Igrač iz Egipat je zatražio isplatu manje od dve nedelje pre nego je poslao prigovo. Isplata još nije procesuirana.
Javljam vam se u vezi sa transakcijom povlačenja koju sam napravio 19. decembra. Od tada sam stalno pratio, samo da bih dobio e-poštu u kojoj se navodi da je povlačenje uspešno i savetuje me da proverim u svojoj banci.
Međutim, želeo bih da istaknem da se radi o transferu novčanikom i da je obaveza pošiljaoca da pruži jasnu potvrdu transfera, uključujući podatke o novčaniku iz kojeg je transfer pokrenut, kao i referentni broj transakcije. SMS poruka koju sam dobio uključivala je samo iznos i ID mog novčanika, ali nije imala nikakav referentni broj transakcije ili podatke o novčaniku pošiljaoca, što mi onemogućava da efektivno verifikujem transakciju u svojoj banci.
Prema vašim uputstvima, već sam dao sledeće:
1. Izvod iz banke koji pokriva relevantni period (u prilogu).
2. Snimak ekrana koji pokazuje da pristupam svom novčaniku i istoriji transakcija (u prilogu).
3. Video snimak mog razgovora sa bankom, naglašavajući njihove povratne informacije (link u prilogu). I pored dostavljanja svih traženih dokaza, dobio sam generički odgovor da je povlačenje izvršeno, nakon čega je komunikacija sa vaše strane prestala.
Molim Vas za pomoć u rešavanju ovog pitanja. Imajte na umu da je većina komunikacije sa mojom bankom vođena na arapskom jeziku. Ako je potrebno, uključite relevantnu osobu da pomogne u rešavanju ovog problema.
Ispod sam nalepio početnu e-poštu i svu relevantnu dokumentaciju za vašu referencu. Vaša brza pažnja i podrška po ovom pitanju bi bili veoma cenjeni.
ID MOJ NALOG: 1193****
Isplata na Etisalat gotovini iznos 6000
Datum i vreme: 19/12/24 3:02 am
Na broj mog novčanika: 01275****
Uprkos tome što je transakcija označena kao uspešna, na moj račun nisu pripisana nikakva sredstva. Ali u ovom slučaju ja sam taj koji očekuje transfer, a vi ste taj koji tvrdite da ste uspešno izvršili transfer, tako da morate da mi pružite dokaze. Neću tražiti šešir koji ste tražili od mene u izdavanju depozita, ali sve što ću tražiti je (Etisalat transferni broj i transvakcioni referentni broj) pošto sam ja primalac, onda moram da imam najmanje ove dve informacije da proverim u svojoj banci, jer oni savetuju da ne mogu da istražuju bez ovih podataka
Zato vas molim da hitno zahtevam:
- Etisalat broj novčanika sa kojeg je novac prenet
- Referenca transakcije
Kao što je dobro objašnjeno Bez ovih informacija, ne mogu da kontaktiram svoju banku.
Očekujem brzo rešenje i jasnu komunikaciju po ovom pitanju.
I am reaching out regarding a withdrawal transaction I made on December 19th. Since then, I have been consistently following up, only to receive an email stating that the withdrawal was successful and advising me to check with my bank.
However, I would like to highlight that this was a wallet transfer, and it is the sender’s obligation to provide a clear confirmation of the transfer, including the wallet details from which the transfer was initiated, along with the transaction reference number. The SMS message I received only included the amount and my wallet ID but lacked any transaction reference number or the sender’s wallet details, which makes it impossible for me to effectively verify the transaction with my bank.
As per your instructions, I have already provided the following:
1. A bank statement covering the relevant period (attached).
2. A screen recording showing me accessing my wallet and transaction history (attached).
3. A video recording of my call with the bank, highlighting their feedback (link attached). Despite providing all the requested evidence, I received a generic response stating that the withdrawal was made, after which communication from your side ceased.
I kindly request your assistance in resolving this matter. Please note that most of the communication with my bank was conducted in Arabic. If necessary, please involve the relevant person to help address this issue.
