Igrač iz Nemačke je mejlom tražio samoisključenje. Zbog tehničkog problema, ovaj imejl je zanemaren. Na kraju, kazino je vratio igraču novac. Problem je uspešno rešen.
The player from Germany asked for a self-exclusion by email. Due to a technical issue, this email was overlooked. Eventually, the casino refunded the player. The issue was successfully resolved.
Igrač iz Nemačke je mejlom tražio samoisključenje. Zbog tehničkog problema, ovaj imejl je zanemaren. Na kraju, kazino je vratio igraču novac. Problem je uspešno rešen.
Ne živim u Portoriku, ali nažalost ne mogu to da promenim.
Moj problem je što sam tražio da se ovaj kazino zatvori zbog igračaka 2. maja.
Nažalost, odgovora nije bilo
Tada sam tražio limit depozita, a oni su mi pisali da to nije moguće iz tehničkih razloga.
Prokockam više novca nego što mogu da priuštim i mislim da je jako loše što oni to tako iskorištavaju.
U odeljku odgovorne igre piše da treba da napišete e-poštu i oni će se odmah pobrinuti za to.
Danas sam poslao još jedan e-mail sa molbom za zatvaranje.
Molim vas pomozite mi
Blerim L******
I don't live in Puerto Rico but unfortunately I can't change it.
My problem is that I asked this casino to close because of toys in May 2nd.
Unfortunately there was no response
Then I asked for a deposit limit, and they wrote to me that this was not possible for technical reasons.
I gamble away more money than I can afford and I think it's very bad that they take advantage of it like that.
In the responsible game section it says that you should write an email and they will take care of it immediately.
Today I sent another email asking for closure.
Please help me
Blerim L******
Ich lebe Nicht in Puerto Rico aber ich kann es leider nicht ändern .
Mein Problem ist das ich bei diesem Casino schon 02.05 um Schließung wegen Spielsachen gebeten.
Leider wurde darauf nicht reagiert ,
Dann habe ich um Einzahlungs Limit gebeten , darauf haben Sie mir geschrieben das aus technischen Gründen das nicht geht .
Ich verspiele mehr Geld als ich es mir leisten kann und ich finde das sehr schlimm das sie das so ausnutzen .
In der Abschnitt Verantwortlichen Spiel steht es das man eine Email schreiben soll und die werden sich sofort drum kümmern .
Heute habe ich noch eine Email mit der Bitte auf Schließung geschickt .
Bitte Helfen Sie mir
Blerim L******
Dragi Blerko,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Pre nego što kontaktiramo kazino i zatražimo njihovo stajalište, da li biste mogli da prosledite mejlove ili snimke ekrana koji pokazuju da ste poslali zahtev za samoisključivanje? Moja adresa e-pošte je KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk . Da li ste u tom zahtevu naveli koliko dugo želite da vaš nalog bude suspendovan i razlog zašto?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Blerko,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Before we’ll contact the casino and ask for their standpoint, could you please forward emails or screenshots showing that you have sent a request for a self-exclusion? My email address is petronela.k@casino.guru. Did you specify in that request for how long you wish your account to be suspended and the reason why?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Zdravo Petronela,
Prosledio sam vam mejlove.
Jednom kada se radilo o zatvaranju 02.05.
onda sam mislio bar limit depozita od 500 evra nedeljno, ona je to bar prijavila i onda sam ponovo pitala da mi zatvoriš račun bez odgovora.
Kao igrač, nažalost ne sa kontrolisanim igrama, gradim poverenje sa Casino Guruom, ali kao što vidite, ovi sumnjivi profiteri iskorištavaju svoje klijente.
Pa sam samo pogledao, očigledno su se dovoljno izvukli i odložili, blokiran sam bez mejla, što je unapred dobro. 15.05.2023, vreme 23:48
Hvala na pomoći
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello Petronela,
I have forwarded the emails to you.
Once it was about closing on 02.05,
then I thought at least a deposit limit of 500 euros per week, she at least reported it and then I asked again that you close my account without an answer.
As a player, unfortunately not with controlled gaming, I build trust with Casino Guru, but as you can see, these dubious profiteers take advantage of their customers.
So I just looked, apparently they've gotten enough out and delayed, I'm blocked without an email message, which is good in advance. 05/15/2023, time 23:48
Thanks for your help
Best regards
Hallo Petronela,
ich habe Ihnen die emails weitergeleitet .
