Zdravo, bio sam igrač u ovom kazinu od 10. januara i moj nalog je juče zaključan. Pitao sam ih zašto je moj nalog deaktiviran i oni su rekli da žele da urade pregled naloga, proveru. Nisu mi rekli ništa konkretno, tako da nemam pojma zašto se to dogodilo. Jedino što znam je da 1. Ne mogu da uđem na svoj nalog i 2. Pregledaju moj nalog iz razloga koji mi nije poznat.
Da bih akumulirao balans, igrao sam uglavnom sportsko klađenje.
Imao sam bonus, ali mi bonus nije pomogao da podignem svoj balans jer sam se kladio samo sa pravim novcem, tako da se na kraju klađenja iznos bonusa nije povećao, već je samo dodat stvarnom saldu.
Pitali su me 2 fotografije moje kreditne kartice koje sam poslao i rekli su da je uspešno verifikovana. Posle toga su tražili selfi sa mojom ličnom kartom i telefonskim računom. Hteo sam da ih pošaljem, ali onda mi je nalog bio zaključan. Pregled nije imao nikakve veze sa dokumentima jer su ga zaključali nekoliko sati nakon što su ih tražili. Kada sam razgovarao uživo, rekli su mi da to ima veze sa dokumentima. Nemam pojma šta se dogodilo, nadam se da bih mogao biti više od pomoći, ali nažalost ne mogu.
Hello, I was a player in this casino since 10 of january, and my account was locked yestarday. I asked them why was my account deactivated and they said they wanted to to do a review of the account, a check. They did not tell me anything specific so ido not have a clue why this happened. The only thing I know is that 1. I cannot get into my account and 2. They are reviewing me account for a reason I am not familiar with.
In order to accumulate the balance I played mostly sports betting.
I had the bonus, but the bonus did not help me raise my balance since I only placed bets with the real money so in the end of the waggering the ammount of the bonus has not increased, it was just added to the real balance.
They asked me 2 photos of my credit card which I sent and they said it was verified succesfully. After that they saked for a selfie with my id and a phone bill. I was about to send them but then my account was locked. The review had nothing to do with the documents since they locked it a couple of hours after asking for them. When I spoke the live chat they told me that this had anything to do with the documents. I have no idea what happened, I hope I could be more heplfull but unfortunately I cannot.
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