I have pasted below the initial email and all relevant documentation for your reference. Your prompt attention and support on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
MY Account ID: 1193****
Withdrawal on Etisalat cashAmount 6000
Date and time : 19/12/24 3:02 am
To my wallet number : 01275****
Despite the transaction being marked as successful, no funds have been credited to my account. But in this case I am the one expecting the transfer and you are the one who claims doing the transfer successfully, so you must provide me evidence I will not request the hat you have requested from me in the deposit issue but all I’ll request is (The Etisalat transfer Number and Tranwaction Refrence Number) since I am the receiver then I must have at least these two info to check with my bank as proclivity advised by them that they can’t investigate without this data
So please I urgently request:
- Etisalat Wallet number the money was transferred from
- The transaction reference
As well explained Without this information, I am unable to follow up with my bank.
I expect a prompt resolution and clear communication on this matter.
Thank you.
Dear sheriftoukhy,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.
That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Complaints Resolution Center
PS: Our initial response was generated based on the information you provided when submitting your complaint. If there has been any misunderstanding and the issue is different or more than just a delayed payment, please rest assured—we will review the details thoroughly and get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Nakon jednog e-poruka koji smo istraživali, nastavio sam da pratim sve dok dvaput nisam dobio ovaj konačni odgovor u ćaskanju uživo
Nakon što je odgovorni tim pregledao vaš slučaj, oni i dalje potvrđuju da je povlačenje uspešno poslato na
vaš novčanik, gospodine.
After one email that we investigating I kept following up till I got this final reply on live chat twice
After the responsible team reviewed your case, they still confirm that the withdrawal was successfully sent to
your wallet, sir.
Izvinite poslednje što sam želeo da istaknem kako su me tretirali kada sam napravio svoj prvi depozit i kako su me tretirali kada sam izvršio povlačenje kao što se vidi u e-poruci o vremenu slanja
Sorry last thing I wanted to highlight that how I was treated when I made my first deposit and how I was treated when I made the withdrawal as seen in the email o sent time
Dear sheriftoukhy,
I hope you are doing well. As the recommended time frame has now passed, could you kindly update us on whether your withdrawal has successfully been received or if there have been any new developments regarding your case? Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response.
Hvala šeriftoukhi za sve date informacije. Vašu žalbu ću sada proslediti kolegi Branislavu ( branislav.b@casino.guru ) koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rešavanju.
Thank you sheriftoukhy for all the information provided. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Branislav (branislav.b@casino.guru) who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Dragi Branislave
Zašto svo to vreme za kazino koji ima (INDEKS BEZBEDNOSTI:VRLO VISOK) vau treba sve ovo vreme da odgovori??
i molim vas ako je dokaz da oni prevare onda ne smete da snizite veoma visok indeks bezbednosti jer će drugi biti prevareni zbog vas (kazino.guru)
Dear Branislav
Why all that time for the casino that has (SAFETY INDEX:VERY HIGH) wow take all this time to reply ??
and please if proof that they are scamming then you must not lower there very high Safty index as others will get scammed because of you (casino.guru)
Vov, kladim se da vas ignorišu (kazino guru) isto kao što nisu uradili sa mnom i vi ih rangirate (INDEKS BEZBEDNOSTI: VRLO VISOK ) !!!
Takođe mogu da se kladim pošto je sve kockanje 🙂 da su ovde rangirani kao veoma bezbednosni indeks prevaranjem sajta i davanjem podsticaja igračima poput bonusa ili besplatnih okretaja da ih rangiraju visoko, jer nema šanse da je rangiranje legitimno!!
Wow I bet they are ignoring you to (casino guru) same as what they didn’t with me and you are ranking them (SAFETY INDEX:VERY HIGH) !!!
I can also bet since all is gambling 🙂 that they got ranked very safety index here through scamming the site and giving incentive for players like bonus or free spins to rank them high , as there is no way the ranking is legit !!
Zdravo, šeriftoukhi,
Žao mi je što čujem za vaše neprijatno iskustvo i izvinjavam se zbog kašnjenja. Nažalost, došlo je do greške i tajmer je verovatno prebačen na kazino, a da nisam pozvao predstavnika kazina u temu. Stoga je sistem automatski produžio tajmer i moj prethodni post je ovde dodao naš sistem (uklonio sam ga), a to sam nedavno primetio. Međutim, od sada ću vam pomagati oko toga i izvinjavam se zbog prouzrokovanih neprijatnosti.
Kontaktiraću kazino i potrudiću se da rešim problem što je pre moguće. Dakle, daću im standardno vreme za odgovor (2k7 dana), sa kraćim prvim tajmerom i zvanično pozvati predstavnika kazina u temu.