Einmal ging es am 02.05 um Schliessung,
dann dachte ich wenigsten ein Einzahlungslimit von 500 Euro in der Woche, darauf habe sie sie wenigstens gemeldet und dann habe ich jetzt nochmal drum gebeten das Sie mein Konto Schlißen ohne Antwort.
Ich als Spieler , leider nicht mit Kontrolierten Spiel baue ein Vertrauen über Casino Guru aber wie Sie sehen nutzen diese Dubiosen Geschäftmacher ihre Kunden aus .
So habe gerade geschaut , anscheinend haben sie genug rausgehollt und verzögert, bin ohne email mitteilung gesperrt,was schonmal gut ist . 15.05.2023, Zeit 23:48
Danke für Ihre Hilfe
Viele Grüße
Vaš nalog je uspešno blokiran, iako je za to bio potreban duži period od dve nedelje, što je nesumnjivo značajno kašnjenje. Da biste nastavili sa svojim slučajem, da li biste mogli da dostavite snimak ekrana vaše istorije blagajnika od trenutka kada ste zahtevali samoisključivanje? Ako ranije niste sačuvali ove informacije, podelite snimak ekrana vašeg bankovnog izvoda koji prikazuje relevantne transakcije. Vaša saradnja po ovom pitanju je veoma cenjena. Hvala unapred.
Your account has been successfully blocked, although it did take an extended period of two weeks, which is undeniably a significant delay. To proceed with your case, could you kindly provide a screenshot of your cashier history from the time you requested self-exclusion? If you didn't save this information previously, please share a screenshot of your bank statement displaying the relevant transactions. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Zdravo Petronela,
Nažalost ne, sada sam konačno blokiran i deponovao sam sa cashtocode-om i ne mogu da vidim svoje transakcije.
Činjenica da je to trajalo više od 2 nedelje je namerno od strane kazina, da li ću dobiti svoj novac nazad ili ne je sekundarno, ali takvi poslovi su nepravedni.
Mogu zatražiti listu transakcija, što će potrajati malo duže kada je dobijem.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello Petronela,
Unfortunately not, I'm finally blocked now and I deposited with cashtocode and I can't see my transactions.
The fact that it took over 2 weeks was intentional by the casino, whether I get my money back or not is secondary, but such dealings are unfair.
I can request a transaction list , which will take a little longer when I get it .
Best regards
Hallo Petronela,
Leider nicht , ich bin jetzt endlich gesperrt und ich habe mit cashtocode eingezahlt , und kann meine Umsätze nicht sehen .
Das es über 2 Wochen gedauert hat war von Casino beabsichtigt , ob ich Geld zurück bekomme oder nicht ist zweitranging, aber solche machenschaften sind unfair .
Ich kann eine Transaktionsliste verlangen , was wenn ich Sie bekomme etwas länger dauern wird .
Liebe Grüße
Hvala vam puno, Blerko, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Zatražite listu transakcija.
U međuvremenu, sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Peteru ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Blerko, for providing all the necessary information. Please request the transaction list.
Meanwhile, I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru ) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Blerim,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i razumem situaciju. Dozvolite mi da kontaktiram kazino i daću sve od sebe da pomognem. Pozivam OKSI Casino DE na razgovor da učestvujem u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Blerim,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. Let me contact the casino and I will do my best to help. I would like to invite OXI Casino DE to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo, Blerim
Šteta je čuti da imate takvih poteškoća sa našom platformom.
Istina je da alati za odgovorno kockanje, nažalost, trenutno nisu dostupni, ali radimo na integraciji ove funkcije i planiramo je da bude dodata u budućnosti.
Takođe, želimo da napomenemo da je bitno da se kockanje shvati odgovorno i da sebi postavite određena ograničenja. Na primer, da postavite ograničenja potrošnje na kockanje na mreži na vašem sistemu plaćanja. Može biti korisnije, jer, čak i ako imate neka ograničenja u određenom kazinu, uvek možete da otvorite račun u drugom, i da tamo uplatite depozit.
