Ovaj kazino nije legalan. Napravio sam brojne pokušaje da podignem svoj dobitak i nakon dve nedelje nisam dobio ništa. Čekam tri podizanja po 250 dolara, očigledno je jedno u mojoj banci, drugo procenjuje tim za ručne finansije, a drugo je upravo odbijeno zbog 'loših bankovnih podataka', iako je isto.
Dobio sam brojne izgovore od službe za korisnike koji su sada prestali da odgovaraju na moja pitanja.
Postoje stotine kazina, ne birajte ovo!
This casino is not legit. I made numerous attempts to withdraw my winnings and after two weeks have not recieved anything. I am waiting on three withdraws of $250, apparently one is with my bank, the other is being assessed by the manual finance team and the other has just been rejected for the 'bad bank information', even though it's the same.
I have received numerous excuses from customer service who have now stopped replying to my questions.
There are hundreds of casinos out there, do not choose this one!