Zdravo, imao sam loše iskustvo sa ovim onlajn kazinom jer nisam bio u mogućnosti da podignem novac, ovo se dešavalo mnogo puta 17. novembra i juče, 5. januara, uvek sa istim problemima verifikacije. Čak i da sam prošao kroz sve što traže fotografije slika lične karte i bankovne kartice, znao sam da će odvojiti vreme da vam plate, tako da se možete predomisliti da odustanete i vratite novac u kockanje, ali ne budete plaćeni, to je druga priča pa se nadam ljudi će pročitati ovu recenziju i neće igrati sa ovim kazinom jer nisu plaćeni
Hi I had bad experience with this online casino because I was not able to withdraw money this happened many time on November 17 th and yesterday January 5 th always with the same verifications issues. Even if I went through everything they ask photos of pictures Id and bank card I knew that they take their time to pay you so you may change your mind give up and putting back the money into gambling but not being paid it’s different story so I hope people’s will read this review and don’t play with this casino because they don’t be paid