Međutim, pošto sam primetio da vaši dokazi nisu ažurni, i da su napravljeni prilično kratko vreme nakon što je dotično povlačenje trebalo da bude obrađeno na strani kazina, budite spremni da će im biti potrebni slični podaci, ali više -to-date.
Hvala vam na strpljenju i razumevanju.
Sada bih želeo da pozovem predstavnika kazina da se pridruži ovom razgovoru i učestvuje u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Dragi MostBet Casino tim ,
Možete li, molim vas, detaljnije da objasnite situaciju igrača? Šta se dogodilo i možete li dokazati da je povlačenje uspešno obrađeno?
Šta bi kazinu trebalo od igrača kao dokaz da nije primio svoja sredstva?
Možete li da date igraču detalje o transakciji koje je tražio iznad („Broj za Etisalat transfer"/„Broj Etisalat novčanika" i „Referentni broj transakcije") kako bi mogao da kontaktira svog dobavljača načina plaćanja da to istraži?
Ako je potrebno, slobodno pošaljite potrebne detalje i prateće dokaze na moju adresu e-pošte ( branislav.b@casino.guru ).
Hello, sheriftoukhy,
I am sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience and apologize for the delay. Unfortunately, there was a mistake, and the timer was probably switched to the casino without me inviting the casino representative to the thread. Therefore, the system extended the timer automatically and my previous post was added here by our system (I removed it), and I noticed this recently. However, from now on, I will assist you with the matter, and I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.
I will contact the casino and try my best to resolve the issue as soon as possible. So, I will provide them with the standard time for a response (2x7 days), with the first timer shorter, and officially invite the casino representative to the thread.
However, since I noticed your evidence is not up-to-date, and they were created quite a short time after the withdrawal in question should have been processed on the casino's side, please be prepared that they will need similar data, but more up-to-date.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Now I would like to invite the casino representative to join this conversation and participate in resolving this complaint.
Dear MostBet Casino team,
Could you please explain the player's situation in more detail? What happened and can you please prove the withdrawal was processed successfully?
What would the casino need from the player as proof he has not received his funds?
Can you provide the player with the transaction details he requested above ("The Etisalat transfer Number"/"Etisalat Wallet Number" and "Transaction Reference Number") so he can contact his payment method provider to investigate it?
If needed, feel free to send the necessary details and supporting evidence to my email address (branislav.b@casino.guru).
Thank you.
Spreman sam Branislave, dovoljno je priloženi lažni dokaz o transferu koji su dali bez broja koji je izvršio transfer niti referentnog broja transakcije totalna prevara i ako vaš zahtev više podataka potvrdite i odmah ću vam dati
I am all prepared Branislav it’s enough the the attached fake proof of transfer they provided without the number that made the transfer nor the transaction reference number totally scam and if your request any more data please confirm and I’ll provide immediately
U redu, šeriftuhi. To je super. Međutim, moramo da sačekamo predstavnika kazina u vezi sa detaljima i šta treba da ispitaju stvar na njihovoj strani. Nažalost, bez njihovog odgovora i saradnje ne možemo nikuda da krenemo.
Hvala vam na strpljenju i razumevanju.
Alright, sheriftoukhy. That is great. However, we have to wait for the casino representative regarding the details and what they need to investigate the matter on their side. Unfortunately, we cannot move anywhere without their response and cooperation.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Potpuno razumem i zaista cenim vašu uobičajenu podršku, ali oni neće odgovoriti i videćemo da je to čista prevara i u slučaju da ne odgovore morate da smanjite njihov Safti indeks na minimum dok budem otvarao ovaj sajt i počeo da igram na njemu jer od tebe!
I totally understand and really appreciate your usually support but they will not reply and we will see it’s a pure scam and incase they don’t reply you must lower their Safty index to the minimum as I new this site and started to play on it because of you !
Zdravo, dragi šeriftoukhi i kazino guru!
Žao nam je što ste ostavili negativan utisak. Uvek nastojimo da se nosimo sa svakom situacijom.
Ovo je nestandardna situacija, tražili smo informaciju od nadležnog odeljenja i dobili odgovor da je od igrača zatražen PDF izvod banke sa bankovnim pečatom. Nažalost, prethodno primljeni izvod ne sadrži traženi pečat banke.
Pošaljite nam traženi izvod iz banke od datuma povlačenja do danas u PDF formatu sa pečatom banke na kako bismo dosije prosledili nadležnom odeljenju na dalju proveru.
ugodan dan!
