Zdravo, Posle dugo vremena, hteo sam da pokušam da se prijavim na svoj mistake nalog, koji je zatvoren pre 6, 7 meseci, ali zaboravivši ovo, nisam shvatio da imamo 2 duplikata naloga. a ja sam se prijavio na drugu misleći da je prvi. Napravio sam oko 4 depozita u ukupnom iznosu od 350 funti i završio sam sa 1200 funti na saldu i kada sam pokušao da ih podignem otkrio sam da je moj račun dupliran. Kontaktirao sam podršku i rekli su mi da mogu da podignem samo poslednji depozit.. Ušao sam na račun i uzeli su 1100 funti i ostavio sam 116 funti na saldu pokušavajući da podignem ovih 116 ne mogu jer moj nalog mora da bude verifikovan i ne radi jer je račun dupliran. Molim vas da mi pomognete oko toga. Potpuno sam zaboravio da sam prvi račun zatvorio prije 6 7 mjeseci, a drugi otvoren prije 2 3 mjeseca, sve što želim je moj ukupan depozit s od 350 će biti ponovo pronađeno. Hvala
Hello,After a long time, I wanted to try to log into my mystake account, which was closed 6, 7 months ago, but forgetting this, I did not realize that we have 2 duplicate accounts. and I logged in on the second one thinking it was the first. I made around 4 deposits totaling £350 and I ended up with £1200 in my balance and when I tried to withdraw them I discovered that my account was duplicated. I contacted the support and they told me that I can withdraw only the last deposit.. I entered the account and they took £1100 and I left £116 in the balance trying to withdraw these 116 I can't because my account has to be verified and it doesn't work because the account is duplicated.Please can you help my with that I completely forget my first account was closed by me 6 7 months ago and second one opened 2 3 months ago all I want is my total deposit s of 350 to be refound.Thanks
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