NaslovnaPritužbePunt Casino ZA - Dobitci igrača poništeni su nakon igranja s bonusom.
Punt Casino ZA - Dobitci igrača poništeni su nakon igranja s bonusom.
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Punt Casino ZA
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Punt Casino ZA ima Indeks sigurnosti od 4,9, što znači da neki faktori pokazuju da ima nizak nivo sigurnosti. Istraž Indeks sigurnosti ovog kazina
Nije rešeno : 21/10/2019
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pre 5 godina
The player played with a bonus and hit a jackpot of R8300. When she logged into her account the next day, her winnings were cancelled. She was informed it was because she used the bonus money to win the jackpot and therefore violated the bonus terms and conditions. We didn't receive any response from the casino regarding the issue so were forced to close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Igrač se igrao sa bonusom i pogodio je džekpot R8300. Kad se sljedećeg dana prijavila na svoj račun, dobitci su joj poništeni. Obaviještena je da je to koristila bonus novac za osvajanje Jackpota i stoga je prekršila uvjete i odredbe o bonusu. Od kazina nismo dobili nikakav odgovor u vezi s problemom, pa smo bili prisiljeni zatvoriti žalbu kao „neriješenu“.
ovim putem želim podnijeti žalbu na PUNT ONLINE CASINO
8. 9. 2019. bio sam zauzet igranjem svog kupona i osvojio sam jackpot R8300 i nešto na Triple Twister igri tokom moje igre. Imao sam novca u svojoj igri koji isključuje novac od Jackpota i gotovinu R9000. Vidi prilog kao dokaz. Jutros kada to provjerim pokazuje samo R600 i kontaktirao sam punt savjetnika koji me obaviještava da su ga ispravljali jer sam ga osvojio tijekom kupona. Objasnio sam im da je to Jackpot, a ne novac koji sam morao igrati kroz dio opklade. Obično se iznos bonusa za okladu ne igra preko njega pokazuje da se nema šta isplatiti. Unovčujem svoj novac od Jackpota i gotovinu.
Sada PUNT kasino kaže da se to ne može isplatiti jer je to dio kupona. Ako je to bio slučaj, zašto se isplatilo kad sam povukao novac. Vidi prilog
Imam dokaze i ovim je da sam unovčio novac, a to pokazuje da jesam.
Želim svoj jackpot novac od R8300 i nešto na trostrukom twisteru, a to pokazuje da je osvojio jer je bio na R8300 i nešto i znam da je na R1000 inače ću otvoriti slučaj prevare protiv punt casina.
good morning
herewith I want to lay a complaint against PUNT ONLINE CASINO
On 8/09/2019 I was busy playing with my coupon and won the jackpot of R8300 and something on the Triple Twister game during my play. I had money on my game that exclude the jackpot money and cash out R9000. See attachedment as proof. This morning when I check it shows only R600 and I contacted punt consultant which inform me that they rectified it because I won it during my coupon. I explained to them that it was the Jackpot and not the money that I had toe play through as part of the wager bonus. Normally it the wager bonus amount are not played through it shows there nothing to pay out. I cash out my jackpot money and it cash out.
Now PUNT casino says it can’t be pay out because it was part of the coupon. If that was the case the why did it pay out when I withdrawn the money. See attachment
I have proof and herewith it is that I cashed out and it shows that I did.
I want my jackpot money of R8300 and something on triple twister and it shows that it was won because it was on R8300 and something and know it’s on R1000 otherwise I will open a fraud case against punt casino.
Zahvaljujemo što ste se obratili Casinu Guruu i dozvolili nam da vam pomognemo u vezi s vašim problemom povlačenja. Molio bih vas za više informacija u vezi s vašom žalbom. Sa kojim bonusom ste tačno igrali? Možete li ponovo pokušati prenijeti ekran? Nije se prošlo prvi put.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Wanda,
Thank you for contacting Casino Guru and letting us help you with your withdrawal issue. I would like to ask you for more information concerning your complaint. What bonus exactly did you play with? Could you also try to upload the screenshot again? It did not get through the first time.
