dragi svi,
Potvrđujem da ste pregledali slučaj, ali moram da pojasnim da ponuđenih 7 hiljada evra nije bilo pošteno rešenje s obzirom na dogovorene uslove osiguranja bilansa. Gospodin Matej može ponovo da pregleda ceo kontekst, pošto sam mu poslao kompletnu istoriju mojih razgovora sa VIP menadžerom. Želim da budem siguran da ima sve detalje i da ga ne obmanu delimični snimci ekrana.
Vremenska linija događaja
19. avgust 2024
06:03: Tražio sam osiguranje veće nego što je prvobitno razmatrano, tražeći više od prethodne ponude. VIP menadžer je odgovorio: "Druže, srećan sam zbog tebe :) Ipak, rekao sam ti za ručno povlačenje da uvek možemo da se dogovorimo između sebe :)". Ovaj odgovor je implicirao da je sporazum na snazi, iako nije direktno potvrđen. Naveo sam da verujem da bi zapisivanje osiguralo da je osiguranje potvrđeno.
07:14: VIP menadžer je ponudio sledeće:
Osigurajte moj tekući bilans na 25% do 7.000 €.
Da sam tog dana uložio 100.000 evra, poslao bi mi dodatnih 2.500 evra, čime bi moj ukupan iznos bio 4.000 evra.
U ovom trenutku, on je priznao osiguranje, iako to nije eksplicitno potvrdio.
14:29: Poslao sam poruku VIP menadžeru u kojoj stoji: "Imam oko 55 hiljada. Možemo li nešto da uštedimo?" Odgovorio je: „Oki, ali nemoj da kešuješ, inače ne mogu da radim osiguranje na isplaćene opklade." Ovaj odgovor je ukazao da je osiguranje još uvek u razmatranju, ali je želeo da sačekam dok se moje opklade ne izmire.
20. avgust 2024
11:33: VIP menadžer je tražio da pozove nakon što su opklade izmirene, obećavajući da će dodatno objasniti u vezi sa osiguranjem.
12:01: Zvao je i razgovarali smo o osiguranju. Takođe je pomenuo vaučer koji je želeo da iskoristim.
21. avgust 2024
08:05: Poslao sam snimak mog ukupnog stanja od 130.732,18 € i pitao: „Molim vas, osigurajte me. Takođe, izvršite povlačenje za 4.000 €." Video je poruku, ali nije odgovorio.
09:36: Nakon što je priznao moje stanje, tvrdio je da je razgovarao sa svojim šefovima i rekao da ako uložim 500.000 evra, mogu da podignem dodatnih 2.000 evra dnevno. Ovo je izgledalo nepravedno, jer bih morao da uložim pola miliona samo da bih povukao još 2.000 evra.
09:39: Poslao je poruku u kojoj je pisalo: "Druže, imaš stanje 130k, a imao si 100k, pa kako si pao?" Nije osporio osiguranje ali još jednom nije potvrdio, ali vidite da je video stanje.
09:44: Istaknuo sam da sam u poslednja dva dana založio 600.000 evra, ali sam mogao da podignem samo 9.500 evra, što je bilo manje od 1% uloženog iznosa. On je to ignorisao i nije dao nikakva pojašnjenja o osiguranju.
16:48: VIP menadžer je poslao poruku „4k će doći danas pošto su mi napisali da je zakazano, u vezi s padom nivoa - da li sistem ne mogu ništa da uradim povodom toga"
Ova poruka je naznačila da sam spušten na nivo jedan, sa dnevnim limitom povlačenja od €500, uprkos tome što sam uložio €600,000. Ovo je izgledalo krajnje nepravedno.
22 avgusta 2024
08:18: VIP menadžer je potvrdio da su izmene napravljene, i ja ću moći da podignem 1.500 evra dnevno bez potrebe da se kladim. Međutim, još uvek nisam mogao da nastavim sa povlačenjem kao što sam obećao. Istog dana sam ponovo zatražio razgovor sa menadžerom, ali je moj zahtev ignorisan.
12:16: Nakon daljeg napredovanja, VIP menadžer više nije odgovarao.
23 avgusta 2024
09:45: Primetio sam da povlačenje nije uspelo. Posle 21 sata čekanja ponovo sam kontaktirao VIP menadžera, ali me je ignorisao.
24 avgusta 2024
12:06: U ovom trenutku, moj saldo je potrošen i zatražio sam povraćaj od 25%. Odgovor nije primljen.
Nerealni zahtevi za klađenje: Uprkos klađenju preko 600.000 evra za samo dva dana, proces povlačenja je bio ograničen i mogao sam da pristupim samo delu svog bilansa. Ponuda da se kladi 500.000 evra za dodatnih 2.000 evra bila je nepravedna i nerazumna.
Nedostatak jasnoće o osiguranju: Iako je VIP menadžer više puta priznao osiguranje, on to nikada nije eksplicitno potvrdio u pisanoj formi, što je dovelo do zabune i frustracije. Čak i kada sam istakao svoju ravnotežu i zatražio sigurnost, odgovor je odložen ili ignorisan.
