gibt es ja 2 Optionen, die anonyme wo nur die Nummer eingegeben wird oder die mit eingeloggten myPaysafecard Konto. Soweit ich weiss kann ein Händler auf Wunsch nur Transaktionen mit Kundenkonto zulassen, hier ist beides zugelassen.
Falls man also nicht anonym sondern eingeloggt bezahlt, FRAGEN ALLE Dama & Hollycorn Casinos dann nach der PDF Transaktionsübersicht und einem Foto der paysafe Account Details mit Kundennr als Verifikation.
Die 2 PDFs, wo dank dem Kundenservice nun meinem Konto zugeordnet sind und wo ALLES drauf steht (meine Daten, transaktionsnr etc) plus Accountseite habe ich dem Casino nun hochgeladen. Bitte schauen Sie, es lässt sich immer nur tageweise filtern sodass nur 1 Transaktion nicht einzeln anzeigbar ist, falls man an einem Tag mehrere Zahlungen machte sind mehrere Seiten möglich.
14.12 03:39 Uhr:
Die ältere vom Januar:
Name von mir, Betrag, Transaktionsnr. Alles klar & deutlich.
Nochmal: Genau so als pdf tut es das Unternehmen IMMER anfordern, ich kann gerne Mails aus den Schwestercasinos raussuchen.
Es gibt auch wie erwähnt KEINE andere Möglichkeit das anzuzeigen und auch diese Details und PDF nur am PC, in der App fehlen alle Details.
Meine Kundennummer & Daten, wird immer angefragt.
Wie ich bereits sagte, verhält sich das Casino aus irgendeinem Grund so und wir reden hier von einem minimalen Gewinn von 230 Euro ...
wie vermutet erfindet das Casino nun neue rein schikanöse Anforderungen und es würde ewig so weitergehen.
Dokument abgelehnt: "Please, upload screen of your deposit, on which we'll see your name, the date and time of deposit and the amount of it."
Schauen Sie, genau diese Angaben stehen dort.
Ich frage den Live-Chat, was davon nicht da stehe.
"Martina, I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience you've faced. I understand how frustrating it can be, and I want to assure you that I'm here to assist you and make things right. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and I'll make every effort to assist you promptly and effectively.
I kindly ask you to upload to your profile the screenshot of one specific transaction, which is screenshot of your last deposit from 2024-12-14 02:39:48 UTC at the amount of 20 NZD.
Please, open the details of this transaction in the bank app and take a screenshot.
If you have difficulties with it, I would recommend you to contact your bank for further assistance."
Wie erwähnt ist das die nächste Runde im Spiel, wohl wissend das es TOTAL EGAL IST zum Verifizieren und das paysafe nur bis einzelne Tage filtert. Ich kann nicht das System der Firma ändern und ich finde es soooooo befremdlich, niemals hätte ich von dieser Firma das erwartet. Wenn Sie mich als Kundin nach so einem minimalen Gewinn vergraulen möchten sollen Sie mir einfach sagen ich bin unerwünscht statt einen Nervenzusammenbruch provozieren.
Bitte versuchen Sie den Casinovertreter zur Vernunft zu bringen, dieses ganze hat nichts mehr mit Fairem Glücksspiel zutun.
Hvala vam puno, msg1992, na saradnji. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Mihalu ( ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, msg1992, for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Michal ( who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Ja sam Mihal i preuzeo sam vašu žalbu. Pregledao sam ovaj slučaj i iako razumem da KIC proces ponekad može biti frustrirajući i dugotrajan, ali kazina takođe moraju da poštuju pravila i propise, tako da, iako mogu da saosećam sa vama da ceo proces može da bude lakši za korisnika ili brže, to je standardna procedura na koju kazina imaju pravo. Jedan aspekt koji je, čini se, doveo do ovog problema je vaš izbor da položite depozit u NZD valuti, što može izazvati neka pitanja. Iako ovo ne bi trebalo da predstavlja značajan problem, čini se da otežava prepoznavanje vašeg depozita od strane kazino tima. Možete li, molim vas, pojasniti zašto ste se odlučili za NZD umesto svoje domaće valute CHF ili češće korišćene valute EUR?
Uz ovo rečeno, kontaktiraću kazino da rasvetlim ovu stvar.
