Pokušavao sam da podignem novac sa kojim sam nameravao da igram, ali sam se predomislio. Kada sam pokušao da ga vratim na isti način kao što sam ga poslao, a to je bio interak etransfer. Pojavila se poruka u kojoj je pisalo da moram da kontaktiram podršku, kada sam to uradio, rekli su mi da moram da uložim depozit za interac da bi funkcionisao... što nije imalo smisla jer sam upravo koristio taj metod da im pošaljem novac. Posle frustrirajućeg razgovora, osoba je rekla da će to morati da pošalje nekom drugom. Upravo sam dobio e-poštu od njih da ne vraćaju na kreditne kartice. Što nije bio problem jer im nije korišćena kreditna kartica za slanje novca. To je frustrirajuće i nije vredno muke, ali samo želim svoj novac nazad.
I have been trying to withdraw money that I had intended to play with but changed my mind. When I tried to get it back in the same manner as I sent it which was interac etransfer. A message popped up saying I needed to contact support, when I did that they said I needed to make a deposit for interac for it to work… which made no sense as I had just used that method to send them the money. After a frustrating conversation the person said he would have to send it up to someone else. I just received an email from them saying they don’t do payment back onto credit cards. Which was not the issue as no credit card was used in sending them money. It’s frustrating and not worth the hassle but I just want my money back.