Deponovao sam
Za prvi depozit
I nisam dobio svoj bonus
Molim vas dajte mi par minuta. Proveriću vaš problem. Hvala što ste čekali.
Izgleda da postoje i drugi nalozi registrovani kod nas koji dele vaš uređaj, IP adresu i/ili pregledač. Zbog toga se bonusi ne izdaju, već su dostupni samo na jedinstvenim računima
Ne samo moj nalog
Nisam davao druge račune
Sa mojim podacima i detaljima
Ono što moram da uradim je veoma dobro otpevaj mi na prvom depozitu kako želiš da nastavim
Da sam htela da položim veliki iznos
Postoji nekoliko naloga koji koriste isti broj telefona kao i vi
Možda je to bilo kada sam otvorio vpn
Pošto imam neke programe na svom telefonu ne rade bez vpn snd-a koji pokazuje da imam mnogo naloga tako nešto
Tako da mi treba moj bonus
Ovi nalozi imaju isto ime kao i vi, a poštanska adresa je takođe slična
rekao sam ti
To se dogodilo kada sam promenio svoj vpn
I kako ću navesti mnoge račune u istim informacijama
Da li si dobar u mozgu
Promena VPN-a nije mogla da utiče na vaše naloge u našem kazinu
Možete li mi reći dupe tehničkim službama kako mogu da imam više naloga u istoj pošti na istom telefonu i istom bame
Ako podelim ovaj razgovor na društvenim mrežama, bićete u trendu šale
Ru me zeza
Tako. Da li imam bonus ili ne
Ništa drugo
U redu
U ovom slučaju ne mogu vam dati bonus
Srećno u tvojoj fantaziji
Ne mogu da verujem da si toliko pametan
Ali u suprotnom ću podeliti razgovor
Ovo je razgovor između nas
I did deposit
For first deposit
And dodnt got my bonus wht
Please give me a couple of minutes. I will check your Issue. Thank you for waiting.
There seem to be other accounts also registered with us sharing either your device, IP address, and/or browser. That's why the bonuses are not issued, they are only available to unique accounts
No just my account
I gave no others accounts
With my information and details
What i have to do thats very good sing for me in first deposit how do you want me to continue
If I was gonna deposit big amount
There are few accounts using the same phone number as you
Maybe it was when I opened vpn
Because I have some programs on my phone doesn't working without vpn snd showing I have many accounts something like that
So i need my bonus
These accounts has the same name as you have, and mail address is also similar
I told you
Thats happened when I changed my vpn
And how I woll hy many accounts in the same information
Are you good in brain
Changing VPN could not affect your accounts in our casino
Can you tell me ass technical services how I can have many accounts in the same mail same phone and the same bame
If i woll share this conversation on social media you will be the trend of Joke
Ru kidding me
So. Do i have get bonus or not
Nothing else
In this case I cannot provide you a bonus
Good luck in your fantasy
I cant believe u are so much clever
But in otherwise i will share the conversation
This is the conversation between us
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