Ovo je sjajan kazino. Drago mi je što sam mu dao šansu. Ranije je bio sa 21 kazinom, ali oni ne nude mnogo u smislu bonusa i besplatnih okretaja, itd...
Bonus: Slotbok nudi odlične bonuse. Mislim da sam u dva ili tri navrata dobio 5 evra, i 10 evra bonusa samo za depozit i klađenje. Bonusi su bili u odeljku za nagrade za nekoliko minuta. Zaista vrlo dobro. Besplatni okreti su takođe zaista dobri. To nije samo okretanje od 10 centi. Možete dobiti okretanje od 50 centi. 1 evro okretanja. I na dobrim igrama kao što je Vanted bi Hacksav Gaming.
Isplata: Isplaćeno mi je u roku od 24 sata. Mislim da ukupno 16 sati. Ponudio sam svoje KIC dokumente putem ćaskanja, savetovao sam da nema potrebe jer nisam dostigao prag. Samo su isplatili. To je bio sjajan znak iz kazina.
Igre: Obično igram samo Pragmatic, Hacksav i Relak Gaming. (Push igranje za retro slatkiše i trake). Igrao sam samo malo testere i opustio se. RTP izgleda sasvim ujednačen, kao što se i očekivalo. Igrali ste opuštajuće igre samo na besplatnim okretima. Sakupio sam bonus sredstva. Zadovoljan rezultatom besplatnih okretaja 90% vremena. Pragmatičan, sugar rush 1000, imao je nekoliko odličnih pobeda. 2000k. Plus par 200k. Zaista dobro dok se vrtim u bonuse. ne kupujem ih. Sve velike bas igre su bile veoma velikodušne. 200k do 600k od njih do sada. Sve u svemu, odlična igra na slot boksu do sada.
Korisnička podrška: uvek brza. Uvek imajte odgovor da pomognete.
Metode depozita savršene za mene.
Tehnički, nema nikakvih problema na sajtu.
Moja ocena je 10/10. Ako ikada budem morao da položim KIC, ne vidim da će se pojaviti problem. Odličan kazino.
This is a great casino. I am glad I gave it a chance. Was previously with 21 casino, but they don't offer much in terms of bonuses and free spins, etc...
Bonusus: Slotbox offers great bonuses. I think on two or 3 occasions I received 5 euro,and 10 euros bonuses just for depositing and wagering. The bonuses were in the rewards section within minutes. Really very good. The free spins are also really good. Its not just 10 cent spins. You can get 50 cent spins. 1 euro spins. And on good games like Wanted by Hacksaw Gaming.
Payout: I was paid out within 24 hours. I think 16 hours in total. I offered my KYC documents via chat, advised no need as I did not reach a threshold. They just paid out. That was a great sign from a casino.
Games: I tend to play only Pragmatic, Hacksaw and Relax Gaming. (Push gaming for retro sweets and tapes). I have only played a very little of hacksaw and relax. RTP seems quite even, as expected. Have played relax gaming on free spins only. Built up my bonus funds. Happy with the result of free spins 90% of the time. Pragmatic, sugar rush 1000, had some excellent wins. 2000x. Plus a couple of 200x. Really good as I spin into bonuses. I dont buy them. All the big bass games have been very generous. 200x up to 600x off them so far. All in all, excellent gameplay on slotbox so far.
Customer support: always quick. Always have the answer to help.
Deposit methods perfect for me.
Technically, no issues on the site at all.
My rating is 10/10. If I ever need to pass KYC, I don't see an issue arising. Excellent casino.