Pozivamo LuckiElf Casino da se pridruži razgovoru.
Dragi LuckiElf Casino,
Ljubazno tražim vašu pomoć u razjašnjenju zašto su podneti dokumenti smatrani nedovoljnim za završetak KIC procesa igrača. Izgledalo je da je igrač dao sve dokumente koji bi mogli da identifikuju sporni depozit. Ako postoje neki drugi razlozi koji utiču na ovu situaciju i koji ne mogu biti otkriveni javno, ne oklevajte da mi se obratite na
Hello msg1992,
I'm Michal, and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed this case, and although I understand that the KYC process can be sometimes frustrating and lengthy, but the casinos need to follow rules and regulations as well, so although I can empathise with you that the whole process can be done more user friendly or quicker, it is a standard procedure that the casinos are entitled to. One aspect that seems to have led to this issue is your choice to make the deposit in NZD currency, which may raise some questions. Although this should not pose a significant issue, it appears to be complicating the recognition of your deposit by the casino team. Could you please clarify why you opted for NZD instead of your native CHF or the more commonly used EUR currency?
With this being said, I will contact the casino to shed more light on this matter.
We would like to invite LuckyElf Casino to join the conversation.
Dear LuckyElf Casino,
I kindly request your assistance in clarifying why the submitted documents were deemed insufficient to complete the player's KYC process. It looked like the player had provided all the documents that could identify the disputed deposit. If there are any other considerations affecting this situation that cannot be disclosed publicly, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at
minimalni depozit u NZD je bio upola manji nego u EUR/CHF i još uvek imam stanje u NZD na svom Revolut bankovnom računu od odmora pre 2 godine, zbog čega sam izabrao ovu valutu.
Ako kazino dozvoljava različite valutne račune, pretpostavljam da možete koristiti ovo 🙂
Želim vama, vašem osoblju i porodici srećan Božić
Srdačan pozdrav iz snežne Švajcarske
Hello Michal,
the minimum deposit in NZD was half as much as in EUR/CHF and I still have a balance in NZD in my Revolut bank account from a holiday 2 years ago, which is why I chose this currency.
If the casino allows different currency accounts, I assume that you can use this 🙂
I wish you, your staff and family a Merry Christmas
Warm greetings from snowy Switzerland
Hallo Michal,
der Minimum Deposit in NZD war umgerechnet halbsoviel wie in EUR/CHF und ich habe in meinem Revolut Bankkonto noch Restguthaben in NZD aus Ferien vor 2 Jahren, weshalb ich mich für diese Währung entschied.
Wenn das Casino verschiedene Währungskonten erlaubt, gehe ich davon aus dass man dies auch nutzen darf 🙂
Ich wünsche Ihnen, ihrem Staff und Familie schöne Weihnachstage
Hvala vam što ste nas kontaktirali i izrazili svoju zabrinutost.
Izvinjavamo se zbog neprijatnosti koje je ovo moglo prouzrokovati. Vaš slučaj je prosleđen odgovarajućem odeljenju i pokrenuta je detaljna istraga. Pažljivo smo pregledali sve informacije koje ste dali. Naš tim aktivno radi na rešavanju ovog problema i mi ćemo vam dostaviti ažuriranje što je pre moguće.
Ako imate dodatnih detalja ili pitanja, slobodno nam se obratite.
Hvala vam na strpljenju i razumevanju.
srdačan pozdrav,
LuckiElf Casino tim
Dear msg1992 and Casino Guru Team,
Thank you for contacting us and expressing your concerns.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Your case has been escalated to the appropriate department and a thorough investigation has been initiated. We have carefully reviewed all the information you provided. Our team is actively working to resolve this issue and we will provide you with an update as soon as possible.
If you have any further details or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Hvala vam na strpljenju dok smo razmatrali vaš slučaj.
Nakon što smo detaljno razmotrili situaciju, ljubazno vas molimo da nam dostavite sledeću dokumentaciju:
– Izvod iz banke koji pokazuje sve transakcije izvršene 2024-12-14 02:38:03 UTC (molimo vas da uključite vaše ime).
- Poseban dokaz o depozitu koji je učinjen posebno našoj kompaniji 2024-12-14 02:38:03 UTC.
