Imam račun ovde već duže vreme, iako nikada nisam položio depozit. Uglavnom igram u RTG kockarnicama, ali sam tražio promenu. Mislio sam da ću im dati priliku da vidim kako već imam registrovan nalog kod njih.
Nakon što sam se prijavio i istražio šta treba da uradim da bih bio verifikovan. Na sajt sam učitao sve potrebne dokumente osim verifikacije svog broja telefona jer nisam mogao da nađem plus 1 za SAD.
Zato sam kontaktirao podršku putem ćaskanja. Dobio sam imejl adresu za slanje e-pošte sa navedenim dokumentima u. Takođe sam želeo da ažuriram svoju adresu e-pošte sa one na kojoj sam se registrovao. Da bih bio siguran, vratio sam se i izbrisao sve dokumente koje sam postavio na sajt i umesto toga ih otpremio i poslao e-poštom na adresu podrške koju sam dobio i prema uputstvima.
Nakon što su svi moji dokumenti učitani i poslani, dobijam odgovor na e-poštu u kojoj se kaže da moja registrovana e-pošta nije u njihovom sistemu i da ne postoji takav nalog u njihovom sistemu. Mislim da se šališ. Upravo sam završio sa prijavljivanjem pomoću pomenute e-pošte. Vratio sam se ponovo prijavljen sa pomenutim imejlom otvorio sesiju ćaskanja sa drugom osobom za podršku od one koja me je uputila da pošaljem svoje dokumente e-poštom. Nakon što sam objasnio šta se dogodilo, ovaj agent za ćaskanje mi je rekao da ta e-pošta nije njihov sistem i da takav nalog nije postojao. Pustite me jebeno kako sam se samo prijavio sa njim ako u vašem sistemu nije registrovan takav e-mail. Agent za podršku je upravo zatvorio sesiju ćaskanja sa mnom bez objašnjenja.
Do ovog trenutka sam zaista zabrinut jer sam upravo poslao fotografije svojih dokumenata sa prednje i zadnje strane debitne kartice, moju ličnu kartu, svoj najnoviji račun za struju i vodu.. pa sam se prijavio poslednji put i otišao na svoj nalog koji je bio na listi sa navedenom adresom e-pošte moje ime je sve moje informacije na snimku ekrana otišlo na ćaskanje otpremljeno i poslato im. Rekao je šta je ovo ako ne postoji nalog. Rekao je da više ne želim da štitim njihov kazino i zatvorio prozor za ćaskanje bez daljeg plaćanja.
Zatim sam otpremio snimak ekrana i poslao e-poštu na adresu podrške koja je prvo odgovorila da takav nalog ne postoji nakon što sam nakon što sam dobio sve dokumente naglasio svoju zabrinutost zbog bezbednosti dokumenata koje sam poslao i da ću pažljivo pratiti i dokumentovati moje iskustvo u anketama koje sada počinjem da pišem
Čini mi se da je sve što ih je zanimalo bilo da dobiju moja dokumenta, a zatim mi kažu da nije postojao takav račun iako su dokazali da nisu u pravu. Imajte na umu da je ovo mesto mračno kao pakao i žalim što sam čak i pomislio da sada tamo deponujem, a kamoli da pošaljem svoja dokumenta u ..
Budite savetovani
Izbegao bih ovo mesto kao kugu
Datum iskustva: 05. novembar 2024
I have had an account here for quite some time though I never have deposited. I mostly play at RTG gaming casinos but was looking for a change. I thought I would give them a try seeing how I already had an account registered with them.
After logging in and researching what I needed to do to be verified. I uploaded all the required documents on site except for the verification of my phone number because I couldn't find a plus 1 for the USA.
So I contacted support through chat. Was given an email address to email said documents in I also wanted to update my email address from the one that I had registered with. So to play it safe I went back and deleted all the documents I uploaded on site and instead uploaded them and emailed them to the support address I was given and as instructed.
After getting all my documents uploaded and sent I get a reply email saying that my registered email was not in their system and that there was no such account in their system. Im thinking are you kidding me. I just got done logging in with said email. Went back logged in again with said email opened a chat session with a differant support person than the one who instructed me to email my documents in. After explaining what happened ,i was told by this chat agent that said email was not their system and that no such account existed.Give me a freaking break how the hell did I just log in with it if there's no such email registered in your system. The support agent just closed the chat session on me without explanation.
By this time I'm really concerned cuz I just sent in all of my documents photo front and back of my debit card my ID my most recent power and water bill.. so I logged in one last time went to my account which was listed with said email address my name everything all my information on there screenshot it went to chat uploaded and sent it to them. Said what's this if no account exist. Said that I no longer wanted to patronize their casino and closed the chat window with no further due.
I then uploaded screenshot and sent an email to the support address that first replied no such account existed after after getting all my documents I stressed my concern over the safety of the documents that I sent and that I would be watching closely and I would be documenting my experience in the surveys that I am now beginning to write
It looks to me like all they was interested in was getting my documents and then tell me there was no such account despite proving them wrong. Be warned this place is shady as hell and I regret even thinking about depositing there now let alone send my documents in ..
Be advised
I would avoid this place like the plague
Date of experience: November 05, 2024