Što se tiče zatvaranja računa, obaveštavamo vas da nije bilo kašnjenja sa odgovorom. Prema uslovima i odredbama naše platforme, ako korisnik želi da zatvori nalog, potrebno je da kontaktira naše odeljenje za podršku putem support@oxi.casino adresu i zatražite da suspendujete oki.casino nalog na određeno vreme. Nakon toga, mi ćemo preduzeti neophodne mere da potpuno blokiramo igrača sa naše veb stranice u naredna dva radna dana. Ove informacije se mogu slobodno naći na našoj zvaničnoj veb stranici.
U konkretnom slučaju, primili smo pismo od Vas 15. maja i istog dana blokirali račun.
Želimo da sve bude jasno i da se oslobodimo bilo kakvog nesporazuma, pa ako imate još pitanja, slobodno nas obavestite.
Srdačan pozdrav, OKSI tim
Hello, Blerim
It's a pity to hear that you have such difficulties with our platform.
That's true that Responsible Gambling tools, unfortunately, are not available at this moment, but we are working on the integration of this feature, and it's in planning to be added in the future.
Also, we would like to mention that it's essential to take gambling responsibly and set certain limits for yourself. For example, to set limits of spending on online gambling on your payment system. It can be more useful, because, even if you have some limitations on a certain casino, you can always make an account in another one, and make a deposit there.
As for the account closure, we would like to inform you, that there was no delay with the answer. According to the terms and conditions of our platform, if a user wants to close an account, he/she needs to contact our support department via the support@oxi.casino address and ask to suspend the oxi.casino account for a period of time. After that, we will take the necessary measures to block a player completely from our website during the next two business days. This information can be freely found on our official website.
In this specific case, we received a letter from you on the 15th of May and blocked the account on the same day.
We want to make everything clear and get rid of any kind of misunderstanding, so if you have any questions left, please, let us know.
Best regards, OXI team
Dragi Oki Casino timu,
Hvala na odgovoru. Razumemo da trenutno ne nudite opciju da ograničite depozite igrača. Međutim, želeo bih da vas pitam šta se desilo sa prvim zahtevom za samoisključivanje koji vam je poslat e-poštom 2. maja. Igrač je u mejlu naveo da su zavisni i da žele da se samoisključe.
Dear Oxi Casino team,
Thank you for your response. We understand that you currently don't offer the option to limit the player's deposits. However, I'd like to ask you what happened to the first self-exclusion request that was sent to you by email on the 2nd of May. The player stated in the email that they were addicted and wanted to self-exclude themselves.
Zdravo, Peter
Nadamo se da ste dobro.
Prvi zahtev za samoisključivanje koji smo dobili od Blerima putem e-pošte bio je 15. maja i odmah smo blokirali nalog. Ranije, uključujući i 2. maj, klijent nam nije poslao nijednu e-poštu u kojoj je naveo želju da ugasi nalog.
Srdačan pozdrav, OKSI tim
Hello, Peter
We hope you are doing well.
The first self-exclusion request we received from Blerim via email was on the 15th of May and we immediately blocked the account. Earlier, also including on the 2nd of May, the client didn't send us any emails stating the desire to terminate the account.
Best regards, OXI team
To nije tačno, poslao sam mejl 2. maja i nisam dobio odgovor.
Pored toga, tražio sam bar ograničenje depozita uz sledeću e-poštu,
što mi je zabranjeno.
Kada sam u četovanju tražio da zatvorim nalog, odgovoreno mi je da me nalog ni na šta ne obavezuje.
Oni na svojoj veb stranici objavljuju koliko ozbiljno shvataju odgovorno kockanje, ali kada je potrebna pomoć koriste se taktike da se sve odloži.
Smatram da je to veoma zlo, posebno za igrače koji nemaju potpunu kontrolu.
Blerim L******
That's not true, I sent an email on May 2nd and didn't get an answer.
In addition, I asked for at least a deposit limit with the next email,
which is forbidden to me.
When I asked in the chat to close my account, I was answered that my account did not oblige me to anything.
They publicize on their website how seriously they take responsible gambling but when help is needed tactics are employed to delay everything.
I find that very mean, especially for players who don't have full control.
Blerim L******
das Stimmt nicht, am 02.05 habe ich eine Email geschickt und keine Antwort bekommen.
Zudem habe ich mit der Nächsten Email wenigstens auf einen Einzahlungslimit gebeten,
der mir Verwehrt ist .