Nažalost, došlo je do neobične aktivnosti na vašem nalogu koja je izazvala kašnjenje u standardnoj proceduri. Kao rezultat toga, potrebna nam je dodatna provera određenih detalja da bismo nastavili.
Da biste ubrzali proces, otpremite oba dokumenta zajedno. Kada ih primimo, verifikovaćemo ih što je pre moguće.
Hvala vam na razumevanju i saradnji.
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, ne oklevajte da nam se obratite.
srdačan pozdrav,
LuckiElf Casino tim
Dear msg1992 and Casino Guru Team,
Thank you for your patience as we looked into your case.
After thoroughly reviewing the situation, we kindly request that you provide us with the following documents:
- A bank statement showing all transactions made on the 2024-12-14 02:38:03 UTC (please make sure your name is included).
- A separate proof of the deposit made specifically to our company on the 2024-12-14 02:38:03 UTC.
Unfortunately, there was an unusual activity on your account which caused a delay in the standard procedure. As a result, we need additional verification of certain details to proceed.
To expedite the process, please upload both documents together. Once we receive them, we will verify them as quickly as possible.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Izvod iz banke paisafecard? Već sam vam ovo otpremio sa svim transakcijama od 14. decembra. Ovo je takođe uključeno iznad i vi ga odbijate jer želite da vidite jednu transakciju , znajući dobro da paisafecard dozvoljava samo dnevni prikaz, a ne jednu transakciju.
Ne vidim mnogo smisla u tome, pogotovo što nijedan od vaših otpremanja još nije obrađen
ali ponovo učitavam ovaj dokument, tako da je dva puta.
Po 10. put: Vaš zahtev „Poseban dokaz o depozitu koji je učinjen posebno našoj kompaniji 14. decembra 2024. u 02:38:03 UTC" ne može biti ispunjen. Paisafecard DOZVOLjAVA samo sortiranje po danu, da li stvarno treba da napravim još jedan video iako ovo znate i nikada vas nisu pitali o tome ni u jednom Hollicorn kazinu?
(nažalost mogu se podesiti samo nemački, italijanski i francuski, tako da ću dati snimak ekrana preveden preko AI)
Bilo bi lepo kada biste to sada mogli da proverite sa nekim iz vaše kompanije, a zatim se uzdržite od zahtevanja ovog tehnički nemogućeg i nepotrebnog (plaćanje verifikovano bankovnim izvodom i dokazom). Hvala vam puno
Good day,
Bank statement from paysafecard? I have already uploaded this to you with all transactions from December 14th. This is also included above and is being rejected by you because you want to see a single transaction , knowing full well that paysafecard only allows a daily display and not a single transaction.
I don't see much point in it, especially since none of your uploads have been processed yet
but I'm uploading this document again, so it's twice.
For the 10th time: Your request "A separate proof of the deposit that was made specifically to our company on December 14th, 2024 at 02:38:03 UTC" cannot be fulfilled. Paysafecard only ALLOWS sorting by day, should I really make another video even though you know this and have never been asked about it in any Hollycorn casino?
(unfortunately only German, Italian and French can be set, so I'll have the screenshot translated via AI)
It would be nice if you could now check this with someone from your company and then refrain from making this technically impossible and unnecessary (payment verified by bank statement & proof) request. Thank you very much
Guten Tag,
Kontoauszug von paysafecard? Diesen habe ich Ihnen bereits hochgeladen mit allen Transaktionen vom 14.12 auch. Dies ist auch oben eingefügt und wird von Ihnen zurückgewiesen weil man eine einzelne Transaktion haben möchte, wohl wissend das paysafecard nur eine tageweise Anzeige erlaubt und genau nicht eine einzelne Transaktion.
Ich sehe zwar wenig Sinn darin, vorallem weil ja noch Uploads von Ihnen garnicht bearbeitet wurden
aber ich lade dieses Dokument nun nochmal hoch, ist es halt 2x.
Zum 10ten mal: Ihre Bitte "Ein separater Nachweis über die Einzahlung, die speziell an unser Unternehmen am 14.12.2024 um 02:38:03 UTC erfolgte." ist nicht erfüllbar. Paysafecard ERLAUBT nur eine Sortierung nach Tagen, soll ich wirklich noch ein Video machen obwohl Sie dies ja wissen und in allen Hollycorn Casinos deswegen nie gefragt wurde?
