Konačno, nakon toliko meseci konačno smo rešili moje pitanje. Mogu li reći bilo šta pozitivno, ne stvarno se ne slažem sa mnogim njihovim uslovima bonusa dobrodošlice. Mislim da oni zaista moraju da budu jasniji i mislim kada uzimaju bonus za opkladu na depozit. ako završite opkladu, verujem da ne bi trebalo da bude maksimalnog isplate! Zato što kupujete bonus i držite se uslova
Finally, after so many months we finally, resolved the issue of mine can i say anything postive not really i don't agree with a lot of their welcome package bonus terms. I think they, really need to make it more clear and i think when taking a deposit wager bonus. if you complete wager i believe there should be no max cashout! Because well you are purchasing the bonus and you stuck to t&c's