Dragi Casino.Guru!
Kasino je slučaj zaključio zauvijek prošle sedmice.
Nemaju dokaza da je došlo do greške u sistemu. Napisali su da mi je internet loš. Od tada sam u nekoliko pisama dokazao da postoji problem sa web lokacijom. Od tada je, na primjer, logotip Lightning Roulette uklonjen sa stranice, što je bilo loše. I ja sam prijavio ovu grešku. (there_is.png; missing.png)
Reklamacija je sljedeća:
26. jula prijavio sam greške kazinu. Nakon 2 sedmice, kasino je prošle sedmice naznačio da ne žele priznati opklade koje sam pretrpio zbog njihove pogrešne strane.
Sve sam im detaljno opisao u e -pošti sa dokazima.
21. jula 2021. godine došlo je do takve greške na web mjestu, a zatim je iznos pripisan u roku od jedne sedmice. (Gmail - Povrat.pdf)
Sada kada je iznos tako velik, ne žele kreditirati iznos. (bad_bet1.png, bad_bet2.png)
Kažu da je internet loš.
Ovo je jako loš izgovor.
Uspio sam fotografirati svaku poruku o grešci. (error1.png, error2.png, error3.png)
Prilažem opklade na kojima je došlo do greške. (bad_bet1.png, bad_bet2.png)
Transakcijska priča je takođe sranje jer ne prikazuje igre dobro.
Iz historije (bets.png), čini se da nikada nisam stavio tako veliku količinu oklada, pa sam ih otkazao prilikom klađenja.
Budući da je stranica casina nomini pisala poruke o grešci, stranica se srušila pa nisam mogao otkazati okladu. Ovo je odgovornost kazina. Zbog loše kvalitete web stranice izgubio sam iznos koji nisam ni želio.
Prilažem i razgovor sa operatorom gdje je administrator potvrdio da sam počeo otkazivati opkladu. Nažalost, menadžer igre je prihvatio opkladu jer je nomini stranica napisala grešku ili se srušila. Stoga opklada nije poništena.
Ovo je ozbiljan problem nomini kazina i nije odgovornost operatora. (operator.png)
Slučaj se istraživao 2 sedmice i dobio sam odgovor da nema greške kada sam poslao jasne poruke o grešci stranice.
Čudno, kazino ne priznaje greške, u prvom slučaju iznos je priznat i pripisan. Ne sada, jer je to velika svota.
Prilažem i dokaze u kojima izgleda da nema problema s internetom, a nomini stranica se učitava u nekoliko minuta.
Od tada sam snimio još 2 videa, stranica traje nekoliko minuta, a 1-2 minuta zastoja za stolom za rulet je veliki problem.
Prilažem dodatnu prepisku u kojoj imam sve dokaze da nije bilo problema sa mojim internetom.
Nomini.com nema dokaza koji to potvrđuju. Stalno dolaze operateru da su opklade prihvaćene. Znam to, ali problem je u tome što je nominalno zamrzavanje strane usvojeno zbog grešaka.
Priložio sam diplomu računarstva, iz smiješnih razloga oni ne žele kreditirati iznos na moj račun.
Kao IT inženjer, mogu prepoznati IT greške.
Odluka Nomini.com je konačna, ali je ne prihvaćam jer sam poslao jasne poruke o grešci koje to potvrđuju. Sve vreme sam igrao pošteno, ne bih se žalio da nije greške. Zato tražim od kazina da odgovara.
Prilažem uslove i odredbe prihvaćene u općim uslovima nomini.com. (GTC.PNG)
Prema njihovim riječima, oni poduzimaju:
6.20 Softverske greške, neispravne financijske transakcije itd. U slučaju da Društvo ima pravo otpisati pogrešno akumulirana sredstva s računa klijenta i obvezuje se vratiti na račun klijenta iznose koji su pogrešno opisani ili nisu akumulirani zbog tehničkog problema. . u roku od 30 (trideset) dana od otkrivanja greške.
Sve dokaze u tekstu možete pronaći ovdje:
Kazino duguje ukupno 11.815.000 HUF.
Tražim od kazina da odobri iznos zbog njihove neispravne web stranice.
Hvala na pomoći,
Norbert G ****
Dear Casino.Guru!
The casino closed the case for good last week.
They have no evidence that an error has occurred in the system. They wrote that my internet is bad. Since then, I have proven in several letters that there is a problem with the site. Since then, for example, the Lightning Roulette logo has been removed from the site, which was bad. I also reported this error. (there_is.png; missing.png)
The complaint is as follows:
On July 26, I reported the bugs to the casino. After 2 weeks, the casino indicated last week that they did not want to credit the bets I suffered due to their faulty side.
I described everything in detail to them in an email with evidence.
On July 21, 2021, such an error occurred on the site and then the amount was credited within a week. (Gmail - Refund.pdf)
Now that the amount is so large, they don’t want to credit the amount. (bad_bet1.png, bad_bet2.png)
The internet is bad, they say.
This is a very bad excuse.
I was able to take a picture of each error message. (error1.png, error2.png, error3.png)
I attach the bets where the error occurred. (bad_bet1.png, bad_bet2.png)
The transactional story is also faulty shit because it doesn’t show the games well.
From history (bets.png), it seems that I have never placed such a large amount of bets, so I canceled them while betting.
Because the nomini casino page wrote error messages, the site crashed so I could not cancel the bet. This is the responsibility of the casino. Due to the poor quality of the website, I lost the amount I didn’t even want.
I also attach a conversation with the operator where the administrator confirmed that I had started canceling the bet. Unfortunately, the game manager accepted the bet because the nomini page wrote an error or crashed. Therefore, the bet was not canceled.
This is a serious problem on the part of the nomini casino and is not the responsibility of the operator. (operator.png)
The case was investigated for 2 weeks and I got the answer that there was no error when I sent clear error messages about the page error.
Oddly enough, the casino does not admit mistakes, in the first case the amount was acknowledged and credited. Not now, because it's a large sum.
I also attach evidence where there seems to be no problem with my internet and the nomini page loads in minutes.
Since then, I’ve made 2 more videos, the page takes minutes, and 1-2 minutes of downtime at the roulette table is a BIG problem.
I enclose an additional correspondence in which I have all the evidence that there was no problem with my internet.
Nomini.com has no evidence to support this. They keep coming to the operator that the bets have been accepted. I know this, but the problem is that the nominal side freeze was adopted due to errors.
I have attached my degree in computer science, for ridiculous reasons they do not want to credit the amount to my account.
As an IT engineer, I can identify IT errors.
Nomini.com's decision is final, but I do not accept it because I have sent clear error messages that confirm it. I played fair all along, I wouldn’t complain if it weren’t for the mistake. That is why I am asking the casino to be held accountable.
I enclose the terms and conditions accepted in the nomini.com general terms and conditions. (GTC.PNG)
According to them, they undertake:
6.20 Software errors, faulty financial transactions, etc. In the event that the Company is entitled to write off the erroneously accumulated funds from the client's account and undertakes to refund to the client's account the amounts incorrectly described or not accumulated due to a technical problem. . within 30 (thirty) days after the error is detected.
All the evidence in the text can be found here:
The casino owes a total of HUF 11,815,000.
I ask the casino to credit the amount due to their malfunctioning website.
Thanks for your help,
Norbert G****
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