Ne bih preporučio korišćenje ovog sajta ako želite bonus. Izgubio sam sve svoje kredite i sve što su mogli da kažu je "ja sam kriv što sam izabrao bonus". Imao sam 200 dolara i dostigao je uslov za opkladu i nestao je a meni je ostao 1 dolar. Bonus je 50 besplatnih okretaja za depozit od 1 dolara. Zaradio sam 17 dolara od tog besplatnog okretanja, otišao i igrao drugu igru i zaradio sam 400 dolara i vratio se igri koja mi je dala besplatne okrete i nekoliko klikova kasnije krediti su nestali i vratio sam se na 1 dolar.
Definitivno pročitajte sitna slova.
Would not recommend using this site if bonus is what your after. Lost all my credits and all they could say was "it's my fault for choosing the bonus". Had $200 and it reached the wagered requirement and it disappeared and I was left with $1. The bonus is 50 free spins for $1 deposit. I made $17 from that free spin, went and played a different game and made $400 went back to the game that gave me the free spins and a few clicks later credits disappeared and I was back to $1.
Definitely read the fine print.