Auf meine Anfrage im Chat um Schließung meines Konto , wurde mir als Antwort gegeben das mich mein Konto zu nichts verpflichtet.
Sie Veröffentlichen auf Ihre Webseite wie ernst Sie doch Verantwortungsvolles Spielen ernst nehmen aber wenn man doch Hilfe braucht wird es mit Taktiken gearbeitet um alles zu verzögern.
Ich finde das sehr gemein , vor allem für Spieler die nicht die volle Kontrolle besitzen.
Blerim L******
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi Blerim,
Možete li molim vas da prosledite e-poštu od 2. maja na moju adresu e-pošte kao prilog?
Hi all,
Thank you for your replies.
Dear Blerim,
Could you please forward the email from the 2nd of May to my email address as an attachment please?
Hvala ti Blerim. Postaviću ga ovde za kazino.
Dragi timu Oki Casino DE,
Prvobitna e-poruka je sačuvana kao prilog i prosleđena nama što bi bilo veoma teško lažirati. Ovo snažno sugeriše da je e-pošta zaista poslata kazinu. Zato bih vas zamolio da još jednom proverite ove informacije.
Thank you Blerim. I will upload it here for the casino.
Dear Oxi Casino DE team,
The initial email was saved as an attachment and forwarded to us which would be very hard to fake. This strongly suggests that the email was indeed sent to the casino. So I'd like to ask you to double-check this information.
Zdravo Blerim,
Razgovaram o ovom pitanju sa predstavnikom kazina na skajpu. Možete li još jednom proslediti istu e-poštu, ali direktno sa svog Gmail naloga u „eml" formatu? Kliknite desnim tasterom miša na imejl i „Prosledi kao prilog". Pogledajte sliku, molim. Hvala vam.
Hi Blerim,
I'm discussing the issue with the casino representative on Skype. Could you please forward the same email once more but directly from your Gmail account in "eml" format? Right-click on the email and "Forward as attachment". See the picture, please. Thank you.
Zdravo, Peter
Nadamo se da ste dobro.
Prema razgovoru naših predstavnika sa vama na Skipe-u, čekamo odluku o daljem istraživanju pitanja sa vaše strane.
Dobar dan pred vama!
Srdačan pozdrav, OKSI tim
Hello, Peter
We hope you are doing well.
According to the conversation between our representatives with you on Skype, we are waiting for the decision on the further investigation of the issue from your side.
Have a great day ahead!
Best regards, OXI team
Zdravo Blerim,
Žao mi je, neću biti van kancelarije nedelju dana da prisustvujem konferenciji. Kada se vratim, želeo bih da obavim video poziv sa tobom preko skajpa. Daću vam tačne detalje sledeće nedelje.
Hi Blerim,
I'm sorry, I will be out of the office for a week attending a conference. When I get back, I'd like to make a video call with you over Skype. I will give you the exact details next week.
Zdravo, Peter
Nadamo se da će vas ova poruka dobro naći.
Hvala što ste poslali dokaze. Čim naši predstavnici izvrše dodatnu istragu, vratićemo se sa novostima.
Dobar dan pred vama!
Srdačan pozdrav, OKSI tim
Hello, Peter
We hope this message finds you well.
Thanks for sending the evidence. As soon as our representatives make an extra investigation, we will come back with an update.
Have a great day ahead!
Best regards, OXI team
Dragi timu Oki Casino DE,
Pošto je Blerim uspeo da dokaže da je e-poruka sa njegovim samoisključenjem poslata (pogledajte video), trebalo bi da vrati svoje depozite nakon ovog zahteva.
Dear Oxi Casino DE team,
As Blerim was able to prove that the email with his self-exclusion was sent (see video), he should get his deposits made after this request back.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
zdravo Peter,
Da, veoma tužno što niko ne prijavljuje
Ljudi vole da pričaju o fer pleju, ali nažalost to je samo stvar govora.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hi Peter,
Yes, very sad that no one reports
People like to talk about fair play, but unfortunately it's just a matter of speaking.
Best regards
Hallo Peter,
Ja sehr Traurig das sich keiner meldet ,
es wird gerne von Fair Play gesprochen aber beim Sprechen bleibt es leider .
Viele Grüße
Zdravo, Peter i Blerim
Naši predstavnici su istražili slučaj i došli do zajedničkog zaključka. Zbog tehničke greške, račun klijenta nije zatvoren, pa će zbir depozita Blerima od datuma navedenog u pismu biti vraćen.