Neispunjena obećanja: Obećanja u vezi povlačenja i osiguranja nisu ispunjena, a limit za povlačenje je nepravedno smanjen, uprkos mojoj značajnoj opkladi.
Podrška koja ne reaguje: Moji ponovljeni zahtevi za pojašnjenje i razgovor sa menadžerom su ignorisani. Ostao sam u stanju neizvesnosti u vezi sa stanjem i uslovima povlačenja.
Konačni ishod: Izgubio sam ceo saldo a da nisam primio nijednu od obećanih isplata. Uprkos poštovanju svih uslova, osećam da me je kazino nepravedno tretirao i mislim da su zloupotrebili moć svog položaja pošto su dali nepravedna pravila. Takođe imajte na umu da nisam igrao 24 sata i da se ponašaju kao da nisam igrao više od nedelju dana?
Dear all,
I acknowledge that you have reviewed the case, but I must clarify that the offered 7K EUR was not a fair resolution considering the agreed-upon balance insurance terms. Mr.Matej can review the full context again, as I have sent him the complete history of my conversations with the VIP manager. I want to ensure that he has all the details and is not misled by partial screenshots.
Timeline of Events
19th August 2024
06:03: I requested insurance higher than initially discussed, asking for more than the previous offer. The VIP manager replied, "Buddy, I am happy for you :) However, I told you for manual withdrawal we can always make some deal between each other :)". This response implied that an agreement was in place, though it was not confirmed directly. I was led to believe that writing it down would ensure the insurance was confirmed.
07:14: The VIP manager offered the following:
Insure my current balance at 25% up to €7,000.
If I wagered €100,000 that day, he would send me an additional €2,500, bringing my total to €4,000.
At this point, he acknowledged the insurance, though he did not explicitly confirm it.
14:29: I sent a message to the VIP manager stating, "I have around 55k. Can we do something to save?" He replied, "Oki, but don’t do cashout, otherwise I can’t do insurance on cashouted bets." This response indicated that the insurance was still under consideration, but he wanted me to wait until my bets were settled.
20th August 2024
11:33: The VIP manager asked to call after the bets were settled, promising to explain further regarding the insurance.
12:01: He called, and we discussed the insurance. He also mentioned a voucher that he wanted me to use.
21st August 2024
08:05: I sent a screenshot of my total balance of €130,732.18 and asked, "Please secure for me. Also, make a withdrawal for €4,000." He saw the message but did not respond.
09:36: After he acknowledged my balance, he claimed to have spoken to his bosses and said that if I wagered €500,000, I could withdraw an additional €2,000 in a day. This seemed unfair, as I would need to wager half a million just to withdraw €2,000 more.
09:39: He sent a message saying, "Buddy, you have balance 130k and you had 100k, so how did you drop?" He did not dispute the insurance but once again failed to confirm it, but you can see he saw the balance.
09:44: I pointed out that I had wagered €600,000 over the last two days but could only withdraw €9,500, which was less than 1% of the amount wagered. He ignored this and did not provide any clarification on the insurance.
16:48: The VIP manager sent a message saying, "4k will come today as they wrote me is scheduled, regarding the level drop - is system there is nothing I can do about it "
This message indicated that I was downgraded to level one, with a daily withdrawal limit of €500, despite having wagered €600,000. This seemed grossly unfair.
22nd August 2024
08:18: The VIP manager confirmed that the changes were made, and I would be able to withdraw €1,500 daily without having to wager. However, I was still not able to proceed with the withdrawal as promised. On the same day, I asked again for a conversation with a manager, but my request was ignored.
12:16: After further back and forth, the VIP manager no longer replied.
23rd August 2024
09:45: I noticed that the withdrawal had failed. After 21 hours of waiting, I contacted the VIP manager again, but he ignored me.
24th August 2024
12:06: At this point, my balance had been depleted, and I requested a refund of 25%. No response was received.
Unrealistic Wagering Requirements: Despite wagering over €600,000 in just two days, the withdrawal process was limited, and I could only access a fraction of my balance. The offer to wager €500,000 for an additional €2,000 withdrawal was unfair and unreasonable.
Lack of Clarity on Insurance: While the VIP manager acknowledged the insurance multiple times, he never explicitly confirmed it in writing, leading to confusion and frustration. Even when I pointed out my balance and asked for security, the response was delayed or ignored.
Unfulfilled Promises: Promises regarding withdrawals and insurance were not kept, and the withdrawal limit was unjustly reduced, despite my significant wager.
Unresponsive Support: My repeated requests for clarification and a conversation with a manager were ignored. I was left in a state of uncertainty regarding my balance and the terms of the withdrawal.
Final Outcome: I lost my entire balance without receiving any of the promised payouts. Despite following all the conditions, I feel that I was unfairly treated by the casino and i do think they abused a power of their position since they gave unfair rules. Also note that i did not play 24hours and they are acting like I didnt play more than a week?
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