Srdačan pozdrav, Mostbet.
Hello, Dear sheriftoukhy and Casino Guru!
We're sorry you had a negative impression. We always strive to deal with every situation.
This is a non-standard situation, we requested information from the responsible department and received a reply that a PDF bank statement with a bank stamp was requested from the player. Unfortunately, the previously received statement does not contain the required bank stamp.
Please send us the requested bank statement from the date of withdrawal until today in PDF format with bank stamp to sermsupport@mostbet.com so that we can forward the file to the responsible department for further verification.
Have a nice day!
Best regards, Mostbet.
Gospodine, ovo je novčanik, a ne račun, i siguran sam da ste svesni razlika. Srećom, ovaj novčanik ima funkciju generisanja izjava koja šalje izjave direktno na moju e-poštu. Već sam vam prosledio mejl i takođe priložio izjavu u glavnoj diskusiji. Pored toga, uključio sam detaljan video koji pokazuje kako pristupam svom novčaniku i istoriji transakcija.
Na kraju, dao sam ono što smatram najneobičnijim zahtevom: pozvati banku, prebaciti poziv na zvučnik i snimiti razgovor da potvrdim da ništa nije primljeno.
Kao što sam pomenuo od početka, banka zahteva broj novčanika iz kojeg je transfer pokrenut, zajedno sa referentnim brojem transakcije. Međutim, sve što sam dobio je generička SMS potvrda koja izgleda kao standardni šablon.
Nadam se da ovo razjasni situaciju.
Sir, this is a wallet, not an account, and I am sure you are aware of the differences. Thankfully, this wallet has a statement generation feature that sends statements directly to my email. I have already forwarded the email to you and also attached the statement in the main discussion. Additionally, I included a detailed video showing me accessing my wallet and transaction history.
Lastly, I provided what I believe to be the most unusual request: calling the bank, putting the call on speaker, and recording the conversation to confirm that nothing was received.
As I mentioned from the beginning, the bank requires the wallet number from which the transfer was initiated, along with the transaction reference number. However, all I received was a generic SMS confirmation that appears to be a standard template.
I hope this clarifies the situation.
Dragi Branislave,
Tokom proteklih nekoliko nedelja proces je značajno odložen. Da rezimiramo:
Od tada odgovor iz kazina i moj naknadni odgovor čekaju vaše odobrenje. Do sada je prošlo šest dana, a objava još uvek nije odobrena.
Razumem da se kašnjenja dešavaju, ali se u velikoj meri oslanjam na vašu podršku da ovo napredujem.
Hvala unapred na razumevanju i pomoći.
Dear Branislav,
Over the past few weeks the process has been significantly delayed. To recap:
Since then the casino reply and my subsequent response have been waiting for your approval. As of now, it’s been six days and the post is still not approved.
I understand that delays happen but I am relying heavily on your support to move this forward.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and assistance.
pozdrav svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi šeriftoukhi,
Mislim da bi sve uključene strane (pa i kazino) trebalo da vide vaše objave čak i ako nisu odobrene.
Dragi Mostbet ,
Ima li vesti ili ažuriranja u vezi sa neuspešnim povlačenjem igrača nakon što je dostavio poslednja dokumenta?
Da li su dokumenti već pregledani? Kakav je status istrage i samog povlačenja?
Hvala. Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Greetings all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear sheriftoukhy,
I think all involved parties (so also the casino) should see your posts even if they are not approved.
Dear Mostbet,
Any news or updates regarding the player's unsuccessful withdrawal after he provided the last documents?
Were the documents already reviewed? What is the status of the investigation and the withdrawal itself?
Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Dragi Branislave
Zaista sam želeo da vam se zahvalim i da vam kažem da je problem rešen, ali nažalost izgleda da prihvataju samo depozite i ne povlače
pošto sam pronašao 6000 nazad, moj kazino račun, pa sam pre nego što sam rekao da je problem rešen, pokušao sam da podignem 4000 koristeći Vodafone gotovinu, ali nažalost isti problem je transakcija odobrena i obrađena i napomena se odrazila u mom novčaniku tako da bih bio zahvalan ako mi možete pomoći kao Ne mogu da idem sa istim procesom i pružim sve što sam imao pri poslednjem povlačenju, tako da mi treba sve što mi treba od broja novčanika za koji tvrde da su izvršili transfer od i referentni broj transakcije i oba bi trebalo da mi u poruci potvrde
Dear Branislav
I really wanted to thank you and tell you that issue resolved but unfortunately it looks like they only accept deposits and no withdrawal
as I found the 6000 back I my casino account so before telling issue resolved I tried to withdrawal 4000 using Vodafone cash but unfortunately the same issue the transaction was approved and processed and noting reflected in my wallet so I would appreciate if you can help me as I can’t go with the same process and provide all what I had on my last withdrawal so all I need of the wallet number they claim they made the transfer from and transaction reference number and both should me In the confirmation message
Dragi Mostbet,
možete li molim vas da objasnite šta se dešava! U znak zahvalnosti otkrili ste da sam bio u pravu i da ste mi posedovali 6000 i na svu sreću dali ste ih na račun umesto da ih deponujete u moj novčanik, ali kada sam pokušao da podignem manji iznos od 4000 suočio sam se sa istim problemom !!! Dakle, vaš sajt prihvata samo depozite i nikada ne obrađuje povlačenja!?
cenimo vašu brzu podršku
Dear Mostbet,
can you please explain what’s going on ! As thanks you found that I was right and you owned me the 6000 and thankfully you credit them in the account instead of depositing them in my wallet , but when I tried to withdrawal a smaller amount 4000 I faced the same issue !!! So your site accepts only deposits and never process withdrawals !?
appreciate your prompt support
Zdravo, dragi šeriftoukhi i kazino guru!
Uvek smo zainteresovani da razumemo situaciju i da vam pomognemo. U našem sistemu povlačenje sredstava u iznosu od 4000 je sa statusom uspešno.
Ako sredstva nisu uplaćena na vaš račun, pošaljite PDF bankovni izvod od datuma povlačenja do danas kako bismo mogli da prosledimo vaš zahtev za verifikaciju.
Molimo pošaljite datoteku na , uključite ID vašeg naloga za igru u naslovu ili kontaktirajte naš onlajn ćaskanje za podršku na veb lokaciji.
ugodan dan!
Srdačan pozdrav, Mostbet.
Hello, Dear sheriftoukhy and Casino Guru!
We are always interested in understanding the situation and helping you. In our system the withdrawal of funds in the amount of 4000 is with the successful status.
If the funds have not been credited to your account, please send a PDF bank statement from the date of withdrawal until today so that we can pass your request for verification.
Please send the file to sermsupport@mostbet.com, include your game account ID in the subject line, or by contacting our online support chat on the website.
Have a nice day!
Best regards, Mostbet.
Dragi mostbet,
Prošao sam kroz to nedeljama sa svojim poslednjim povlačenjem, tako da može uoublkrase da mi ovaj put dostavi SMS poruku potvrde uključujući broj novčanika iz kojeg je transfer izvršen i referentni broj transakcije
pošto mogu da počnem sa snimkom ekrana tog snimanja ekrana nego snimanja videa, onda mi kažu da je poslato i idi sam sebi, tako da ako zaista želiš da pomogneš onome ko je izvršio transfer treba da podeli dokaz, inače je ovo prevara !!! A kada se problem reši, novac bi trebalo da bude u mom novčaniku, a ne nazad na mom računu!!
To je sve što mi treba jer je ovo novčanik koji nema nikakve izjave
Dear mostbet ,
I have went through that for weeks with my last withdraw so can uoublkrase provide me this time with the sms confirmation message including the wallet number the transfer was made from and the transaction reference number
as I can start by screen shot that screen recording than video recording then I get told it was sent and go F your self so if you really want to help whoever made the transfer is the one who should share the proof otherwise this is a scam !!! And when the issue is resolved the money should be in my wallet not back in my account !!
That’s all I need as this is wallet that doesn’t got any statements
da vidimo…
lets see…
Konačno ne želim svoj novac nazad na kazino račun! Ali želim da povlačenje bude uspešno i da se novac uplati u moj novčanik, molim
Finally I don’t want my money back in the casino account ! But I want the withdrawal to be successful and the money to credited to my wallet please
Dragi Mostbet tim,
Kao što je traženo, poslao sam žalbu na – prvo 6. februara, a zatim 9. februara. Međutim, još nisam dobio nikakav odgovor, čak ni potvrdu da je moja žalba primljena i da se obrađuje.