Želim vam prijatan dan!
Srdačan pozdrav, OKSI tim
Hello, Peter and Blerim
Our representatives investigated the case and came to a common conclusion. Due to a technical mistake, the client's account wasn't closed, therefore the sum of deposits of Blerim since the date stated in the letter will be refunded.
Have a nice day!
Best regards, OXI team
Dragi Oki timu,
Mislim da je to veoma pošteno i hvala svima, a posebno Petru
uradio posao za ovaj slučaj.
Srdačan pozdrav
Blerim Ljimoni
Dear Oxi team,
I think that's very fair and thank you all and especially Peter himself
did the work for this case.
Best regards
Blerim Ljimoni
Lieber Oxi-Team ,
Ich finde das sehr Fair und bedanke mich an Euch alle und vor allem an Peter der sich
die Arbeit für diesen Fall gemacht hat.
Viele Grüße
Blerim Ljimoni
Dragi Oki timu,
kakva je dalja procedura?
Pošto znam tačnije mogu da se prijavim na vas.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Oxi team,
what is the further procedure?
Since I know more correctly I can log in to you.
Best regards
Lieber Oxi-Team,
wie ist das weitere vorgehen ?
Da ich richtiger weiße mich bei Ihnen einloggen kann.
Viele Grüße
Dragi Blerim
Naši predstavnici su pokušali da vas kontaktiraju putem e-pošte i poslali su vam pismo kako bismo koordinirali dalje radnje u vezi sa procedurom refundiranja. Poslali smo vam e-poruku 1. avgusta i ponovili smo to danas. Molimo vas da proverite svoje imejl kutije.
Takođe, imajte na umu da bi e-poruka mogla da ode u odeljak „Neželjeno/nepoželjna pošta".
Dobar dan pred vama!
Srdačan pozdrav, OKSI tim
Dear Blerim
Our representatives tried to contact you via email and sent you a letter to coordinate further actions about the refund procedure. We sent you an email on the 1st of August and did it again today. Please, check your email box.
Also, note that the email could go to the "Junk/Spam" section.
Have a great day ahead!
Best regards, OXI team
Sve sam pretražio i nisam mogao da nađem nijednu e-poštu
To možemo da uradimo i preko Pitera, Piter uvek dobija svoje mejlove.
Srdačan pozdrav
Blerim Ljimoni
I've searched everything and couldn't find any email
We can also do this via Peter, Peter always gets his emails.
Best regards
Blerim Ljimoni
Ich habe alles mögliche durchsucht und leider keine Email gefunden,
sehr gerne können wir das auch über Peter machen , Peter seine Emails kommen immer an.
Viele Grüße
Blerim Ljimoni
Dragi timu Oki Casino DE,
Molimo vas da ovde napišete šta vam treba od igrača da biste napravili neki napredak. Objavu možemo učiniti privatnim.
Dear Oxi Casino DE team,
Please write here what you need from the player in order to make some progress. We can make the post private.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Hvala Oki Casino DE timu.
Dragi Blerim,
Molimo pošaljite svoje podatke o plaćanju za povraćaj u kazino i potvrdu iznosa povraćaja.
Thank you Oxi Casino DE team.
Dear Blerim,
Please send your payment details for the refund to the casino and the confirmation of the refund amount.
Zdravo dragi Oki timu,
Zdravo dragi Peter,
Nažalost, ne mogu da kontaktiram nikoga putem mejla i odgovora Oki tima da li je nalog u redu,
Ni ja ne razumem.
Dragi Pitere, možda možeš da pitaš šta se dešava, to traje večno.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello dear Oxi team,
Hello dear Peter,
Unfortunately, I can't reach anyone by email and an answer from the Oxi team whether the account is ok,
I don't get it either.
Dear Peter, maybe you can ask what's going on, it's taking forever.
Best regards
Hallo Lieber Oxi-Team,
Hallo Lieber Peter,
Leider erreiche ich niemaden per Email und ein Antwort von Oxi-Team ob das Konto ok ist,
bekomme ich auch nicht .
Lieber Peter, vielleicht kannst du mal nachfragen was sache ist , das zieht sich ja ewig.
