najgori kazino u istoriji
Podrška vas užasno tretira, a ako im se nešto ne sviđa, direktno vas blokiraju, a ne odgovaraju vam ni e-poštom.
Da, oni ostavljaju račun otvoren jer ne tolerišu nepristojne ljude ili ljude koji govore istinu, ali vole da ih igrači prevare.
Ne daju vam bonuse i ako vam odgovore kažu da niste izabrani
Igrajte u boljem kazinu.
the worst casino in history
The support treats you horribly, and if they don't like something they directly block you and don't answer you by email either.
Yes, they leave the account open because they do not tolerate rude people or people who tell the truth, but they do like players to scam them.
They don't give you bonuses and if they answer you they tell you that you were not chosen
Play in a better casino.
el peor casino de la historia
el soporte te tratan de manera horrible, y si no le gusta algo directamente te bloquean y no te contestan tampoco por mail
eso si, la cuenta te la dejan abierta porque no toleran maleducados o personas que dicen la verdad pero si le gustan jugadores para estafarlos
no te dan bonos y si te contestan te dicen que no fuiste elegido
jueguen en otro casino mejor. roobet, stake