(leider lässt sich nur Deutsch, italienisch, französich einstellen, ich lasse den Screenshot darum noch via KI übersetzen)
Es wäre schön wenn Sie dies nunmehr mit jemanden aus ihrem Unternehmen prüfen und dann von dieser technisch nicht möglichen und zudem unnötigen (Zahlung durch Kontoauszug & Nachweis verifiziert) Forderung Abstand nehmen. Vielen Dank
Sa zadovoljstvom potvrđujem da sam sada primio uplatu.
Šteta što je ovaj ogroman napor bio neophodan. Možemo samo da se nadamo da će uprava kazina ponovo razmisliti o ovome i uštedeti svojim klijentima, sebi i vama ovaj trud u budućnosti.
Dear CasinoGuru Team,
thanks again for providing the platform here.
I am happy to confirm that I have now received my payment.
It's a shame that this enormous effort was necessary. We can only hope that the casino management will rethink this and save its customers, themselves and you this effort in the future.
Thank you
Geschätztes CasinoGuru Team,
danke nochmals für das Bereitstellen der Plattform hier.
Gern bestätige ich, nunmehr meine Auszahlung erhalten zu haben.
Schade, war dieser enorme Aufwand nötig, bleibt zu hoffen dass das Casino Management das überdenkt und diesen Aufwand seinen Kunden, sich & auch euch in Zukunft erspart.
Hvala vam što ste potvrdili da ste primili uplatu.
Oduševljeni smo što smo čuli da je problem rešen – čestitamo na pobedi! 🎉
Izvinjavamo se zbog neprijatnosti na koje ste možda naišli tokom ovog procesa. Vaše povratne informacije su veoma cenjene i biće podeljene sa našim menadžerskim timom. Naš cilj je da u budućnosti stalno poboljšavamo i pojednostavljujemo slične situacije, za dobrobit naših igrača i našeg tima.
Ako vam je potrebna bilo kakva pomoć ili imate dodatne povratne informacije, ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate. Uvek smo na raspolaganju da vam pomognemo.
srdačan pozdrav,
LuckiElf Casino tim
Dear msg1992,
Thank you for verifying that you have received your payment.
We are delighted to hear that the issue has been resolved - congratulations on your win! 🎉
We apologize for any inconvenience you may have encountered during this process. Your feedback is highly appreciated and will be shared with our management team. Our goal is to constantly improve and simplify similar situations in the future, for the benefit of our players and our team.
If you require any assistance or have additional feedback, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always available to assist you.
Hvala vam na potvrdi. Mogu da razumem vaše daleko od idealnog korisničkog iskustva sa celom situacijom, međutim, drago mi je da vidim da je naša intervencija pomogla da se situacija reši i da ste dobili svoje dobitke. Označićemo žalbu kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Želimo da se zahvalimo obema stranama na saradnji. Ako ikada naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti, slobodno se obratite našem Centru za rešavanje žalbi. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Kao što znate, mi ne naplaćujemo naše usluge, niti primamo napojnice. Međutim, bili bismo veoma zahvalni ako biste mogli da odvojite malo vremena i podelite svoje iskustvo sa našim uslugama na TrustpilotRate Casino Guru. Iskrena recenzija, zajedno sa svim predlozima za poboljšanje, bila bi od neprocenjive vrednosti. Vaše povratne informacije mogu pomoći drugima koji možda razmišljaju da nas kontaktiraju za pomoć u vezi sa problemima vezanim za onlajn kazino.
Hvala unapred na izdvojenom vremenu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Casino Guru
Dear msg1992,
Thank you for your confirmation. I can understand your far from ideal user experience with the whole situation however, I'm glad to see that our intervention helped to resolve the situation and you received your winnings. We'll go ahead and mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. We would like to thank both parties for their cooperation. If you ever encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please feel free to reach out to our Complaint Resolution Center. We're here to help.
As you know, we do not charge for our services, nor do we accept any gratuities. However, we would greatly appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your experience with our services on Trustpilot Rate Casino Guru An honest review, along with any suggestions for improvement, would be invaluable. Your feedback could help others who may be considering contacting us for assistance with online casino-related issues.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Best regards,
Casino Guru
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