Liebe Grüße
Dragi Blerim,
Primio sam vašu e-poštu, ali ne mogu da prosledim vaše lične podatke kazinu. Molimo napišite svoje podatke o plaćanju ovde, biće skriveni od javnosti. Nadamo se da ćemo ovde konačno malo napredovati.
Dragi timu Oki Casino DE,
Da li je u redu ako Blerim ovde napiše svoje podatke o plaćanju? Ako ne, dajte mu adresu e-pošte na koju može da ih pošalje.
Dear Blerim,
I received your email but I can't forward your personal information to the casino. Please write your payment details here, it will be hidden from the public. Hopefully, we will finally make some progress here.
Dear Oxi Casino DE team,
Is it OK if Blerim writes his payment details here? If not, please give him an email address where he can send them.
Zdravo ,
Samo za informaciju, niko ne odgovara!
Sjajno, ne radi se o puno novca i to traje večno.
Hello ,
Just for info, no one answers!
Awesome, it's not about a lot of money and that takes forever.
Hallo ,
nur zu Info , es meldet sich niemand !
Wahnsinn, es geht nicht um viel Geld und das dauert ewig.
Zdravo, Peter i Blerim
Naravno, Blerim može ostaviti detalje plaćanja ovde, to nije problem.
Dobar dan pred vama!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Srdačan pozdrav, OKSI tim
Hello, Peter and Blerim
Sure, Blerim can leave the payment details here, it's not a problem.
Have a great day ahead!
Kind regards,
Best regards, OXI team
Dragi Oki timu, rado bih se brzo obradila,
iznos je u redu i odgovorite da!
Dear Oxi Team I would be happy about a quick processing,
the amount is okay and answer yes!
Lieber Oxi Team ich würde mich über eine schnelle bearbeitung freuen ,
der Betrag geht so in Ordnung und beantworte mit ja !
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dragi Blerim
Hvala na informacijama i saradnji! Pokrenut je proces refundiranja. Iznos od 1800 EUR je u obradi da vam se vrati. Sredstva će biti prebačena u roku od 7 radnih dana.
Dobar dan pred vama!
Srdačan pozdrav, OKSI tim
Dear Blerim
Thank you for the information and cooperation! The refund process is launched. The amount of 1800 EUR is in processing to refund to you. The funds will be transferred in 7 business days.
Have a great day ahead!
Best regards, OXI team
Zdravo Peter, zdravo Oki tim!
Novac je stigao i molimo vas da zatvorite slučaj kao uspešan!
Hvala !!!!
Hello Peter, hello Oxi Team!
Money has arrived and please close the case as successful!
Thanks !!!!
Hallo Peter , hallo Oxi Team !
Geld ist angegokommen und bitte den Fall als erfolgreich abzuschließen !
Danke !!!!
Zdravo Blerim,
Hvala na ispravci. Nakon uspešnog rešavanja problema, žalbu ćemo označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Cenimo vašu saradnju i potvrdu, Blerko, i ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti, ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš Centar za rešavanje žalbi. Naš cilj je da vam pomognemo.
Kao što znate, mi ne naplaćujemo naše usluge, niti primamo napojnice. Međutim, bili bismo vam zahvalni ako biste odvojili trenutak i podelili svoje iskustvo sa našim uslugama na Trustpilot https://vvv.trustpilot.com/evaluate/casino.guru. Iskreno razmatranje i sve sugestije koje ćete možda imati za poboljšanje našeg procesa rešavanja žalbi i posredovanja bili bi veoma cenjeni. Vaše povratne informacije mogu biti od pomoći drugima koji razmišljaju da nas kontaktiraju u vezi bilo kakvih problema vezanih za onlajn kazino. Hvala unapred na izdvojenom vremenu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi Blerim,
Thank you for the update. After successfully resolving the problem, we will mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. We appreciate your cooperation and confirmation, Blerko, and if you encounter any issues with this or any other casino in the future, please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center. Our goal is to assist you.
As you know, we do not charge for our services, nor do we accept any gratuities. However, we would appreciate if you could take a moment to share your experience with our services on Trustpilot https://www.trustpilot.com/evaluate/casino.guru. An honest review and any suggestions you may have to improve our complaint resolution and mediation process would be greatly appreciated. Your feedback could prove helpful to others who are considering contacting us about any online casino-related issues. Thank you in advance for your time.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
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