Zaista bih cenio vašu podršku u rešavanju ovog pitanja. Pored toga, snažno predlažem da pregledate svoje procese korisničke podrške, jer je moje dosadašnje iskustvo bilo krajnje razočaravajuće. Ako imate odeljenje za osiguranje kvaliteta, ovaj problem treba odmah da se reši. Ako ne, toplo preporučujem osnivanje jednog, jer je nivo podrške na koji sam naišao bio neprofesionalan i, ponekad, potpuno nepoštovan.
Radujemo se vašem brzom odgovoru 🙏
Napomena: Nemojte čekati da status žalbe bude U čekanju od kazina da odgovori, a zatim odgovorite samo poslednjeg dana 7-dnevnog perioda. Blagovremeni odgovor bi bio veoma cenjen 🙏
Dear Mostbet Team,
As requested, I sent my complaint to sermsupport@mostbet.comâ€"first on February 6th and then a follow-up on February 9th. However, I have yet to receive any response, not even a confirmation that my complaint was received and is being processed.
I would really appreciate your support in resolving this matter. Additionally, I strongly suggest reviewing your customer service processes, as my experience so far has been extremely disappointing. If you have a Quality Assurance department, this issue should be addressed immediately. If not, I highly recommend establishing one, as the level of support I have encountered has been unprofessional and, at times, outright disrespectful.
Looking forward to your prompt response please 🙏
NB: Please don’t wait until the complaint status is Pending Casino to Reply and then only respond on the last day of the 7-day window. A timely response would be much appreciated please 🙏
Dragi Branislave,
Možete li mi pomoći tako što ćete ažurirati svoje postove tako što ćete ih odobriti i promeniti status žalbe iz Čekam gurua za kazino u Odgovor u Čekam da odgovori kazino , Kao što ste primetili, oni imaju tendenciju da iskoriste svaki minut u odbrojavanju, što je takođe bilo očigledno u njihovim prethodnim odgovorima.
Takođe, pošto ste potvrdili da mogu da vide moje postove odmah po podnošenju, čak i pre vašeg odobrenja, verujem da bi bilo pošteno da se to prikaže u ažuriranju statusa.
Cenim vašu uobičajenu podršku.
Hvala i lep dan 🙂
Dear Branislav,
Could you please help me by updating my posts by approving them and changing the complaint status from Waiting for Casino Guru to Reply to Waiting for Casino to Reply , As you’ve noticed they tend to take advantage of every minute in the countdown which has also been evident in their previous responses.
Also since you confirmed that they can see my posts immediately upon submission even before your approval I believe it would be fair to reflect this in the status update.
I appreciate your usual support.
Thanks and have a great day 🙂
Dragi Mostbet,
Žalbu sam poslao 6. 9. i danas 11. februara i do nijednog odgovora
vaša podrška je veoma potrebna jer sam podneo žalbu da podelim vašu e-poštu
Dear Mostbet,
I sent complain on the 6th , 9th and today 11th of February and till not a single reply
your support is highly needed as I raised the complaint to share email by you
Hvala vam na novostima, šeriftoukhi. Žao mi je zbog kašnjenja. To nije ćaskanje uživo, i ovo je daleko od jedine otvorene žalbe kojoj sam dodeljen.
Hvala vam na strpljenju i razumevanju.
Dragi Mostbet tim ,
Možete li da pregledate trenutni problem podnosioca žalbe sa čekanjem/odobrenim povlačenjem 4.000 EGP i da nam pošaljete ažuriranje?
Thank you for the updates, sheriftoukhy. I am sorry for the delay. It is not a live chat, and this is far from the only open complaint I am assigned to.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Dear Mostbet Team,
Can you please review the complainant's current issue with a pending/approved withdrawal of EGP4,000, and provide us with an update?
Thank you.
Ova objava je privatna za sada. Čeka da ga odobri Casino Guru. Nove objave objavljujemo tek nakon ručnog pregleda, kako bismo bili sigurni da ne sadrže osetljive podatke koje bi trebale videti samo uključene strane.
Ova objava je privatna za sada. Čeka da ga odobri Casino Guru. Nove objave objavljujemo tek nakon ručnog pregleda, kako bismo bili sigurni da ne sadrže osetljive podatke koje bi trebale videti samo uključene strane.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Ova objava je privatna za sada. Čeka da ga odobri Casino Guru. Nove objave objavljujemo tek nakon ručnog pregleda, kako bismo bili sigurni da ne sadrže osetljive podatke koje bi trebale videti samo uključene strane.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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