Ne radi se o vrsti bonusa ili maksimalnoj isplati koju jackpot iskače dok sam igrao i ako je bio na n max isplati od 500 zašto sam povukao svoj R9000! Zašto su platili 3000 jer znaju da nisu u pravu i ako pogledate snimke ekrana koji su stigli da nisam bio bonus je došao i cijeli R8300 i nešto džekpot znaju na R1000. Što ukazuje da je to bila pobjeda
Its not about the type of bonus or the max payout that jackpot pop out while I was playing and if it was on n max payout of 500 why did it withdrawal my R9000! Why did they pay out 3000 because they know they are wrong and if u look at the screenshots that came that I was was not the bonus came and the whole R8300 and something jackpot is know on R1000. Indicating that it was win
Da, samo su ga otkazali i prema snimci je na slici rekao da mogu povući samo R600 jer je Jackpot bio osvojen tokom moje igre, a kao što vidite, položio sam gotovinu, a sljedeći dan nakon nekoliko sati otkazali su mi R9000 i recite da mi je dozvoljeno dobiti samo R600 jer je jackpot bio osvojen tijekom moje igre kroz besplatni bombu koji je imao maksimalno R500 za isplatu ... ali ako je to istina normalno ako ne igrate u wagger bonusu Iznos putem i u novcu iz gotovine šalje crvenu poruku da je iznos netočan i da možete unovčiti. To se nije dogodilo zašto odjednom to promijene i isplati R3000 oni znaju da nisu u pravu i posjeduju mi svoj račun svog Jackpota jer je to bio pop up jackpot druge igre a ne kreditnih bodova koje nadogradim sa besplatnim bonus igrama
Yes they just cancelled it and as per screenshot said I’m only able to withdraw a R600 because the Jackpot was win during my play through and As u can see I did cash out and the following day after a few hours they cancelled my R9000 and say I’m only allowed to get R600 because the jackpot was win during my play through of the free bomus that had a maximum of R500 to pay out... but if that was true normally if u don’t f play u wagger bonus amount through and u wane cash out it send a red message that the amount is incorrect t and u can cash out. This did not happen why suddenly they change it and paid out R3000 they know they are wrong and own me my res of my jackpot because that was a pop up jackpot of another game and not of credits I build up with the free bonus games
Menadžeri i savjetnik za chat razgovarali su o financijama, a također su smatrali da zaslužujem svoj bonus, jer me nazvao i rekao da se svađaju s financijama, a zatim su se dogovorili da su spremni platiti samo R3000 jer iako sam unovčio novac R9000
The managers and the chat consultant went to the finance departime t and also felt that I deserve my bonus because he phoned me and said they argued with finance and then they made and agreement that they willing to only pay out R3000 because even though I cash out R9000
Tako da odbijaju platiti svoj račun za moj džekpot, jasno sam dao do znanja savjetovanju da mogu platiti 3000 dolara, ali neću ga ostaviti i zauzet sam žalbom.
So they refuse to pay out my res of my jackpot I made it clear to The consultant that they can pay out the 3000but I will not leave it and is busy With a complaint
dali smo vam još sedam dana da odgovorite. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne odgovorite u zadanom roku, žalbu ostaviti neriješenom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Punt Casino,
we gave you another seven days to reply. Please, be aware that in case you fail to response in the given time frame, we will leave the complaint unresolved.
Hvala na strpljenju; Vidim u našem sistemu da ste osvojili R9K iz Daily free okina koji imaju maksimalni iznos od R500, zato smo odobrili R500 u dobitku + R100 naknade (R600).
Kad vas je CS tim obavijestio o Max Cash out uslovima, bili ste nezadovoljni i kao gesta dobre volje naš tim menadžera odobrio je R3000 kao izuzetak.
