Dragi svi
Hvala vam na strpljenju.
Želimo da pojasnimo da je korisnički račun zatvoren zbog činjenice da nam nije dostavio dokumente više od 30 dana.
Od klijenta je zatraženo da dostavi dokumente i verifikuje svoj račun za igre 19.12.2024., nije odgovorio na naš zahtev i 22.01.2025. su poslani e-mailovi sa podsetnikom da nam klijent predoči tražena dokumenta, naš e-mail ponovo nije dobio odgovor i 31.01.2025.
Imajte na umu da nema prethodnih e-poruka od klijenta kao što on tvrdi i ne postoji evidencija da nam je ikada poslao e-poštu sa traženim dokumentima i da nas kontaktira i objasni bilo koji problem sa veb lokacijom.
Klijent nas je kontaktirao tek nakon što je nalog zatvoren i njegova jedina e-pošta sa dokumentima stiže tek nakon što su uslovi i odredbe primenjeni 11.02.2025., imajte na umu da smo videli snimak ekrana od klijenta i da nam je poslao e-poštu na KIC@poverupcasino.com, imajte na umu da se ova e-mail pošta ne koristi za slanje dokumenata i da nam klijent želi da nam pošalje dokumente .
Takođe, sadržaj masaže je automatizovan i nije od čoveka, takođe automatski odgovor jasno kaže da igrač treba da ode na svoju karticu za verifikaciju da proveri status verifikacije.
Klijent nikada nije kontaktirao agenta za korisničku podršku ili nam nije poslata nikakva druga e-poruka
Molimo vas da vas obavestimo da je korisnički nalog za igre na sreću zatvoren sa sledećim uslovima i odredbama koje je on dogovorio prilikom kreiranja svog naloga za igre kod nas.
5.3 Ove dokumente i informacije morate dostaviti u roku od 30 (trideset) dana nakon podnošenja zahteva. Zadržavamo pravo da obustavimo plaćanje i/ili suspendujemo vaš nalog dok ne dostavite dokumente i informacije koje smo tražili, i da trajno zatvorimo vaš nalog ako to ne učinite na vreme. Mi ćemo obično verifikovati vaše dokumente i informacije u roku od 10 (deset) dana nakon što se naš zahtev u potpunosti odgovori, međutim, u zavisnosti od okolnosti i složenosti datog slučaja, možda će biti potrebno dodatno vreme i/ili provere da bi se verifikacija završila.
Nadamo se da će vam ovo razjasniti situaciju.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, ne ustručavajte se da nas pitate.
Srdačan pozdrav
PoverUp Casino
Dear all
Thank you for your patience.
We would like to clarify that customer account was closed due to the fact that he failed to present us documents for more than 30 days .
Customer had been requested to provide documents and verify his gaming account at 19/12/2024 , he didn't answered our request and at 22/01/2025 reminder emails had been send for the customer to present us the requested documents , our email didn't have a reply again and at 31/01/2025 his gaming account was closed and his funds deducted.
Please note that there are no prior emails from the customer as he claims and there is no records that he ever send us email with the requested documents and contacting us and explaining any issue with the website.
The customer had only contacted us after the account was closed and his only email with the documents is coming only after the Terms and Conditions were applied at 11/02/2025 , kindly note that we had seen the screenshot from the customer and that he had send us email to KYC@powerupcasino.com please note that this email inbox is not used for documents to be send and if customer wants us to send us documents he need to use support@powerupcasino.com .
Also the massage content is automated and it is not from human , also the automated response clearly states that the player need to go to his verification tab to check the verification status.
Customer had never reached customer support agent or no other email had been send to us
Kindly be informed that customer gaming account was closed with the following Terms and Conditions that he had agreed on when creating his gaming account with us.
5.3 You must provide these documents and information within 30 (thirty) days after the request is made. We reserve the right to withhold payment and/or suspend your account until you provide the documents and information we requested, and to permanently close your account if you fail to do so in time. We will usually verify your documents and information within 10 (ten) days after our request is answered in full, however, depending on the circumstances and complexity of a given case, additional time and/or checks may be required to complete verification.
We hope this clarify the situation for you.
If you have any additional questions don't hesitate to ask us.
Best Regards
PowerUp Casino
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