Dosta odgovora bez jasnoće o bilo čemu.
Kazino je zatražio i dobio ogromnu količinu podataka o mom identitetu. Imaju moju ličnu kartu na najmanje 3 različita načina, imaju moje fotografije na najmanje 2 različita načina, imaju podatke o mojoj banci/kartici na mnogo različitih načina (fotografije plus ja sam položio depozit kod njih), i imaju moje račune za komunalne usluge.
Ono što rade je da vam postavljaju nova pitanja jedno po jedno. Onda vas čekaju 3 dana. Onda te pitaju više. Onda vas čekaju 3 dana. Onda te pitaju više.
Sada bi želeli da otkrijem nove lične karte. Ako to pružim, da li će tražiti još mojih bankarskih podataka, svih mojih kartica. Koliko kartica treba da imam da bih preživeo ovu "verifikaciju"? Koliko različitih važećih ID-a? Koliko različitih faktura su potpuno nove? Oni do sada nikada nisu otkrili zahteve verifikacije i nikada nisu otkrili da li je bilo šta što je dato u redu ili ne.
To je trajalo toliko dugo da sam konsultovao lokalne vlasti i oni su me posavetovali da postavim ova pitanja.
1. Da li je bilo problema sa mojom ličnom kartom: da ili ne? Ako postoji problem, koji problem?
2. Da li je postojao problem sa dokazom o mojoj banci/kartici: da ili ne? Ako postoji problem, koji problem?
3. Da li je postojao problem sa mojim dokazom o adresi: da ili ne? Ako postoji problem, koji problem?
4. Ako je gore navedeno u redu, koja je sveobuhvatna lista zahteva za završetak verifikacije?
Razumem da CasinoGuru ovde ima reč protiv reči, ali ako pogledate ovu diskusiju bliže, još uvek nema pravih odgovora. Kažu da samo treba da odgovorim na njihovu bezbednosnu e-poštu svaka 3 dana do zauvek: da šaljem sve što bi mogli da pitaju bez ikakvih razumnih ograničenja.
Plenty of replies with no clarity on anything.
The casino has requested and gotten a huge amount of my identity data. They have my ID at least 3 different ways, they have photos of me at least 2 different ways, they have my bank/card information many different ways (photos plus I have made deposits with them), and they have my utility bills.
What they do is, they ask you new questions one at a time. Then they keep you waiting for 3 days. Then they ask you more. Then they keep you waiting for 3 days. Then they ask you more.
Now they would want me to disclose new IDs. If I provide that, will they be asking for more of my banking data, all my cards. How many cards do I need to have to survive this "verification"? How many different valid IDs? How many different invoices that are brand new? They have so far never disclosed the verification requirements and they have never disclosed whether anything that was provided has been OK or not.
This has taken so long that I consulted the local authorities and they advised me to ask these questions.
1. Was there a problem with my ID: yes or no? If there is a problem, what problem?
2. Was there a problem with my bank/card proof: yes or no? If there is a problem, what problem?
3. Was there a problem with my proof of address: yes or no? If there is a problem, what problem?
4. If the above are OK, what is the comprehensive list of requirements for completing verification?
I understand that CasinoGuru has word vs. word here, but if you look at this discussion closer, there have been no real answers yet. They are saying I just need to reply to their security email every 3 days until forever: sending anything they might want to ask without any reasonable limits.
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