Ako imate dodatnih problema, kontaktirajte službu za Casino kako biste dogovorili menadžera slučaja da vam se obrati.
Hi Wanda,
Thank you for your patience; I see in our system that you won R9K from the Daily free spins which has a maximum cash out of R500, this is why we approved R500 in winnings+R100 fees (R600).
That once the CS team informed you about Max Cash out terms you were unhappy and as a gesture of goodwill our team Manager approved R3000 as an exception.
Please contact the Casino support if there are further issues to arrange a case manager to reach out to you.
Ponovno smo otvorili ovu žalbu prema zahtjevu kockarnice. Želimo ovom slučaju dati još jednu priliku da se riješe i pomognemo obojici uključenih strana da dođu do zadovoljavajućeg zaključka.
We’ve reopened this complaint as per the casino's request. We would like to give this case one more chance to get resolved and help both involved parties to reach to a satisfactory conclusion.
Prvo sam osvojio Jackpot od više R8300 na Twister igri nakon što sam završio svoje besplatne spinove na spree spin igri. Sve što moram reći je nakon višemjesečnog igranja punt Casino-a sa besplatnim igrama i isplatama nekoliko puta tijekom igre provjeravam mogu li unovčiti novce i svaki put kad provjerim s blagajnikom motika Moram li još igrati prije nego što mogu uplatiti novac ili ja pokušajte unovčiti, onda na crvenoj boji pokazuje da ne mogu unovčiti jer iznos koji želite unovčiti je veći od raspoloživog iznosa, a imao sam i više od R1000 kredita kada je Jackpot upalio Flashing JACKPOT nekoliko sekundi R9000. Moja je argumentacija i evo dokaza da sam unovčio sistem to je dozvolio, a ako to sistem ne dopušta, ne bi unovčio novac. Prema slici Twister igre, nakon isplate pokazuje da je iznos džekpota tada bio R1000 i nešto. Ako je to bila kriva, zašto taj Jackpot nije ispravljen do R8300 i tako nešto?
Drago mi je što vas mogu savjetovati u vezi ovog zahtjeva iz Casino-a Punt. Finansije u Casinu odlučile su o isplati R3000, bez davanja bilo kakvih promjena da razgovaram o tom iznosu i da dođem do sporazuma.
Nagodit ću se na dodatnih R3000.
Samo ako se Casino s tim složi, stvar može biti blizu
Firstly I won a Jackpot of more that R8300 on the Twister game after i finished my free spins on the spree spin game. All I have to say is after months of playing punt Casino with free games and payouts I check several times during my playing if I can cash out and every time I check with the cashiers hoe Must I must still play before I can cash out or I try to cash out then it shows in red that I can not cash out because the amount that a want to cash out is more that the amount available and I had more that R1000 credits on when the Jackpot went of Flashing JACKPOT several seconds I the cashout R9000. My argument is and here’s the proof that I did cash out the system allowed it and if that was not allowed by the system it would not cashed out. As per image of Twister game it shows after payout that the jackpot amount was then R1000 and something. If that was a fault why was that Jackpot not rectified back to R8300 and something?
I’m glad to be advise on this request from Punt Casino. The Casino finance decided on the R3000 payout without giving me any change to discuss that amount And to come to an agreement.
I will settle on a additional R3000.
Only If the Casino aggree on this, the matter can be close
Ponovno smo otvorili ovu žalbu prema zahtjevu kockarnice. Želimo ovom slučaju dati još jednu priliku da se riješe i pomognemo obojici uključenih strana da dođu do zadovoljavajućeg zaključka
See your feedback on 3/10
see my feedback on 3/10
We’ve reopened this complaint as per the casino's request. We would like to give this case one more chance to get resolved and help both involved parties to reach to a satisfactory conclusion
Željeli bismo zamoliti kazino Punt da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, prigovor ćemo zatvoriti kao "neriješen".
We would like to ask the Punt Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.